Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7579 Blood blessing, the strongest blow!

At this time, the quantity and concentration of Xuanhuncang's aura reached the limit and stopped increasing.

"it's over!"

"I've never seen so many Xuanhuncang auras!"

"These Cang Lingqi should be able to help Jiang Taishang resist the mysterious enemy?"

The elders looked at each other in blank dismay, their hearts full of anticipation.

It's just that no one can answer that question.

Because that mysterious enemy is really too powerful.

Powerful beyond their imagination and cognition.

Such an enemy, even with the Qingtianxuan Hunta in hand, can Jiang Tian really fight against it?

"What are you doing in a daze, quickly report to Mrs. Jiang!"


An elder rushed to the tower gate and reported to Jiang Tian.

Without his reporting, Jiang Tian had already noticed the changes in the Qingtianxuan Tower.

He already felt that the power of the pagoda was increasing sharply.

Even stronger than when he conquered the pagoda!

"Mysterious soul energy?"

Jiang Tian was taken aback!

Last time in Qingtian Xuanhun Tower, he was relying on Xuanhun Cang's aura to break through the bottleneck and enter the middle stage of Absolute God Realm.

At that time, Xuanhun Cang's spiritual energy was once exhausted.

Unexpectedly, a large amount of Xuanhuncang spiritual energy was born now!

But now, his bloodline spiritual power has reached 100% full state.

If you can retreat here, you may be able to enter the late stage of Absolute God Realm within a few days!

"Late stage of Absolute God Realm!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were shining brightly, full of infinite desire for advancement.

But the current situation does not allow him to retreat!

The enemy is now, and he is facing an unprecedented terrorist crisis!

Not to mention a few days, he doesn't have half an hour now!

He had to get through the catastrophe in front of him before talking about anything else.

The lives of countless elders and disciples of the Qingtian Dao League, as well as the survival of the Qingtian Realm.

It is more important than his personal improvement!

Without hesitation, Jiang Tian summoned the Qingtianxuan Hunta immediately!

"Qingtianxuan Mixed Tower, go up!"


The Qingtianxuan Tower towered above the sky, emitting a majestic and terrifying aura.

This is definitely the one he has spared no effort to mobilize since he conquered the pagoda.

Xuanhun Cang's spiritual energy hovered around the tower, turning into a black dragon-like cyclone and rushing into the air.


No choice at all!

Because the entire Qingtian Realm is under the shroud of that terrifying glimpse.

No choice, no choice!

No matter which direction you attack, you can hit the opponent.

But at this moment, Jiang Tian suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Targets are everywhere!

Closing the eyes does not affect the attack of the pagoda.

But until now, he has not figured out the background of the other party.

Is the other party a man or a woman, a powerful man, a mysterious monster, or a powerful demon?

He doesn't know anything about it!

What kind of realm would it be to be able to cover the entire interface in an instant?

There is no doubt that it is definitely not at the level of the Void Realm!

Because even if it is the existence of the extreme peak of the Taixu Realm, it is impossible to have such a terrifying method.

So what kind of cultivation level would this terrifying sketch be?

There are three realms below Absolute God Realm——Original God Realm, Creation God Realm, and Absolute God Realm.

It is for the gods to cultivate the three realms!

And above the three realms of spiritual cultivation, there are three realms of Taoism—the Taixu Realm, the Vientiane Realm, and the Guiyuan Realm.

He is no longer a stranger to the powerhouses of the Void Realm, and even the most powerful ones in this realm are no longer mysterious.

Since the other party is not at the level of the Taixu Realm, at least it is at the Vientiane Realm!

Or is it... the even more terrifying Guiyuan Realm?

At this moment, Jiang Tian's heart was filled with turbulent waves!

An unprecedented crisis enveloped him deeply, making it impossible for him to escape.

Compared with the experience of crossing the border and being blown up by the "Hand of Nothingness".

Now he is under even more pressure!

At that time, he was only in danger of one person, even if he fell, it would not affect others.

And now, he's not fighting alone.

Behind him, there are tens of thousands of elders and disciples of the Dao League.

There are also Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao who are seriously injured and comatose, and their life and death are unknown!

And hundreds of elders who have just been trained in the middle stage of the Taixu Realm!


There are not so many anymore!

Just now, some of them were beheaded by Yu Fu's men.

Now there are only seventy or eighty people left!

These people followed him to conquer thirty interfaces and returned with an unprecedented realm.

It was supposed to be a time of great enthusiasm and unparalleled scenery!

But now, he is facing the most terrifying dark moment in his martial arts career!

Such an encounter, such a taste, is too heartbreaking!

"No matter who you are, no matter what state you are in, if you want to destroy the Qingtian Dao League, if you want to step on the Qingtian Realm, you must first pass my level!"


Moan, cry... ang!

Jiang Tian shook his arms together, and a dazzling purple-gold bloodline burst out from his body!

Kunpeng's bloodline, Phoenix's bloodline, and Golden Crow's divine blood all let out a trembling cry!

But in the end, it was overwhelmed by a violent dragon roar!

The blood of the savage dragon broke out in an all-round way!

The billowing purple-golden light shone in the void, and Jiang Tian's aura was stronger than ever.

But this is clearly not enough!

"Blood vision, open!"

Groan... Ho Ho Ho!

Countless pieces of purple-gold phantoms emerged in midair, and then condensed into a huge "dragon body" without head or tail.

What surprised Jiang Tian a little was that the condensed blood vision was longer this time.

And slightly curved, like a curved dragon.

But what puzzled him was that the dragon's head and tail were still not visible.

"Isn't that enough?"

Jiang Tian secretly laughed at himself.

The savage blood dragon is the supreme bloodline, and the vision of the "dragon body" with no head and no tail in front of him is obviously not its true appearance.

This situation has been going on for a long time.

He originally thought that after entering the Absolute God Realm, there would be obvious changes.

Now it seems that he is still too optimistic.

Changes do exist!

But it only made the "dragon body" slightly more curved.

Not to mention the dragon's head and dragon's tail, even half of the dragon's claws couldn't be condensed.

Is it because his cultivation is not enough?

But he is almost approaching the Void Realm!

Before he had time to think more, Jiang Tian poured the ultimate bloodline spiritual power into the Qingtianxuan mixed tower with an unprecedented bloodline breath!

"Qingtianxuan Hunta, break through it for me!"


The whole body of the Qingtian Xuanhun Pagoda shook violently, and the billowing Xuanhun Cang's aura turned into a ten thousand zhang blue dragon, soaring into the sky with the power of his blood!

Roar... Boom!

The terrifying roar resounded through most of the Sky Realm.

This is already Jiang Tian's ultimate power, but it is obviously too weak compared to the terrifying ghost that enveloped the whole world.

Jiang Tian frowned and waited silently.

Until now, he still couldn't see what the ghost was.

Covering the sky, although the sketch presented in front of him is extremely huge, it is still only a part of it.

Roar... Boom!

Crack... Rumble!

The strongest blow condensed by the Qingtianxuan Mixed Tower pierced the void and exploded a terrifying sky billow!


In the Qingtianxuan tower, countless elders and disciples witnessed this spectacular scene through the tower windows, and let out bursts of wild cries.

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