Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7576 Swallow the old monster Fei and scare Yu Fu away!

He couldn't help admiring Jiang Tian's reaction.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid I have lost the courage to resist at this moment.

Either flee wildly, or close your eyes and wait for death.

Not only did Jiang Tian fail to do so, but he also maintained the courage to continue to attack.

This is enough to amaze him!

But does it work?

An ant, no matter how loudly it screams, is still an ant!

Just because his voice is loud enough and his will is decisive enough, he will not become powerful.

"Jiang Tian, ​​you should be glad that this old man doesn't intend to take your life, otherwise you have a hundred lives, and they would have been annihilated long ago!"

Freak Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone was menacing.

"Is it the late stage of Taixu Realm? I, Jiang Tian, ​​will try your limit!"

"What?" Freak Fei's expression darkened, and he smiled instead of anger.

At the same time, Jiang Tian made a move!


A sharp howl resounded!

The terrifying sound, as if a sharp cone pierced the eardrum, made Old Freak Fei's face sink slightly!

He looked across, a magic weapon offered by Jiang Tian.

It was a slender white spot of light!

It flies at great speed.

But in Fei's eyes, this speed is not too fast, it can even be said to be very slow.

Old Freak Fei was extremely disdainful.

Raise your hand forward and grab it out.

"I'd like to see……"


White light flashed away, piercing through his palm.

"Hiss... ah! What is this?"

Freak Fei felt a sharp pain in his palm and was shocked!

What could penetrate his palm like this?

Alien treasure!

It must be a powerful treasure!

Boss Fei turned around, ready to grab the rare treasure.


Screaming again!

The white light spot hit him again!


Puff puff!

This point of light is lasing repeatedly, and the speed is getting faster and faster!

Chi Chi Chi!

Puff puff!

"Damn it!"

Old Freak Fei roared in horror.

Trying to avoid the attack of the light point, but its speed is getting faster and faster, making it difficult for him to dodge.

The white light spots pierced through his arms and body repeatedly.

A large amount of blood gushed out, dyeing his originally translucent body a blood red color.

At this time, Old Freak Fei no longer looked like a strong man.

The breath dropped sharply!

"It's now!"



Jiang Tian stepped forward and started to devour with blood.

A strong man like Old Monster Fei should not be underestimated even if he was seriously injured.

Therefore, he did not choose to devour it close to his body, but separated him through the void of hundreds of feet.

But there is a mutation, there is still time to react!


Purple light enveloped Old Monster Fei, and his blood essence overflowed crazily, turning into blood essence and pouring into Jiang Tian's body.


Jiang Tian's injuries recovered quickly, and his blood breath rose rapidly.

It quickly reached 100%!

At this time, Old Freak Fei was only breathing heavily.

His body looked like a dead wood, with little life left.

Looking at Jiang Tian, ​​his eyes were full of horror!



Jiang Tian slapped Old Monster Fei with one palm.

After grabbing a storage ring, he looked at Yu Fu in mid-air.

"How can it be?"

Yu Fu was terrified!

The existence that was stronger than Old Freak Fei, whom even he had to look up to, was beheaded by Jiang Tian.

What's even more frightening is that Jiang Tian also devoured old monster Fei's blood essence to strengthen himself.

In a short time, the blood spiritual power has directly reached a full state of 100% from 70%!

"In the late stage of Taixu Realm, the effect is really good!"

Jiang Tian was extremely excited.

This is the first time he has devoured the blood of a strong man in the late stage of Taixu Realm, and the effect is quite powerful!

Just one person is worth ten purple-robed chief supervisors!

In fact, he didn't want to devour the blood of a strong man of this level prematurely.

Because of this, the effect of blood essence with a slightly lower level will drop faster.

That is to say, from the time he devoured the blood essence of Boss Fei, the blood essence of the strong in the middle stage of the Void Realm was of little use to him.

However, due to the timing, he did not have a better choice.

Abandoning this engulfment, just beheading Boss Fei?

For him, it may be even worse!

Therefore, he resolutely discarded the lower-level blood essence, and resolutely devoured the big gift from Old Monster Fei!

"Don't be dazed, go and heal leader Jin and deputy leader Qin Yao!"

Jiang Tian issued an order to the elders.

The crisis facing the Qingtian Daomeng has been lifted.

These elders are already capable of treating Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao, there is no need to wait for him to completely solve their opponents.

"Yes, Supreme Leader!"

The elders took orders, and more than 20 people entered Qingtian Hall.

The rest of the people still guarded in front of the hall, waiting for Jiang Tian to dispatch at any time.


Jiang Tian stepped forward and teleported into the air.



Yu Fu's face changed drastically, before he finished speaking, Jiang Tian's fist responded to him.

The void exploded, and a purple light curtain rose in front of Fufu, which took over Jiang Tian's fist area.

"Jiang Tian, ​​do you really think you can kill this old man?"

"Hmph! Yes, the old man admits that he is not your opponent, and also admits that he underestimated your ability, but if the old man wants to leave, you really can't keep him?"


With a sinister smile, Yu Fu crushed a magic talisman that he had already held in his hand.

A special force wrapped him up, its aura was as strong as that of Old Freak Fei's attack.

"Hahahaha, Jiang Tian, ​​I didn't expect that, the old man has a strong enough hole card in his hand. If he has no means, do you think the old man will come to your Qingtian Realm?"

Yu Fu laughed wildly, and there was no tension in his eyes anymore.

There was even a mocking smile on his face.

Jiang Tian's strength did scare him, but he was not a fool.

Prepare for the worst before coming.

This talisman is a life-saving talisman carefully refined by an elder at the peak of the Taixu Realm in Si Tianjian.

This kind of thing is very rare in Sitianjian.

Because that elder is not only strong in cultivation, but also a very high-level talisman master.

There is no way for Jiang Tian to break the magic talisman refined by such a strong man.

"Void fairyland!"

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian tried to suppress it with Xianyu, but it was useless.

Within the range covered by the purple light, Yu Fu seemed to be just a phantom, unaffected at all.

The figure quickly blurred, leaving behind a wild laugh, and then disappeared into the air.

"Let him run away!"

Jiang Tian gritted his teeth and sighed.

Looking back on this battle, he couldn't help but feel a little complicated.

His strength is still not strong enough after all.

This fight with Old Freak Fei and Yu Fu's last means of saving his life proved one thing.

For a powerhouse of their level, the means are beyond the imagination of ordinary Taixu Realm warriors.

To put it bluntly, his level is still too low!


Become stronger!

"We must break through as soon as possible!"

Jiang Tianxia made up his mind.

The blood spiritual power has reached 100% full state, next, he must break through as soon as possible.

Entering the late stage of Absolute God Realm, the next step is to point directly to Taixu Realm!

And only the realm is not enough, he also needs to learn more about the cultivation methods of higher level powerhouses.

In order to stop being so passive in the subsequent fights.

Jiang Tian withdrew his gaze from the sky, and was about to return to Qingtian Palace to check the status of Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao.

But just as he surrounded him, a terrifying aura suddenly swept across the Sky Realm!

That's right!

It's the entire Sky Realm!

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