Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7580 Destroy the tower!

Chapter 7580 Destroy the tower!

"My God!"

"The power of the Qingtianxuan Tower... so powerful!"

"No! This is not only the power of Qingtianxuan Hunta, but also the might of Jiang Taishang's blood!"

"Jing Taishang is amazing!"

"Jiang Taishang is invincible!"

The elders and disciples raised their arms and shouted wildly, as if the fear and anxiety in their hearts were swept away.

The attack of the Qingtianxuan Mixed Tower has broken through the sky, and it must have severely damaged the mysterious enemy.

Such an attack, even at the peak of the Taixu Realm, I'm afraid it won't be able to resist it, right?

The Xuanhuncang spiritual energy is not empty!

This thing is the essence of the Qingtianxuan Mixed Tower, and it is the foundation of the former Taoist weapon, and its power is absolutely extraordinary!

Just when the elders and disciples were fantasizing about repelling the enemy with one blow, a terrifying scene appeared!


The seemingly berserk giant billows in the sky were silently annihilated after being swept slowly by a fleeting shadow!



"No... gone?"


The sound of sucking in cold air sounded one after another.

After a moment of silence, the elders and disciples fell into extreme fear!

Jiang Tian's strongest blow from the Qingtianxuan Tower, launched with all his strength, was suppressed lightly by that Lve Shadow.

"No, it's not suppression, it's appeasement!"

"It's not smoothing, it's smoothing!"

"What is that Lve Shadow? Why can it ignore the attack of the Qingtianxuan Tower?"

"Jiang Taishang's full blow, in front of it...couldn't even make a splash?"

"Scary... so scary!"


The fear that had disappeared once again shrouded everyone's minds.

If such an offensive doesn't work, what hope does the Sky Realm have?

However, the terrible things did not end there!

Next, an even more frightening scene appeared!

"This broken tower... Hey, it's still a degenerated Taoist artifact? Interesting!"

A strange sound came from the high sky!

It's weird because the voice is extremely immature!

But in the immaturity, there are some extremely uncomfortable sharpness mixed in!

It's like a nasty villain screaming!


Jiang Tian's eyes suddenly shrank suddenly, and his heart trembled inexplicably.

This voice... actually gave him a sense of déjà vu!

"Who are you?"

Jiang Tian roared to the sky.

"It's just a broken tower... Chi!"

The villainous voice came again.

A glimpse fell from the sky and turned into a light black rope, encircling the pagoda and lifting it upwards.

"not good!"

Jiang Tian's complexion changed drastically!

The Qingtianxuan Tower is the symbol of the Qingtian Daomeng, and it must not be taken away.

What's more, so many elders, disciples, Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao are all in the tower.


Jiang Tian yelled violently, ready to forcibly close the tower.

But the next moment, he was stunned!

The pagoda surrounded by light black ropes did not respond to his call.

With a whoosh, it was lifted into the air.


Jiang Tian was shocked!

If it is just a tower, it will be gone if it is gone.

But what about those elders and disciples?

"Come back to me!"

Jiang Tian urged it repeatedly, trying to force it back.

But totally useless!

The connection between Qingtianxuan Hunta and him is extremely weakening.


With a slight shake, Jiang Tian teleported into midair, trying to use other means to forcibly close the tower.

A shadow in midair flicked lightly like a string on a piano, and the terrifying coercion knocked him down in the air.


The villain's voice sounded again, full of endless ridicule and contempt.

Then he said something inexplicable!

"I really don't understand, how did you get selected by it?"



Jiang Tian's blood rolled, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Regardless of the injuries in his body, he directly used the swallowing tactic to seize the tower!

"Swallow the void formula, swallow it for me!"


The power of space swept past, and the Tunxu Art disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Jiang Tian frowned!

It stands to reason that this pagoda should have been taken away by him.

But at this moment, he had a strange feeling.

Although the pagoda has disappeared, the black rope doesn't seem to be completely cut off!

This feeling made him feel very uncomfortable!

"You really have some tricks, hmph!"

The villain's voice sounded again, mixed with a hint of teasing.

The next moment, the black light rope was lifted upwards.


Jiang Tian was directly driven up by a terrifying force.

At the same time, a terrifying silhouette swept down towards him like a cloudline in the sky.

There is no way to avoid it!



Pfft... wow!

Jiang Tian vomited blood and screamed, falling down like a meteor.

The pagoda that was once swallowed by him was abruptly pulled out by the black light rope!



The elders and disciples in the pagoda were horrified!

In this short period of time, they experienced unimaginable horror.

The pagoda that was taken back by Jiang Tian was forcibly taken back by the mysterious enemy.

"Oh My God!"

"What kind of method is this...?"

"Horror! It's too scary!"


The elders and disciples were in the tower, and many of them had already collapsed.

The Qingtian Xuan Hunta was pulled up into the air by the black light rope, and a black hand stretched out from the shadow.

This hand looks very immature, but it is extremely huge!

Holding the pagoda is like holding a small toy.

After playing for a while, he suddenly sneered!

"I thought it was nothing special, it was just a dilapidated ruined tower, what's the use of keeping this kind of thing?"



The evil boy exerted force with his palm and blatantly crushed the Qingtianxuan Hunta!



There were screams one after another!

The body of the tower burst open in the "immature" giant's hand.

At the same time, there is blood mist laser!


The giant hand opened, and the pagoda fragments fell like a torrential rain.


Jiang Tian screamed wildly, his eyes were about to burst!




In the end, it turned into extreme helplessness and rage!

The strength of the opponent is really too strong, so strong that he can't match it.

But he can't collapse!

If he collapses, what hope do the elders and disciples of the Dao League have?


As the divine sense swept across, the corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply!

Luckily, both Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao are still alive!

"Empty Transformation Formation, get up!"

Hum, buzz, buzz!

Violet light flickered wildly in the void!

Nine purple formations stretched across.

Take over the fallen elders and disciples.

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao who were in a coma were directly taken into the Zixuan Realm by him!

More elders and disciples were swept away by the black ghosts that fell from the air before they had time to rescue them.

Pfft... wow!

Jiang Tian was sent flying out again, his breath violently turbulent.

"World Spirit... keep an eye on them!"

"Master, don't worry!"

Jiang Tian gave orders to Jie Ling.

Then he looked up at the sky, his eyes burst out with crazy killing intent!

"No matter who you are, no matter what level of cultivation you are, today, I will make you pay the price!"

"Hey! You are... an ant that can bite people!" the villain said jokingly.

Before he finished speaking, a chubby black giant hand grabbed at him.

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