Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7577 Horror coercion

"who is it?"

Jiang Tian's face changed suddenly, and his heart was filled with horror!

He hasn't felt this way for a long, long time.

The last time he faced the "Hand of Nothingness" when he crossed the border.

What kind of existence could bring him such a terrible feeling?

"You...who are you...ah...no!"

The screams came from the sky, and then quickly disappeared.

The sound of a flying insect suddenly disappeared.

Jiang Tian could understand.

That was Yu Fu's voice!

"Is Yu Fu dead?"

Jiang Tian took a breath.

The magic talisman used for floating is amazingly powerful.

But in front of this mysterious aura, it was instantly annihilated like a flying insect, without any power to fight back.

What is the origin of this mysterious aura?

"My God!"


"Then... what is that?"

Rumble... boom!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void, and the elders and disciples of Qingtian Daomeng fell into extreme fear.

Because they saw a strange scene that they could not imagine in their dreams!

The entire void is twisting and turbulent, and then there are terrifying glimpses.

This glimpse is an extremely long line, some extremely straight.

Others seem slightly curved.

They are just too big!

It's so big that people can't see its whole picture and true face clearly!

"What is this?"

Jiang Tian's heart was full of waves.

His face was full of shock!

Back then when he was in the lower realm, he had witnessed a giant palm that was shot across the border.

At that time, the feeling that terrifying palm print gave him was already extremely shocking.

But at this moment, the changes in the Qingtian Realm are a hundred times stronger than the shock there!

"What the hell is this?"

Jiang Tian's face turned extremely ugly.

An unprecedented sense of crisis surged in my heart!

Looking around the entire void, that terrifying silhouette is everywhere.


They are just a part of that mysterious and unknown terrifying existence!

Jiang Tian's scalp tingled for a moment.

The breath from this thing is almost suffocating.

As it gradually emerged, there were bursts of screams in the Qingtian Dao League.

In the beginning, these voices came from the mouths of disciples with lower cultivation bases.

They couldn't bear this terrifying coercion, their spiritual power was disordered, they vomited blood and screamed, and their minds collapsed.

Next, even some stronger disciples fell into collapse.


This abnormality spread to the elders!

The elders of the Qingtian Daomeng looked at the terrifying ghost covering the void with great fear, their spiritual power was disordered, and their cultivation base began to collapse.

"not good!"

Jiang Tian woke up suddenly and let out a roar that shook the sky!

"Everyone retreat to Qingtian Temple, hurry up!"


The voice swelled like a thunderbolt, reaching the ears of every elder and disciple.

Many people were awakened by their voices, and after regaining their senses, they began to run towards the Qingtian Temple with great fear and joy.

"Go, go!"

"Everyone, carry out the order of the Supreme Leader and enter the palace immediately!"


The elders were not concerned only with their own safety.

Instead, he roared one after another, reminding many disciples who were still struggling on the verge of losing their minds and collapse, to enter the palace as soon as possible.

But most of the disciples are still too weak to carry out these orders even after hearing them.

Because their strength, under the influence of that strange breath, has been unable to use it!

"It's useless, this power is too strong!"

"All elders, save people!"

Boom boom boom boom boom!

There were roaring sounds one after another, and the elders resisted the coercion, desperately bursting out with all their strength.

Forcibly took the disciples one by one to fly to Qingtian Temple.

Next, a terrifying scene appeared!

Someone just flew back and forth two or three times, but couldn't hold on, and died in mid-air... exploding!

"The supreme lord, the subordinates... did their best!"


A blood flower exploded in the air!

"Enter the palace...quick!"


Another elder ruthlessly threw the disciple he was holding onto Qingtian Hall.

However, he was crushed by a strange force and exploded into a blood mist!

At this time, he was less than three hundred feet away from Qingtian Temple.

But he will never get in!

The body died and the way disappeared, and fell tragically.

Such scenarios are emerging intensively.

Jiang Tian also felt the huge coercion!

In the face of this coercion, it is better not to use spiritual power.

Once the spiritual power is activated and a violent attack is made, it will intensify the abnormal movement of the spiritual power and cause its own disorder.

But knowing this, the elders are still desperately helping the scattered disciples.

Their actions moved Jiang Tian.

But it also made him extremely angry!

"Empty Formation, open!"

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian waved his arms together and stepped forward with his right foot.

Three purple formations with a radius of several thousand feet suddenly opened, covering the void.

Buzz buzz!

Wherever the purple light shrouded, the elders and disciples disappeared without a trace.

These people were sent to Qingtian Temple by him.

But the territory of Qingtian Daomeng is far more than that.

Although the "Empty Formation" is easy to use, compared to the vast territory of Qingtian Daomeng and the countless elders and disciples, it is just a drop in the bucket!

"Empty Formation, open again!"

"All elders and disciples enter the palace for me!"

Hum rumble!

Buzz buzz!

The purple patterns appeared one after another, flashing one after another.

Batch after batch of elders and disciples were forcibly transported into the Qingtian Palace by him.

Qingtian Temple is protected by formations, which can isolate most of the coercion.

But the elders who entered the hall soon discovered that the coercion in the hall was also rising step by step!

"not good!"


"Qingtian Palace... can't stop that coercion at all!"

"What kind of existence does the other party have, and why is their strength so terrifying?"

The disciples almost collapsed in fright.

The elders are also on the verge of collapse.

Among them, there are also some existences in the early stages of the Taixu Realm.

But even in Qingtian Temple, there is still a feeling of doomsday.


A Qingtian Temple is not enough to guarantee their safety.

As long as this coercion continues to increase, it won't be long before they all collapse until they die.

The scary thing is that this scenario is not hypothetical, but something that is happening!

"The matter is of great importance, so report it to the Supreme Leader!"

"No need! We don't need to report it, the Supreme Leader should know this too!"

"Unless...unless the Qingtianxuan Tower is sacrificed, it is possible to provide greater protection!"

"Sky Profound Mixed Tower!"

The elders looked at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became stagnant.

The Qingtianxuan Pagoda is the treasure of the Dao League.

To some extent, the Dao League can collapse, but that tower must not be destroyed.

Even if the Dao League is destroyed, as long as the tower is still there, it can be rebuilt at any time.

But if the tower is destroyed, is Qingtian Daomeng still Qingtian Daomeng?

"That's all... that's all!"

"The supreme lord has tried his best, but I'm afraid he can't stop this terrifying existence!"

"This is an enemy we can't imagine, who is it?"

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