"Master, Qin Yao...can't last until you come back!"

Qin Yao looked at the sky and smiled bitterly.

"Damn devil! My master will avenge me, you wait to die!"

"Jie Jie! This old man is about to become the ancestor of the Demon Family, and he still has a lot of life energy to enjoy. I haven't tasted the blood essence of a strong person in the Void Realm of the human race for thousands of years. Now, let me suck it!" Fuck you!"

Mo Sihong opened his mouth wide, revealing terrifying black magic teeth.

Grabbing Qin Yao, he opened his mouth and sucked fiercely at her!


Qin Yao's thoughts are all hopeless!

Caught by Mo Sihong, she couldn't even blew herself up, and could only let the other party ravage her.

She closed her eyes, feeling extremely humiliated in her heart!

"You should be proud to be the nourishment of this old man!"

Mo Sihong grinned grimly, ready to devour Qin Yao.

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came!

"Let her go!"


Mo Sihong suddenly turned his head and looked into the sky.

Before he could see the situation clearly, a figure had already appeared in front of him!


Loud noise!

The person who came punched out with a punch and sent him flying.

Before landing, Mo Sihong's head exploded!

"Master... poof!"

Qin Yao looked at Jiang Tian with a tragic smile on her lips.

Before he finished speaking, he fainted!

"I'm late! Protect Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao!"

"Yes, Supreme Leader!"

Several elders immediately stepped forward and took Qin Yao and Jin Tianxing aside.

Jiang Tian turned around and looked.

I saw that Mo Sihong, whose head had been blown off by him, had condensed a new head at this moment!

"The mid-term demon god, the Yin demon clan?"

On Mo Sihong's body, he felt a familiar aura.

It is very similar to the Mo Sili he beheaded in Xuanjie!

"Are you the same clan as Mo Sili?"

"That's right! Old man Mo Sihong, Mo Sili is my direct descendant, you killed him...Damn it!"

Mo Sihong turned into a magic rainbow and rushed forward.


"What a mid-term Demon God!"

Jiang Tian was pushed back hundreds of feet, and his breath fluctuated slightly.

There was a gleam of light in his eyes!

The combat power of demons is often higher than that of humans in the same level.

Mo Si Li's realm is higher than Mo Si Hong's, and his background is much stronger.

It is indeed an unprecedentedly powerful opponent!

But he is not afraid!

"A mere demon race, that's all!"


Instant killing technique!

chi chi!

Boom boom boom!

Dozens of figures appeared in an illusion, and shot at Mo Sihong at the same time.

Sword intent, fist domain, and middle means erupted wildly.

For a moment, the opponent was beaten into a panic.

But such an offensive failed to kill the opponent!

"What a monster of the human race, although your combat power is not extremely strong, but your potential makes this old man afraid!"

Mo Sihong was filled with black energy.

The wound cut by the sword intent healed instantly, and the internal injury blasted by the fist domain also healed instantly.

There is no longer contempt in his eyes, but more ferocity and fanaticism!

The monster of the human race on the opposite side is super powerful, and for him, this is the greatest opportunity!

As long as he devours the opponent, his strength will rise rapidly, and it may even break the bottleneck that has plagued him for thousands of years.

After returning to the Yin Demon Realm, the hope of competing for the position of the ancestor has greatly increased!

"Such an evildoer with unlimited potential, the old man must not keep you, die!"

"Original magic energy!"


Mo Sihong turned into a magic rainbow and rushed towards Jiang Tian.

This time, Jiang Tian found that he couldn't get through the magic energy!

"What a source of magic energy!"

No matter whether he uses sword intent or fist domain, he can't penetrate this layer of magic energy.

As for Mo Sihong, under the wrapping of this original devil energy, he fought more and more bravely!

"Jiang Tian, ​​take your life!"

"Just relying on you, you can't kill me!"

Void fairyland, open!

Hum rumble!

The fairyland swung away, and Jiang Tian blocked the opponent's offensive and began to counterattack.

But he found that under the package of the original devil energy, the opponent's defense was ridiculously strong.

This source of magic energy can even resist the suppression of the void fairyland, so that Mo Sihong himself will not be affected.

"Star Sword Field, town!"


The Qianzhang Sword Field suddenly emerged, shrunk sharply, and turned into a tens of Zhang Sword Field to be crushed down.

Bang bang bang...crack...rumble!

Terrifying abnormal noises continued to come out, and the power of the sword field was unable to break through the original magic energy!

"Nie Lei, go!"


Nie Lei shot out.

The next moment, Jiang Tian was taken aback!

This thunder light is actually interfered by the original devil energy, so it is difficult to work!

"Hahahaha! Human races are human races after all, and they are still weak in front of my demon race!"

"Do you really think you are strong?"

Seeing this, Jiang Tian no longer hesitated!

With a wave of his right hand, Shuangqiao Mountain was launched!


The power of Shuangqiao Mountain's blow forcibly broke through the original devil energy.

And this treasure was not contaminated or corroded by the devilish energy!

"What is this?"

Mo Sihong was taken aback!

The power of the original magic energy is that it is unbreakable.

To break this devilish energy, one must seriously injure his body.

But as long as the original devil energy is not broken, the opponent can't hurt him.

It's like a knot that's hard to break!

In this case, his opponents will eventually despair.

With this method, he has beheaded many powerful enemies.

In his opinion, it is a bit exaggerated to use it to deal with a human monster whose realm is much lower than his.


Mo Sihong didn't dare to neglect.

Urge the original magic energy to strengthen the defense!

Jiang Tian urged Shuangqiao Mountain to smash wildly again.

"Damn it!"

Mo Sihong roared wildly, out of breath.

This kind of offensive is not enough to seriously injure him in a short time.

But if it continues like this, he will definitely suffer!

In desperation, he sacrificed the Qingtianxuan Hunta!

"Sky Profound Mixed Tower!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened, and the Shuangqiao Mountain that was about to be smashed was squeezed in his hand!

As expected!

The Qingtianxuan Hunta was robbed.

This shows that Jin Tianxing, who was seriously injured and unconscious, really tried his best.

And Qin Yao was equally miserable.

It means that most of the Yinxu Kunmu has also been taken away!

"You, damn it!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold, and his murderous intent soared.

With Qingtianxuan Hunta in front, he can no longer use Shuangqiao Mountain to attack.

Otherwise, this inheritance symbol of Qingtian Daomeng will be destroyed.

He put away Shuangqiao Mountain, but didn't sacrifice any other magic weapon.

"Huh?" Mo Sihong was a little surprised.

"The power of attraction, go up!"

Buzz buzz!

Jiang Tian took a step forward and teleported to Mo Sihong.

The power of receiving and attracting frenziedly stimulated, forcibly crushing towards the original magic energy.

Mo Sihong was very disdainful at first, but his face changed drastically the next moment!

"Turning... the ultimate intention of emptiness? Not good!"

Before the words fell, the place where the power of attracting contacted, the original devil energy became sluggish.

Fall quickly!


Without hesitation, Jiang Tian swallowed a mouthful of original magic energy.

"Hiss! How dare you?"

Mo Sihong was stunned!

Jiang Tian is a human race, how dare he swallow his original magic energy?

Don't you understand that this is the purest and most powerful magic energy that the demons are proud of?

Don't say a word, even just a little bit is enough to erode the soul of the human race.

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