Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7581 The magic vines come out, and the Dao League is destroyed!

"Absolute Beginning Magic Vine, rise!"


Jiang Tian summoned the Magic Vine of Absolute Beginning!

Because in the contact just now, he felt a trace of magic energy.

The magic energy is so pure that it cannot be imagined!


As soon as the primordial magic vine appeared, it rose sharply, spewing out countless black vines.

It was like a series of black dragons swallowing towards that giant black hand.

However, the seemingly mighty Primordial Demon Vine is still a little small in front of the terrifying Looping covering the whole world.

The two are simply out of proportion!

"Hey, there is such a thing, tsk tsk!"

The villain's voice sounded again.

She recognized the Primordial Demon Vine!

What makes Jiang Tian uneasy is that the other party is not only not afraid, but also has some surprises?

"Fun, really fun!"

The villain's big immature arms stretched out a bouquet.

The countless vines of the Primordial Demon Vine were tightly grasped by her, making it difficult to struggle.

The next moment, she picked up the entire primordial magic vine, and disappeared without a trace in an instant!

"How can it be?"

Jiang Tian turned pale with shock!

The Devil Vine of Absolute Beginning, which was always evil and terrifying, was easily manipulated by the opponent, without the power to resist.

This is completely beyond his imagination!

What kind of existence is this villain?

Why has such incredible power?


Absolute crush!

It's not a class fight at all, and it's not even supposed to happen.

At this moment, he suddenly understood that even if he blew himself up desperately, he might not be able to hurt the other party.

It's just...he can't back down!

"Zixiao Divine Bamboo, go!"

Jiang Tian yelled violently, and sacrificed the Zixiao Divine Bamboo!

In the beginning, the magic vine was a strange and strange thing.

And Zixiao Divine Bamboo is the best at restraining such things.

Since the magic vine in the beginning is useless, let Zixiao Shenzhu show its power!

"Hey, there is this thing, hahaha, not bad!"

The wicked boy became more and more excited.

Raising his hand and grabbing it, Zixiao Shenzhu disappeared instantly!


Jiang Tian was almost desperate!

His remaining hole card is Taiyi Lingmu.

And that spirit tree seemed to be still in a deep sleep.

But looking at it like this, even if he didn't sleep deeply, he might not be able to do anything to get this wicked boy.

At this time, the wicked boy made the first move.

"This time, it's really the right time!"


The giant black hand grabbed Jiang Tian in the air and caught Jiang Tian off guard.

Then he quickly drew back, and disappeared without a trace with a glimpse of terror all over the sky!


The haze disappeared, and the Qingtian Realm instantly regained its clarity!

The sky light reappeared, and huge waves rolled wildly in the void.

It's just that the faces of the surviving elders and disciples of Qingtian Daomeng were not happy!

The Qingtian Temple collapsed!

The Qingtianxuan Mixed Tower was also destroyed!

Daomeng's inheritance of hundreds of thousands of years is gone!

But what they couldn't accept the most was the fact that Jiang Tian was taken away!

"The Qingtian Palace collapsed, but it can be rebuilt!"

"Perhaps it's not impossible to face the collapse of the Xuanhun Tower!"

"But Jiang Taishang's fall... is definitely a loss we cannot bear!"

"The Qingtian Dao League... is destroyed!"

"Sky Sky Realm...it's over!"

The surviving elders and disciples screamed miserably, all falling into despair.

Beyond the Sky Realm!

In the background of the dark and deep starry sky, a black magic lotus floated away.

"Hiss! What's that?"

"It seems to have come out of the Sky Realm!"

"No! Didn't you see its shape? It's bigger than the entire Sky Realm, but now it's shrunk countless times!"

"It's horrible! What on earth is this?"

"I don't know, but it's best not to explore, this thing is obviously not something we can compete with!"

In front of several screens of Xiangling, countless martial arts experts witnessed this terrifying scene.

It wasn't until the black magic lotus disappeared from sight that they managed to shake off their fear.

Immediately afterwards, everyone's attention turned to the Sky Realm!

"What happened in the Sky Realm?"

"Go and have a look and you'll know!"

"This is not good, in case..."

"What if? What if? Do you think Qingtian Daomeng can handle that thing?"


After a brief hesitation, everyone immediately rushed to the Sky Realm.

Qingtian Daomeng has just conquered 30 surrounding interfaces.

Immediately afterwards, this great change occurred.

Now they can't wait to find out the situation over there.

Next, thousands of strong men poured into the Sky Realm.

What they saw surprised them!

"The Qingtian Dao League... is destroyed?"

"Jiang Tian and Jin Tianxing...disappeared?"

After the shock, there is incomparable ecstasy!

"Hahahaha! Maybe this is God's will!"

"In this way, Jiang Tian will no longer be able to rule our thirty interfaces!"

"The sharp sword hanging above our heads is gone!"

"Everyone, the Qingtian Realm has made us suffer a lot. Now, shouldn't it be time to recover some interest?"

"Of course! Why not do it?"

"Hahahaha, let's start!"

Everyone was gearing up, ready to use the Qingtian Realm to vent their anger.

They were conquered by Jiang Tian before because of the opponent's strength.

Now, they don't have to be afraid!


"What do you guys want to do?"

An old man in a golden robe appeared in front of everyone.

It was Yu Jinfeng who came from the Heyuan Realm!

"Yu Jinfeng, what do you want to do?"

"Do you want to stop us?"

"I know you swore a blood oath of allegiance to Jiang Tian, ​​but now that the Qingtian Dao League is gone, Jiang Tian has probably fallen, do you still want to be loyal to a fallen master?"

"You want to be loyal, don't stop us!"

"If you dare to stop us, don't blame us for being rude!"



Everyone passed by Yu Jinfeng and rushed into Qingtian Realm.

Yu Jinfeng's face was extremely ugly, and he was struggling a bit.

But in the end he shook his head, dispelling the strange thought in his heart.

"No! Yu has already made a blood oath, even if Jiang Tian really falls, I can't betray him, unless...see the ironclad evidence with my own eyes!"

Yu Jinfeng understands.

For warriors, the constraint of being alive is the constraint.

And once the object of the blood oath falls, the oath will lose its validity.

If Jiang Tianzhen has fallen, the oath will be automatically eliminated for him.

But he can't just judge by guesswork.

Therefore, he did not intend to betray Jiang Tian.

As for the situation of Qingtian Daomeng, he had to see it with his own eyes to know.


Yu Jinfeng followed the crowd and rushed into Qingtian Realm.



Under the background of the dark and deep starry sky, the black magic lotus slowly turns.

It seems unhurried, but it is actually incredibly fast.

In an instant, several interfaces can be skimmed!

In the center of the black magic lotus, there are two figures.

Sit and lie down.

Sitting there was a black villain with an immature appearance.

And the one lying there was the unconscious Jiang Tian!

The evil boy held two objects in his immature hands.

Absolute Beginning Magic Vine and Zixiao Divine Bamboo!

But her mind was not on these two things.

Staring at Jiang Tian closely, there was a cold light in his eyes.

"I didn't expect the power of fetters to be so strong. What happened between you?"

The villain fell silent.

After a long time, she suddenly laughed strangely!

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