Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7563 Great War


A withered palm rested on his shoulder.

"Nephew Qianyu, you are the head of the family, how can you risk yourself so easily, let me, an old guy, take him away!"

"The Supreme Elder!"

Jin Qianyu's eyes were a little red.

They had only heard about Jiang Tian's strength before.

But now, it was witnessed.

The means of this lower plane evildoer are far stronger than they imagined.

The Supreme Elder, Jin Tianfeng, had made up his mind that he must die, and planned to die with Jiang Tian.

"Are you afraid?" Jin Tianfeng glanced at the elders of the Jin family.

"We... are not afraid!"

"My Jin family is facing a catastrophe today. As the elders of the family, I can only serve myself. How dare I be greedy and afraid of death?"

"Well said, good sons of the Jin family, come with this old man and fight him to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"



Jin Tianfeng led more than twenty elders into the formation.

The long-distance attack was ineffective, so they chose to encircle and suppress at close quarters.

At this time, the suppressing power of the clan protection formation also began to explode in full force.

This formation only has a suppressing effect on Jiang Tian, ​​and can greatly suppress his spiritual power.

Let him only have physical strength available!

In this way, members of the Jin family can take advantage of it to the greatest extent!

But they still underestimated Jiang Tian's physical strength.

"This is better!"

Jiang Tian couldn't wish for the opponent to enter the battle.


Jiang Tian slammed his feet on the ground and shot out like a cannonball.

Straight towards Jin Tianfeng himself!

"Extreme arrogance!"

"Blast him off!"


More than 20 elders of the Jin family joined forces to attack Jiang Tian slightly stagnant.

But it couldn't do any real harm to him.

However, Jiang Tian's punch field killed several Jin family elders in an instant, causing them to be in chaos.

"Jiang Tian, ​​die for me!"


Behind him, an elder of the Jin family came to strike wildly with a golden gun.

This golden gun ranks among the top five in the Jin family's magic weapon list, and its power is astonishing.

At this moment, it was thrown crazily by its infusion of spiritual power, stabbing Jiang Tian straight.

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian was not surprised but delighted.

Stretch out your right foot, and stomp hard on the tip of the spear!


The realm of the physical body swung open, and the momentum of the golden gun was stagnant!


The face of the owner of the golden gun changed drastically!

This treasure can't break through the other party's physical domain?

The next moment, a scene that frightened him appeared!

Jiang Tian stepped on the tip of the golden gun with his right foot, and the terrifying power erupted made the golden gun bend down!

"Hiss! Impossible, this is impossible!"

The Jin family elder exclaimed in horror!

Jiang Tian didn't stop, and with the counter-shock force of the golden gun, he shot out like an arrow and rushed towards the opposite side.



Bang bang bang... Boom!

The fist field swung open, and the three elders of the Jin family exploded into blood mist.


Jiang Tian turned his head and killed back.

Go straight to Supreme Elder Jin Tianfeng!

"Damn it!"

Jin Tianfeng was horrified!

He really didn't expect that Jiang Tian's strength was so terrifying, and his methods were even more bizarre.

With physical strength alone, these Jin family elders can be crushed like melons and vegetables.

Wouldn't it be even more terrifying if there was no clan protection array to suppress it?

Thinking of this, his face became even uglier!

"The guardian array?"

The corner of Jin Tianfeng's mouth twitched.

He got it!

Jiang Tian was not afraid of the Jin family's guardian formation at all.

The reason why he calmly stood in the formation and shot was because he had absolute confidence in his own strength.

Otherwise, the Jin family's clan protection formation probably didn't expect to cover him.

Thinking of this, Jin Tianfeng's heart couldn't be more shocked.

If possible, he would rather turn back the times and stop Jiang Tian's conflict.

He even tried his best to persuade Jin Wudi not to be too conceited and bow his head to Jiang Tian and Qing Tianjie.

But now, it's too late!

Jin Tianfeng didn't want to wait any longer.

If you wait any longer, the Jin family will die even more.

He must use all means to solve this opponent as soon as possible!

"In this case, the old man and you..."


Jin Tianfeng was about to explode himself, and dragged Jiang Tian to his death.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if he couldn't die together with the other party, at least he could seriously injure Jiang Tian.

Next, the elders of the Jin family will attack him with grief and indignation, and strangle him.

But he still overestimated himself!

Before he could finish speaking, a black lightning blasted into his divine sea!


Jin Tianfeng hugged his head and screamed.

"The Supreme Elder?"

This scene frightened the elders of the Jin family, and also stunned the Patriarch Jin Qianyu who was outside the formation.

what's the situation?

Why did the Supreme Elder suddenly hold his head and scream?

Jiang Tian didn't attack him?


Jiang Tian stepped out, grabbed Jin Tianfeng and fell to the ground.

The method he used was none other than Nie Lei!

Although the Jin family's protective formation could suppress his bloodline spiritual power, it could not completely suppress it.

Therefore, he still has some means available.

Among all the methods, the best one is Nie Lei.

With the strike of Nie Lei, Jin Tianfeng instantly lost his combat power.

"Is it the clan protection formation? I want to see how tough your formation is!"


Jin Qianyu hesitated.

I don't understand what Jiang Tian is talking about.

The next moment, he understood!

Jiang Tian grabbed the Supreme Elder Jin Tianfeng and slammed into the formation barrier!

"not good!"

"My God!"

"The Supreme Elder!"

The faces of the elders around Jin Tianfeng changed drastically!

Jiang Tian is going to try Jin Tianfeng!

Jin Tianfeng was in a daze, if he hit it, he would die!

"Patriarch quickly close the formation!"

"It's too late!"

The elders screamed in alarm.

Jin Qianyu held the patriarch's token in his hand, but changed his mind the next moment!

"No! The formation cannot be closed!"



The elders around were stunned!

The Patriarch didn't want to close the formation, so could it be that he just watched the Supreme Elder being bumped and killed?

Of course Jin Qianyu didn't want to.

But he has no choice!

Jin Tianfeng already knew his ending, so he chose to die together.

At this time, retreating to the clan protection formation is undoubtedly a tiger like a cage, giving Jiang Tian a chance to wreak havoc.

And this kind of situation, he will never allow!

"Elder Taishang, Qianyu is sorry for you!"

Jin Qianyu held the Patriarch's token tightly, weeping blood and mourning.


The roar shook the sky, and the entire guardian formation shook violently.


The corners of Jin Tianyu's eyes twitched, blood was dripping from the hand holding the token.

The elders beside him were also full of pain.

But they soon discovered that Jin Tianyu had not fallen!

He is still in Jiang Tian's hands!

It was not Jin Tianyu's head that hit the formation just now, but Jiang Tian's fist.

"so close!"

"Fortunately, the Supreme Elder did not die!"

"Hey, what is he doing?"

Everyone looked at Jiang Tian in the formation.

I saw him take a few steps back, and slowly put down the right arm that was raised just now.

"The guardian array is really powerful!"

"It seems that he has nothing to do!"

Jin Qianyu and the elders felt relieved.

There are still a few elders surviving in the clan protection formation, and they can somewhat deal with Jiang Tian.

But Jiang Tian wanted to use his fist to break the formation, but the effect was not satisfactory.

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