Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7582 keep the tinder

"Jie Jie! No matter what happened to you, or how deep your relationship is, in short, all of these will become my nourishment!"

The evil boy made a lotus print with his right hand, and pointed the index finger of his left hand between Jiang Tian's eyebrows.


Wisps of black air poured into Jiang Tian Shenhai, forming a mysterious seal.

Nie Lei noticed the foreign invasion and immediately began to resist.

But in the blink of an eye, he was suppressed by that seal!

The Shenhai storm broke out, but was also suppressed by the seal.

Jiang Tian fell into a deep sleep!

"Magic Lotus Heart Art, get up!"

The villain's hand seal changed, and he closed his eyes for a moment to feel it.

Suddenly grinning: "Found it!"

Then he urged the black magic lotus to plunder towards a certain starry sky.



In front of a palace full of aura, a girl in a blue lotus dress is playing with a spirit-devouring beast.

Suddenly, she turned her head to look at the distant horizon, her expression became extremely solemn.

"This is……"

The girl's immature face is astonishingly the same as that of the devil lotus evil boy!

It's just that her eyes are extremely clear, and there is no evil in her body.

Just as Jiang Tian was suppressed by the magic lotus and fell into a coma, she suddenly received some mysterious induction.

Immediately, he made a mudra with his hands and closed his eyes to feel it.

"Daolian's true heart formula, get up!"

Buzz buzz!

The girl felt it for a moment, and her face sank completely.

The result she sensed made her extremely uneasy!

"It's coming, he...something happened!"

The girl muttered to herself and looked towards the hall behind her.

The door of the temple was closed tightly, and there were four women guarding the door.

Empress Fuyao is retreating in the hall!

The four guarding women are the emperor officials under the seat of Empress Fuyao.

During the retreat period, outsiders are strictly prohibited from entering and leaving the hall, and they are guarding here to be responsible for the safety of Empress Fuyao.

"Spirit Swallowing Mouse, he's in big trouble, what should I do?"

"Zhizhi...zhizhizhi! Little Master Lian'er, who are you talking about?" Tunlingshu asked curiously, blinking his small eyes the size of rice grains.

Lian Er pondered for a while: "You understand!"

"What? Squeak, squeak!"

The small eyes of the swallowing mouse shrank, visibly agitated.

The body struggled violently, as if it wanted to fly away from her arms.

"Zhizhizhi! Little Master Lian'er, he is in danger, quickly call Master Fuyao for help!"

Tunlingshu scratched his head anxiously, even showing a trace of killing intent on his body.

"No! Sister Fuyao is in retreat, and she won't be able to come out until a while later!"

"Squeak! Then what should we do?" Tun Lingshu scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, and circled around Lian'er.

"I can't control that much anymore, let's go!"

"Squeak! Go!"

Lian Er didn't have time to say hello to Fuyao, she carried the Spirit-Tuning Mouse in one step, and disappeared into the void.

"Hey, what did little master Lian'er do?"

"There are also spirit devouring beasts, she took them away too!"

"Strange, why didn't you even say hello?"

In front of Fuyao Hall, several female emperors frowned.

The situation is somewhat unusual.

Although Lian Er is playful by nature, she has always been clever and is deeply doted on by Fuyao.

If there is anything, he will greet Fuyao.

But today, why leave without saying goodbye?

The fourth emperor shook his head and said: "Don't worry about her, although the little master Lian'er is not big, she is capable, and we may not be her opponents!"

"But she left without saying goodbye, how do we explain to the Empress?" The companion was a little worried.

"No need to explain!" The fourth emperor shook his head and smiled.

"Our mission is to protect the law for the empress. As for the actions of the young master Lian Er, that is her freedom. We have no right to interfere. We can report this matter after the empress leaves the customs!"


Reaching the sky!

A scene of madness!

In just half a day, a large number of powerful people from the nearby interface poured in and started a crazy plunder!

Cultivation resources, elixirs, magic weapons... monsters, and even beautiful female cultivators from the Qingtian Realm have become the targets of crazy plundering by all parties.

The foundation accumulated by Qingtian Daomeng for hundreds of thousands of years was divided up by crazy warriors.

The entire interface fell into an unprecedented catastrophe!

In this catastrophe, there are still a small number of people struggling to support.

Withstood the siege and mad attack of the powerful from all sides!

They are some high-level elders of the Qingtian Dao League, as well as some middle-stage Taixu Realm experts from the thirty interfaces that Jiang Tian had subdued before.

Many of them, like Yu Jinfeng, had made a blood oath to be loyal to Jiang Tian.

"Ran Di, Yu Jinfeng, He Kang, Tang Zixuan... stop your pointless resistance!"

"The Qingtianxuan Tower has collapsed, and Jiang Tian has no bones left. Why do you bother to do such stupid things?"

"All we want are the resources of the Qingtian Realm and the treasures left by the Qingtian Dao League. By the way, we will capture a few more beautiful female cultivators and go back to serve as furnaces. As long as you give up resistance, we will not make things difficult for you!"


Hundreds of strong men from other interfaces surrounded dozens of Daomeng elders.

The atmosphere is extremely tense!

"Shut up! As the elders of the Dao League, we once swore to be loyal to Jiang Taishang forever. Although the Qingtian Realm has suffered such a catastrophe, our oath is still valid!"

"Jiang Taishang's whereabouts are only temporarily unknown. No one can prove that he has fallen. Of course we must abide by our duties and defend the Taoist League!"

Ran Di, Yu Jinfeng and others stood in a row.

The series of battles had left them scarred and their breath dropped.

But they still did not give in, they always stood their ground!

The eyes of the strong men who besieged them were completely cold!

"Hehe, hahahaha! I'm afraid you haven't woken up yet!"

"Jiang Tian's demise is beyond any suspense!"

"You should be thankful that the target of that mysterious power is only Jiang Tian, ​​not the entire Qingtian Realm, otherwise this interface will probably cease to exist!"

"Since you are so stubborn, we will not force you anymore, kill!"



The fierce battle broke out again, and the two sides fought wildly, fighting together.

Dozens of people including Ran Di and Yu Jinfeng struggled to support by relying on the last foundation left by Qingtian Daomeng.

But after all, they couldn't withstand the wave after wave of offensives. After a while, more than half of the personnel were lost!

"We can't carry it so hard anymore!" Ran Di growled sharply.

"Ran Di, do you want to surrender?" Yu Jinfeng asked frantically, staring at his blood-red eyes.

"No! Not to surrender, but to keep the fire!"

"Keep... kindling?" Yu Jinfeng's eyes narrowed sharply, and he understood what the other party meant.

If you keep going like this, everyone will die here.

At that time, the descendants of Qingtian Daomeng were completely extinct.

Even if Jiang Tian could come back one day, he would not be able to recruit the old department again.

"Randi, you're right, in the current situation, we really can't hold on to it blindly!"

"We have to... think of something!"

The two looked at each other and quickly reached an agreement.

"Hahahaha! You finally figured it out, are you going to surrender?"

"Unfortunately it's too late!"

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