But the range of the magic flame is too large, and the attack is too fierce, it quickly lost its direction.

"Little master Lian'er...no!"

The voice of the spirit swallowing mouse was ignored by the owner of the magic lotus.

Now, as long as she devours Lian'er, she can complete a growth and raise her strength to a higher level.

She and Lian Er are both Dao Lian's avatars, at the same level.

However, there is more than one clone of Daolian!

There are many, many more!

Only by finding the same kind to devour each other can we grow and become stronger step by step.

After completing this engulfment, her strength will be greatly improved, and she will take the initiative when she finds other Daolian clones in the future.

Then grow up step by step.

One day, become a real Taolian!

Of course, other Daolian avatars will not sit still.

They are also looking for the same kind, devouring and growing!

In this doomed cruel competition, whoever moves faster will gain the upper hand.


In the center of the black magic lotus, Lian'er looked at Jiang Tian with a full face.

Two immature little hands gently stroked his face.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​I'm late!"

"But it's okay, I'm not too late!"

Lian'er's small hand stroked Jiang Tian's forehead.

His eyes were slightly closed, and there were traces of blue light seeping into Jiang Tian's sea of ​​gods.

"Magic lotus dark life formula!"

Sensing the power injected by the magic lotus into Jiang Tian's divine sea, Lian'er's eyes suddenly revealed murderous intent!

But she was already unable to distract herself from dealing with the magic lotus, and could only do one thing.

That is to protect Jiang Tian!

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​with me here, you will be fine!"

"Wake up, wake up quickly!"

Hum rumble!

A blue light suddenly appeared, and a lotus stalk emerged from Lian'er's forehead.

Then a lotus pod emerged!

At the same time, Lian'er's lower body merged with the black lotus platform.

Madly devouring the magic energy contained in the black lotus platform.

"Well, what are you doing? Damn it, stop it!"

Sensing the strangeness here, Mo Lian's face changed drastically, and she roared angrily.

Lian'er ignored these.

Exhausting all the strength, urging the lotus pod to grow rapidly.

There is only one lotus seed on this lotus pod.

It grows and matures at the fastest speed.

When the lotus seed finally took shape, Lian'er bit the tip of her tongue.

Spew out a mouthful of blue blood essence to wrap the lotus core.

Put it into Jiang Tian's mouth!

"Brother Jiang Tian... Take care!"

The lotus seeds disappeared instantly after entering the entrance, and appeared in Jiang Tian's sea of ​​air the next moment.


A strange blue light suddenly appeared, enveloping Jiang Tian's whole body.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​farewell!"

Lian'er said goodbye, and she turned into a section of lotus root and got into the black lotus platform.

"Ah...no! Damn it, stop it!"

The magic lotus roared wildly, and the huge lotus platform began to tremble violently.

But it could no longer stop Lian'er from casting spells.

That piece of lotus root drilled into the depths of the lotus platform, frantically devouring the magic energy inside, and exhausted the essence of the black magic lotus.

The huge lotus platform shrank rapidly and dried up.

The girl in the black lotus dress was completely furious!

"Destroy the foundation of my lotus platform, I will kill you!"

"Come on, let's die together, that's our best destination!"

The lotus root drilled out from the shriveled black lotus platform, transforming into the figure of Lian'er.

Just a little unreal.

Looking back at Jiang Tian, ​​he calmly glanced at the girl in black.

With both arms open, lotus leaves emerged, and lotus stems stretched out, forcibly wrapping the girl in black.

"Annihilation, this is the best destination for you and me!"



The blue and black rays of light shone wildly, and the once invincible girl in black finally disappeared into the starry sky together with Lian Er.

Ginger weather deep in the sea.

The lotus heart slowly turned, releasing mysterious power.

There are also strands of blue light stretching out like threads, spreading into the Divine Sea, devouring the power injected by the magic lotus!

And the aura of the lotus heart itself also began to decline.

In the end, there was only a faint phantom left, suspended in Jiang Tian's sea of ​​air.

After a while, Jiang Tian woke up!

"Where am I, Qingtian Daomeng...huh?"

"Squeak, squeak! Master, are you awake?"

Jiang Tian scanned the void and found that he was no longer in the Sky Realm.

But in a strange starry sky!

In the beginning, the magic vine was pinned to his waist, and the Zixiao bamboo was lying on his body.

Suddenly, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from my ear!

Spirit-eating rats!

"Spirit-swallowing rat! How is it possible?"

Jiang Tian was shocked, thinking he was dreaming.

But this is not a dream, but something that actually happened!

The Spirit Swallowing Mouse is right in front of him, guarding him!

"Master, you finally woke up, poor little master Lian Er..."

Tun Lingshu hesitated to speak, and two lines of hot tears flowed from his small eyes, the size of rice grains.

"Lian'er?" Jiang Tian's expression darkened slightly.

The abnormality in the body has been discovered!

The black magic lotus disappeared, but there was an extra cordial aura in his sea of ​​qi.

That is a strange lotus core!

"Heavenly Destiny Lotus Heart? Qingxu Lotus Platform? Lian'er!"


There was a stormy sea in Jiang Tian's divine sea.

All the scenes that happened during the coma were projected by this lotus heart.

In an instant, he understood!

When he was in the lower realm, the Qingxu lotus platform he had rescued was actually a dao lotus!

After many years, Dao Lian bloomed and turned into a human form.

It was Lian Er!

But this information is obviously just fragments.

There are many things he does not know!

"Spirit Swallowing Mouse, what happened?"

"Zhizhi, master, it's like this..."

The strength of the spirit swallowing mouse has long been different from what it used to be.

Wisdom has also been greatly improved.

Facing Jiang Tian's inquiry, it spoke eloquently, telling everything it knew.

"Not good! The breath of the lotus core is fading, it's about to disappear!"

Jiang Tian's expression suddenly changed!

In the sea of ​​qi, the lotus core became even more illusory.

It looks like it's about to disappear.

In order to protect him, Lian Er chose to die with Mo Lian.

And once it disappears, the aura left by Lian'er will also be completely wiped out!

"No! I will never let Lian'er's breath be annihilated!"

Jiang Tian was extremely anxious.

He suddenly remembered the destiny lotus core that he had refined.

Since then, it has evolved into a purple gold lotus platform, which also incorporates the mysterious power of the original heavenly bell.

It's just this kind of power, he can't push it by himself.

Whenever he encounters a life-and-death crisis, it will emerge on its own.

Now, he needs this power!

But how to motivate it?

"Purple Gold Lotus Platform, now!"

Jiang Tian tried various methods, but he couldn't wake up Zijinliantai.

After repeated attempts, he was almost desperate!

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed across his heart!

"Dao Xin Lotus Jue... Dao Xin Lotus Jue!"

Lower plane, Lianhuazong!

He crossed the boundary back then, and by chance, he came to the Lotus Blossom Sect and came into contact with the Qingxu Lotus Platform.

That is Lian Er's predecessor!

He once used his own strength to help the Qingxu lotus platform shed its catastrophe.

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