After all, the chief inspector in purple robe was too strong, and all of them were well-chosen generals by Yu Fu.

The elders of the Dao League who have just grown up can no longer be made unnecessary sacrifices!

"The supreme ally?"

"We are not afraid of death!"

"Let's defend..."

"shut up!"

Jiang Tian drank violently and interrupted these people.

"Retire immediately, and those who violate the order will be expelled from the Dao League immediately!"

The elders had no choice but to grit their teeth and back down.

They understood that Jiang Tian was protecting them and not letting them die.

And they are indeed not the opponents of the Zipao chief supervisor.

If you continue to fight hard, the remaining eighty or ninety people will die soon.

The backbone combat power that Jiang Tian created with the resources of thirty interfaces will be wiped out!

"For the Dao League, retreat!"

"Execute the orders of the Supreme Leader!"

Everyone immediately left the battle group and landed in front of the Qingtian Temple, waiting for orders at any time.

"Want to go?"

"Are you allowed to go?"

"Jiang Tian values ​​you all, right? Then I'll show him!"

Boom, click... bang bang bang!

The ten chief supervisors in purple robes refused to let go, and seized the opportunity to kill a dozen elders who were left behind.

"Enough! These ants can be destroyed easily, the old man's goal is Jiang Tian!"

A majestic voice came from high in the sky, and the ten purple-robed chief supervisors immediately returned to the front of the magic circle.

The person who spoke was none other than Yu Fu, the purple-robed chief inspector of Dayan Realm who was coldly watching everything below from high in the sky!

The ten people below are also the chief inspector in purple robe, but they are under his command.

There seemed to be no one beside him, but at this moment a mysterious voice came out.

"Yu Fu, is this kind of thing worth inviting me here?"

Yu Fu didn't turn his head back, his face was calm.

"His strength is not simple. These ten people may not be able to win him!"

"Really, I don't think so?" The voice was somewhat disdainful.

"You'll know it after reading it!" Yu Fu said lightly.

In order to kill Jiang Tian, ​​he had made sufficient preparations.

Not only did he bring the ten purple-robed chief supervisors under his seat, but he also found a powerful helper from another interface to take precautions.

"Void fairyland!"

"Xingyun, instant killing skill!"


The fairyland swings away!

Dozens of figures appeared simultaneously.

The corners of the eyes of the ten purple-robed chief supervisors shrank slightly, but it was not very surprising.

They already knew about Jiang Tian's methods, and they came fully prepared for this trip.

So when I saw Xingyun's instant killing skill, I was just a little surprised.

"Break it!"


Bang, click... Boom!

The ten chief inspectors in purple robes shot wildly, tearing up the Void Immortal Territory in an instant.

At the same time, the aura of hundreds of magic weapons swept out, bombarding dozens of Jiang Tian!


Jiang Tian didn't take advantage of this shot.

Similarly, the ten purple robe chief supervisors failed to suppress Jiang Tian.

"This son's strength is stronger than I imagined!"

Yu Fu narrowed his eyes slightly, and his mood fluctuated slightly.

Before coming here, he had already overestimated Jiang Tian as much as possible.

But it was a bit of a surprise to actually see him make a move.

Jiang Tian's combat power and methods are indeed very powerful!

Even if the ten purple-robed senior supervisors under his seat joined forces to besiege, and two or three of them met face to face, they didn't take advantage of it.

If things go on like this, once Jiang Tian seizes the opportunity, he will be defeated by everyone and completely turned around.

"Take out your strongest means and suppress him!"

Yu Fu's order was to capture them alive.

Because he understands that for a warrior from the lower plane to have such an astonishing leapfrog combat power, he must be someone with great luck and great luck.

Such an existence must also have many secrets and treasures.

These things are the real purpose of his trip.

As for Jiang Tian himself, what is really useful to him may be the blood that makes him curious.

Other than that, nothing else!

"Go all out!"

"Suppress him!"

"A mere evildoer from the lower plane, do you really think we can't take you down?"

Boom boom boom!

Amidst the violent roar, an astonishing scene appeared!

The auras of the ten purple-robed chief inspectors soared, directly stimulating the potential of their bloodlines!



"Oh My God!"

"The supreme ally!"

There were exclamations in Qingtian Dao League.

The elders and disciples who saw this scene were all terrified!

They never expected that the ten purple-robed chief supervisors would be so decisive.

Although they didn't take advantage of the fight just now, they weren't at a disadvantage either.

The siege will definitely increase Jiang Tian's consumption.

But I didn't expect that they would stimulate the potential of the bloodline so decisively, showing their hole cards!

At this moment, all the elders and disciples of the Dao League were terrified and ashamed!

"What a terrible method!"

"These people came prepared and determined to win!"

"If it wasn't for Yu Fu's request to capture him alive, Jiang Taishang might have suffered a tragic accident!"


Daomeng elders and disciples gasped, terrified.

In their view, Jiang Tian's ability to hold on until now is all because of the other party's plan to capture him alive.

Otherwise, how could he protect himself if the ten purple-robed senior supervisors frantically strangled him regardless of everything?

"Well done!"

Nie Lei!

Seeing the ten people resorting to the strongest means, Jiang Tian no longer hesitated.

The star meteor instant killing skill is launched!

There are hundreds of figures transformed into it, making it difficult for the opponent to lock.

"What an instant killing skill!"

"Shoot them all down!"

The ten chief supervisors in purple robes did not dare to neglect.

Up to now, Jiang Tian has not shown the slightest decline.

But this time the instant killing technique condensed more figures.

And all of them are real bodies, so they dare not neglect at all.

"Void fairyland!"

"Fist field!"

"Star Sword Field!"

Hum rumble!



The violent roar resounded through the void!

The moment more than a hundred figures appeared, each of them made wild moves.

Played out one after another Void Immortal Realm, Fist Realm and Star Sword Realm, almost destroying the Si Jian Mie Tian Formation.

And these offensives are just cover!

Jiang Tian decisively sacrificed Nie Lei!


Black lightning surged out of more than a hundred figures, turning into a storm of thunder and showering on the ten people opposite.



"not good!"

These black thunderbolts ignored the barrier of the supervisor's Mietian formation, and instantly blasted into the divine sea of ​​ten purple-robed chief supervisors.

"Hide quickly..."



The screams resounded!

The ten chief inspectors in purple robes were instantly hit, and rolled over with their heads in their arms.

"A bunch of trash!"

Old Yu Fu, who was watching the battle, sank, and a look of anger flashed in his eyes.

The human-shaped phantom beside him blinked slightly, and for the first time there was seriousness in the pupils, but more of them were still contempt and disdain.

"After all the effort, this is the only performance. Warriors at this level... Hehe, it's embarrassing for them!"

"Their level is naturally incomparable with Brother Fei."

The corner of Yu Fu's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

What is the grade of your fee bosses, and what level are they?

Needless to say?

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