Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7564 God of luck

"I... am I not dead?"

The power of Nie Lei receded slowly, Jin Qianyu opened his eyes and found that he was still alive.

Both shocked and glad.

At the same time, he didn't quite understand why Jiang Tian didn't kill him?

"A mere clan protection array, do you really think it can stump me? Chick!"

Jiang Tian smiled.


The Jin family's clan protection formation was indeed very strong, and it was difficult for him to break through it with the bombardment of his fists.

But that doesn't mean he's helpless!


Jiang Tian opened his mouth and sprayed lightly.


Then there was a strange noise!

Everyone in the Jin family suddenly discovered that there was a small hole like a grain of rice on the golden barrier of the clan protection formation.

"There seems to be... a small hole!"

"Could it be... is it a hallucination?"

Jin Qianyu was also a little unbelievable.

But the next moment, that inconspicuous hole suddenly exploded with a bang!

"not good!"


"Large array of guardians!"


Crack... Rumble!

Amid the exclamation of the elders of the Jin family, the barriers of the clan protection formation collapsed sharply.

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

"How did he break the formation?"

"Look there!"


The eyes of Jin Qianyu and the elders converged on a small golden spot of light.

That thing was only about the size of a grain of rice.

If you look closely, it's not actually gold.

It is only the golden light that reflects the clan protection array that presents a golden color.

In fact, it is a transparent drop of water!

"Xingxuan Chongshui, come back!"


Jiang Tian opened his mouth and took a breath, Xingxuan flew back with heavy water.

At this moment, the great formation has been broken, and his bloodline spiritual power can no longer be suppressed.

But he had no interest in devouring Jin Tianfeng.

After all, this is just an early stage of the Taixu Realm, where the realm has fallen, and the effect is not satisfactory for him.

But he was not willing to kill directly, after all, he had to leave it to the elders of the Dao League.

"There are a few of you, come on!"

Hum rumble!

With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, he grabbed the few surviving Jin family elders in the clan protection array to him.

Then he activated the large array of transforming space, and teleported to an elder of the Dao League.

"Master Jiang?"

"Calm down!"

Jiang Tian held down this person with one hand, and at the same time activated the talent of blood devouring.


The blood essence of Jin Tianfeng and several Jin family elders immediately entered each other's body.

The elder of the Dao League's aura rose sharply, breaking through the bottleneck of his cultivation in an instant, and entering the middle stage of the Taixu Realm.

"The realm has been achieved, but it's not stable enough. Next, it's up to you!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Jiang, for your great kindness!"


The elder kowtowed to thank Jiang Tian, ​​and then immediately turned around and went deep into the forbidden area.

"Jiang Tian! My Jin family is at odds with you!"

Jin Qianyu roared like thunder.

"After today, whether your Jin family can exist is still a question."

Jiang Tian sneered.

Take a step forward and teleport to Jin Qianyu.



With a slap of the palm, half of Jin Qianyu's body was blown away by him.



"We're fighting with you!"

Several Jin family elders roared angrily, and they were suppressed by Jiang Tian in the next moment, and they had no power to resist.


Jiang Tian took a step forward and brought a few people to another elder of the Dao League.

Do the same to help this person enter the middle stage of the Void Realm.

"Thank you Mrs. Jiang for her great kindness!"

In just a few moments, Jiang Tian created three middle stage Taixu Realm.

"God... oh my god!"

"The Supreme Elder is dead, and the Patriarch is also dead!"

"Run, run away!"

Hula la!

Witnessing the great changes in the family, the warriors of the Jin family scattered like birds and beasts.

"Jiang Taishang, do you want to chase after him?"

"No need!"

Jiang Tian shook his head.

Jiang Tian's top management has already paid the price.

The rest of the people had no intention of deliberately targeting them.

And in the future, Qingtian Daomeng will take over this world.

"Master Jiang, there is something here!"


He Kang stood deep in the forbidden area and called Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian stepped forward and came to He Kang.

"Jiang Taishang, this is the forbidden area of ​​the Jin family's Taishang. It seems that there is some secret hidden, but this person refuses to reveal it!"

He Kang escorted a Jin family elder to Jiang Tian.

"This person is very stubborn, please ask Mrs. Jiang to search for her soul!"

"very good!"

Jiang Tian smiled calmly and started searching for souls.

Sure enough, something was discovered!

"It turned out to be a divine vein that gave birth to luck!"

This discovery surprised Jiang Tian.


"Luck Divine Vein!"

"This is a good thing!"

He Kang and the other two in the middle stage of Taixu Realm were shocked and ecstatic, their eyeballs almost popping out.

"Yes, this is indeed a good thing!"

Jiang Tian nodded and smiled.

He had heard of such things as the divine vein of luck before, but he only regarded it as a legend.

Unexpectedly, during this trip to the Golden Cauldron Realm, I actually met him!

The so-called divine veins of luck means that a trace of luck is added to the divine veins.

The theory of luck is mysterious and mysterious!

To put it simply, devouring such a divine vein will increase Jiang Tian's luck.

To some extent, it is equivalent to seizing the luck of the Jinding world.

But the luck of the Golden Cauldron World will not be completely exhausted.

Sometime in the future, it will slowly condense.

But where the newly condensed luck will appear is not certain!

Who will fall into the hands in the future also depends on the chance.

"Jiang Taishang, what are you waiting for, gobble it up!"

"I respectfully invite Jiang Taishang to devour this divine vein of luck!"

Bang bang bang!

The three of He Kang and all the elders knelt down.


Jiang Tian did his part, and immediately entered the Divine Vein of Qi Luck, and devoured it.

"Everyone stay here, don't let anyone disturb Jiang Taishang!"


The three of He Kang personally guarded the entrance, and hundreds of elders lined up, waiting in full force.

But in fact, the Jin family has collapsed, and no one dares to make trouble.

"Elder He, how long does the Supreme Leader stay in there?" An elder asked.

"Bai Yuntian, why are you asking this?" He Kang frowned slightly.

"Elder He, don't get me wrong. What I mean is, if the leader of the Supreme Leader spends a long time in seclusion, we can definitely separate out some people and go to other forces to seize cultivation resources!" Bai Yuntian said with a smile.

As soon as this remark came out, the elders present were all moved.

Immediately someone agreed.

"Elder Bai is right!"

"Elder He, with all due respect, you and the other two elders have already advanced successfully, we...well, we're hopelessly hopeless!"

"If the Taishang leader retreats for a short time, we will naturally stay here, but if the time is longer, presumably he won't be willing to watch us wait here, wasting time?" Someone said with a smile, watching He Kang's eyes were slightly flattering.

He Kang in the past was at the same level as them, and there was no distinction between them.

Now He Kang has entered the middle stage of Taixu Realm, and he is a head above them.

After Jiang Tian retreated, He Kang took on the responsibility of commanding the scene without hesitation.

There is no second scenery!

But the more this happened, the more they couldn't hold back.

Can't wait to advance like He Kang and enjoy the highlight moment!

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