Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7578 Power of Faith

In the eyes of these Taixu Realm elders.

This terrifying change that enveloped the entire Optimus Alliance was simply the power that only gods can possess.

Although these people, in the eyes of ordinary warriors, are like gods.

But compared with the real gods, it is obviously still too far away.

Who is it that can possess such unimaginable power?

The truth of the matter, they are afraid that they will never know the truth until they die!


There was a sudden noise, and the faces of the elders changed suddenly!



"not good!"


A corner of Qingtian Temple has cracked!

The whole hall is crumbling!

"Quickly report..."


The elders didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and wanted to report to Jiang Tian immediately.

It's just that before I finished speaking, the Qingtian Palace has collapsed!

Click... bang!

"It's over!"


"The Supreme Elder..."


The Qingtian Palace, which stood for hundreds of thousands of years and was a symbol of the power of the Qingtian Dao League, finally collapsed under that terrifying pressure!

The elders and disciples in the hall were horrified, and the breath of death swept the audience.

They seemed to see the scene where their physical bodies exploded and their bodies died.

at this time!

"Qingtianxuan Hunta, give me a raise!"


There was a roar, and a giant tower that lifted the sky fell from the sky.

Enveloped the entire collapsed Qingtian Temple, isolated the external coercion, and protected the elders and disciples in the hall.

"Sky Profound Mixed Tower!"

"The leader of the supreme alliance sacrificed the pagoda!"

"It's saved, we're saved!"


The elders and disciples shouted excitedly, and the feeling of remaining alive after the catastrophe made their blood boil.

Jiang Tian's actions moved them very much.

They thought that after Jiang Tian weighed the pros and cons, he might be forced to sacrifice them to preserve the Qingtianxuan Tower.

It now appears that they were completely wrong!

The moment the Qingtian Palace collapsed, Jiang Tian sacrificed the Xuanhun Tower without hesitation.

It shows that in Jiang Tian's mind, they are more important than Qingtianxuan Hunta!

"Jing Taishang! Jiang Taishang!"

"Long live Mrs. Jiang!"

"This old man will always follow Jiang Taishang in this life!"

"The disciple swears allegiance to the death and worships forever!"

"Yuan has been Taishang Jiang's person for the rest of his life!"

"I've never really admired anyone, but Jiang Taishang is an exception!"

"That's right! Jiang Taishang is the person I admire the most, bar none!"

Hula la!

In the Qingtianxuan Pagoda, countless elders and disciples crazily worshiped.


Buzz... boom!


"what sound?"

These kneeling elders and disciples quickly fell into astonishment.

While they were kneeling down, there was a strange fluctuation in the Qingtianxuan Tower.

Among them, some elders had come to guard the Xuanhun Tower.

There are also a very small number of genius disciples who are lucky enough to enter the Jinxuan Tower.

These people have felt the breath in the Xuanhun Tower.

But now the volatility is obviously quite different!

It is a mysterious and strange fluctuation!

"What on earth is this?"

"Why did such a strange fluctuation suddenly appear in the Qingtianxuan Tower?"

"Could it be that this treasure pagoda...can't withstand the pressure from outside?"

"Do you want to...report to Jiang Taishang?"

When the elders gather together, there is always some uneasiness in their hearts.

No matter how strong Jiang Tian is, it is impossible to keep each of them in the face of the mutation that covers the entire interface.

Therefore, the Qingtianxuan Tower can be said to be their last shelter.

Once there is a problem with this pagoda, they will surely die!

"No! This is not caused by external pressure!"

"That's right, this breath seems to come from inside the Xuanhun Tower!"

"Hey, look!"

An elder pointed thousands of feet away, where thousands of disciples were bowing down.

They talked about Jiang Tian's title, and sincerely thanked him for his protection.

And as they knelt down and shouted, invisible fluctuations slowly gathered above them.

The elders who witnessed this scene immediately swept over and examined it carefully.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you will be stunned when you look at it!

"This... this seems to be Xuanhuncang's spiritual energy?"

"No! This is not the real Xuanhuncang spiritual energy, but it is indeed very similar to it!"

"I understand!" A white-haired elder with a dry face suddenly said, his whole body trembled with excitement.

"This is the power of faith in the legend, the Qingtian Xuan Hunta... is gathering the power of faith!"


"The power of faith!"

"Is that legend... going to come true?"


Hearing the white-haired elder's explanation, the elders looked different.

Some have fear in their eyes, some are excited, and some are showing fanaticism.

"I don't know whether the legend is true or not, but I know that the stronger the power of faith, the greater the support Qingtianxuan Hunta can give Jiang Taishang!"

"What are you waiting for, let's continue to gather the power of faith!"

"bring it on!"

Boom boom boom!

The elders quickly dispersed and led countless disciples to worship Jiang Tian.

"Thank you Jiang Taishang for protecting us!"

"All the elders and disciples of the Qingtian Dao League, swear allegiance to Jiang Taishang!"

"Jiang Taishang did not hesitate to use the Qingtianxuan Tower to protect us, we will remember it deeply, and we will never forget it!"

"All the elders and disciples of the Qingtian Dao League, wish to follow Jiang Taishang forever!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

As the elders and disciples continued to bow down, there were strange fluctuations in the Qingtianxuan Pagoda.

These fluctuations condensed together and converged towards the bottom of the tower.

Hiss... Boom!

The statues of gods carved in the Qingtianxuan Pagoda began to chant mysterious spells.

Strange reliefs of spiritual beasts, as if they had come to life, spewed out five-colored lights.

There are also countless mysterious runes, which also project golden lights.

Everything is fueling that mysterious force, gathering more and more.


The body of the tower trembled violently, and Xuanhuncang's aura suddenly appeared!

Integrate with these forces and transform into an even larger Xuanhuncang aura!

"So that's how it is, that's how it is!"

"I didn't expect that Xuanhuncang's spiritual energy was so condensed!"

"If we knew this earlier, why would we bother to sit and eat?"

The elders beat their chests and stamped their feet, annoyed.

The Qingtianxuan Tower has existed for millions of years.

After the degeneration of Taoism, it has been standing here for hundreds of thousands of years.

Generations of elders and disciples of Qingtian Daomeng guarded this pagoda, but they never found a way to condense Xuanhuncang's spiritual energy.

Instead, he could only watch helplessly as its power continued to degenerate and its level gradually dropped.

It wasn't until today that I accidentally discovered the method of condensing Xuanhuncang's spiritual energy!

After realizing this, the elders and disciples worked harder.

They worshiped devoutly, condensing more and more mysterious aura.

At first, the pagoda was still shaking slightly under the influence of external pressure.

And as the spiritual energy of Xuanhuncang continued to condense, the pagoda gradually stabilized, as if it was as solid as gold!

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