Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7573 Yu Fu strikes!

People with poor cultivation, unable to withstand this kind of power, will directly explode and die, or turn into black water.

People with strong cultivation bases will also be invaded into the sea of ​​gods and instantly demonized!

What shocked him was that Jiang Tian did not turn into black water, nor was he demonized.

It looks the same, and the aura of cultivation has even increased!

"You... Are you a human race or a demon race?"

Mo Sihong was horrified!

Jiang Tian's breath and way of thinking are obviously human.

But how can a human race withstand the attack of the original devil energy, and instantly refine and absorb it?

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

Mo Sihong screamed wildly, his mind trembling.

At this moment, he really panicked!

Once the original magic energy is broken, he will lose the biggest barrier.

As for the Qingtianxuan Hunta, he hasn't had time to refine this stolen treasure.

Before it could be put away, Jiang Tian snatched it back.


With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, he brought the Qingtianxuan Mixed Tower into the Zixuan Realm.

With a punch, it hit Mo Sihong's chest.

Pfft... wow!

Mo Sihong spat out a mouthful of black demonic blood, and retreated in embarrassment.

Jiang Tian suddenly disappeared in place!

"Huh? Hiss!"

Mo Sihong was taken aback for a moment, then his face changed drastically!

Jiang Tian, ​​who had just disappeared, came from behind him.


The palm wrapped in purple light pierced his chest in an instant!


Mo Sihong roared crazily.

Although he has a powerful self-healing ability, an attack like this is quite terrifying.


Bark, boom!

With a shake of Jiang Tian's arm, Mo Sihong's chest split open, and he was about to be torn in half.


The black magic blood burned violently and turned into a piece of magic flame.

Mo Sihong's body instantly broke away from Jiang Tian's control, turning into a beam of magic light and shooting out.

"The breath disappeared?"

Surrounded by magic flames, Jiang Tian couldn't sense the opponent's position for a while.

The next moment, the magic flame reversed sharply, and turned into the deity of Mo Sihong in the front left.

"What a Jiang Tian, ​​Momou really underestimated you!"

Mo Sihong's face was extremely gloomy.

"Indestructible Demon Physique!" Jiang Tian stared at the other party in surprise.

The demons have a powerful means, even if the body bursts, they can protect themselves from death.

This method is exactly - the indestructible demon body!

But only demons who have reached a certain level of cultivation have it.

Mo Sihong is obviously such an existence!

At this moment, Mo Sihong's face was full of fear.

He underestimated the enemy!

Jiang Tian's methods emerge in endlessly, and his combat power is by no means inferior to him.

"This account, we..."

"Calculate next time? No need, let's finish it today!"


Jiang Tian suddenly disappeared in place!

"Damn it!"

Mo Sihong originally wanted to leave, but found that he couldn't.

Star Meteor Instant Kill Skill!

Hundreds of ginger days appeared at the same time.

Fist Realm, Sword Intent, Void Immortal Realm, and Sword Realm come out together.

Press Mo Sihong firmly on the ground.

Kachacha... Boom!


Mo Sihong let out a miserable scream, and his breath dropped sharply.

"Nie Lei!"



Without the obstruction of the original devil energy, Nie Lei went berserk.

Mo Sihong hugged his head and screamed, fell to the ground and rolled over.

"it's over!"

Jiang Tian raised his right hand, ready to kill the opponent.

It has to be said that Mo Sihong's life-saving means are indeed extraordinary.

If it were another strong human race or a demon race, he might have died hundreds of times.

Mo Sihong could still forcefully support it, but now, everything is finally coming to an end.

"The essence of the devil's blood in the mid-stage demon god, the taste should not be bad, the blood is devoured, give it to me..."

Before the word "swallow" was exported, Jiang Tian's face changed suddenly!

"not good……"


With a loud noise, Jiang Tian was overwhelmed by the dazzling golden light!

The terrifying coercion turned into golden ripples and crazily swept across, the entire Qingtian Daomeng Mountain shook, and the elders and disciples were suppressed and killed in large numbers!

"This person is nothing more than that, I thought...huh?"

There was a contemptuous voice in the air.

Halfway through speaking, he suddenly stopped!

Immediately afterwards, another ten figures appeared.

Everyone is wearing purple robes, and they are all purple robe chief supervisors!

Ten chief inspectors in purple robes!

The person who made the shot turned his gaze and looked in another direction.

There, a figure appeared instantly.

It was Jiang Tian!

"Good boy, there are really some ways to save your life!"


Suddenly there was a strange sound, and Mo Sihong turned into a beam of magic light and fled away.

"Jiang Tian, ​​let's settle this account in the future, the old man will kill you sooner or later..."

The void stirred, and the magic light disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold and his face was angry!

If it weren't for the surprise attack by these purple robe chief supervisors, Mo Sihong would never have run away.

Of course he doesn't have time to hunt down Mo Sihong now, but he will definitely kill these purple robe chief supervisors!

"Si Tianjian, Zipao Chief Sijian, came just in time!"


Jiang Tian's breath rose wildly, and his anger began to burn.


No nonsense!

Ten purple-robed chief inspectors all rushed to Jiang Tian.

They are all in the middle stage of Taixu Realm, and they are strong in the same level.

"Ten people teamed up, and you are worthy of death!"

"Ten purple-robed chief inspectors, if we can't kill you again, we will abolish our cultivation!"

"Ten people join forces, let's see how you resist?"

Boom boom boom!

Click... bang!

Amidst the loud noise, the billowing golden light flooded Jiang Tian again.

At the same time, ten purple-robed chief supervisors formed an formation to prevent Jiang Tian from escaping.

"The supervisor destroys the sky array!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​this formation is specially set up for you, so it's an exception!"

The offensive intensifies!

"Protect the Supreme Leader!"


The elders of the Dao League who followed Jiang Tian back gathered around.

They followed Jiang Tian to conquer dozens of interfaces, and all of them entered the middle stage of Taixu Realm.

Now that Jiang Tian is under siege, their chance to show their strength has come!

"What's so great about the purple-robed chief inspector?"

"The current Qingtian Daomeng is no longer what it used to be. If you dare to provoke, you will definitely pay the price!"

"Don't worry, Supreme Leader, we are here!"


The violent roar resounded through the void, and dozens of elders in the middle stage of the Void Realm rushed forward.

"turn up!"


The ten chief supervisors in purple robes immediately turned around and shot.

I saw the golden light flashing, the roar shaking the sky, and the screams resounded endlessly.

In an instant, more than thirty elders of the Dao League fell and died!

"Damn it!"

"How can it be?"

"It's also the middle stage of the Void Realm, their strength...how is it so strong?"

The elders of the Daoist League were all stunned with horror on their faces!

In the same realm, the ten purple-robed chief inspectors actually possess crushing combat power.



Although the opponent was extremely powerful, they did not back down.

Prepare to continue shooting against fear.

"Retire all!"

A shout rang out!

Jiang Tian ordered these elders to stop.

He brought back a total of more than one hundred mid-stage Void Realms.

Prepare to use these people to strengthen the background of Qingtian Realm.

But within a few breaths, more than 30 people fell.

lost heavily!

His heart is bleeding!

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