Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

7583--Andrew blood-transforming veins and half-step road veins

"Even if you surrender now, we will not let you go!"

"Kill! Kill them all for me!"


The attacks around them surged again, and in an instant, more than a dozen elders were severely injured, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

"I can't wait any longer, I'll cover you, go!" Yu Jinfeng roared frantically, motioning Ran Di to leave.

"No! This is the territory of the Qingtian Daomeng. I am the direct elder of the Qingtian Daomeng. If you want to leave, you should go first. I'll be the last!" Ran Di yelled.

"Now is not the time to fight. You are the direct elder of the Dao League. You must leave and report everything that happened here to Mrs. Jiang alive. Go!"

"If possible in the future, take my bloodline from the Heyuan Realm...to the Qingtian Realm!"


Yu Jinfeng forcibly activated a life-saving talisman.

However, this talisman was not used on himself, but tore apart the void and sent Ran Di and several other elders of the Dao League away.


"Damn it!"

"What a Yu Jinfeng! You, a surrendered elder, seem to be a bit too loyal to Jiang Tian, ​​don't you?"

"What magic power does he have that can make you so loyal?"

Ka Ka Ka!

The strong men who besieged them showed their murderous intentions, and their eyes were extremely ferocious.

"Hahahaha! Not for anything else, just because he didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately when he conquered my Yuanjie!

Just because he personally pushed Yu to the middle stage of Taixu Realm, fulfilling Yu's long-cherished wish that could not be fulfilled!

Yu can meet Jiang Taishang, this life is worth it! "


Before he finished speaking, Yu Jinfeng swallowed a pill suddenly.

The breath soared sharply, rushing towards those opponents!

"not good!"

"He's going to blow himself up!"

"Hide quickly..."

Crack... Rumble!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void!

Yu Jinfeng blew himself up!

This force swept away and took away dozens of Taixu Realm experts.

It also made the scene fall into a brief silence!


"He is a martial artist in the Heyuan Realm, and he is...willing to blew himself up!"

"What benefit did Jiang Tian give him?"

"Kill! If that's the case, then kill all the remnants of the Qingtian Daomeng!"

Next, the powerhouses from all walks of life launched a more violent offensive.

And seeing Yu Jinfeng's self-destruction, more powerhouses of the Qingtian Daomeng also chose the same destination.

But their number is still too small, after all, it is still unable to stop the joint killing of the foreign powerhouses.

When all the dust settled, the resources and treasures of the Qingtian Realm were divided up by all walks of life.

At this time, the Qingtian Realm has become a ruin!

Next, the powerhouses from all sides left one after another.

But at this moment, an astonishing change occurred in the Sky Realm.

The blood of countless Daoist League powerhouses flowed underground, and where they gathered, a hidden spiritual vein was discovered!

As soon as the news came out, it shocked the powerful people from all walks of life who hadn't left yet.

Shocked, they immediately blocked the news.

For this reason, others did not hesitate to kill thousands of insiders.

The killing didn't stop until everyone was shocked!

"I didn't expect that Qingtian Realm would be able to give birth to a 'Blood Transforming Divine Vein'!"

"Is this a blessing in disguise?"

"Hehe, it's just that this blessing is reserved for us people to enjoy!"

"It's a good thing we didn't leave in a hurry, otherwise this opportunity would really fall into the hands of others!"

A group of Void Realm powerhouses surrounded this spiritual vein, filled with emotion.

The so-called "blood-transforming divine vein" is a special spiritual vein born from the gathering of the blood essence of many powerful and powerful men.

There are extremely strict conditions for the birth of this kind of spiritual vein, and the probability is very small.

It used to exist only in legends.

And now, I actually met it!

Legend has it that this kind of divine vein has unimaginable benefits to warriors.

Everyone can't wait!

However, the blood of warriors is still gathering, and the potential of this spiritual vein is still improving.

It is undoubtedly unwise to act at this time.

Everyone is suppressing their temper and waiting.

However, someone soon discovered something strange!

"No! This is not the 'Blood Transforming Divine Vein'. Its aura does not come entirely from the blood essence of these warriors, but from another source!"



Everyone let go of their divine senses to sense.

Some people even released some special spirit beasts to investigate.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, it's a sensation right away!

"This spiritual vein is indeed not just the blood-transforming divine vein, but has two upper and lower spiritual veins!"

"The one above is made up of the blood essence of many strong men, and it is indeed the blood-transforming divine vein!"

"And the one below is a more powerful spiritual vein that already exists!"


"Is there another one below?"


There was an uproar at the scene, and everyone was stunned!

The opportunity to transform the blood into the divine veins is already very strong.

There is actually a more powerful spiritual vein below.

What exactly is that?

After some investigation, everyone was completely shocked!

"Half-step Dao Meridian, this is actually a half-step Dao Meridian!"

"Oh my God!"


The audience was stunned, and everyone was shocked by the grade of this spiritual vein.

Above the divine veins is the Dao veins!

Half-step road veins, between the two.

In tens of thousands of years, there may be a chance to evolve into a real Dao vein!

But tens of thousands of years, can these people wait?

Of course not!

They want to carve up this half-step road now.

"Wait a minute, everyone! The blood-transforming vein is still condensing, and it may take some time before it can be completely stabilized!"

"Yes, wouldn't it be nice for us to carve up these two spiritual veins after the blood-transforming veins are stabilized?"

"This is indeed the best way to maximize our interests!"

"That's it. When the blood-transforming vein is completely stabilized, it will be the time for us to join hands to carve up these two spiritual veins!"


In the endless starry sky.

The black magic lotus is moving forward rapidly.

Suddenly, a petite figure blocked its way.

The black magic lotus stopped slowly.

The jet-black lotus petals opened, revealing a petite figure in a black lotus robe.

"I didn't expect you to come here by yourself. It's okay, save me trouble."

The girl in black robe said with a sneer.

"Brother Jiang Tian!"

The girl in the blue robe looked at the unconscious Jiang Tian on the black lotus platform, extremely worried.

"Squeak, squeak!"

The Spirit Swallowing Mouse also yelled anxiously.

Although it has changed hands twice, the inner forgetfulness has never been forgotten.

It knows that its first master and the longest master it has followed will always be Jiang Tian!

"Hey, I also brought a spirit devouring beast, tsk, although I don't need this little thing, it's good to keep as a pet."

The girl on the black lotus was a little excited.

Raising his hand to grab the Spirit-Tuning Mouse, a magic hand made of black lotus petals appeared directly above the Spirit-Tuning Mouse.

Lian'er's eyes were cold, she was indifferent to this.


The spirit swallowing mouse moved!

It turned into a burst of silver light and shot out.


The silver light swept across, annihilating the magic hand directly.

The calmness of the girl on the black lotus seemed to have been expected a long time ago.

Clenching his right hand in the air, a black lotus appeared again.

With a turn in the air, the lotus petals opened, trapping the Spirit-Tuning Mouse inside.

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