Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7586 Return to Qingtian Realm

It's just that he at that time never expected that after many years, he would reunite with Lian Er in this way.

But the reunion turned into farewell!

In order to protect him, Lian'er and Mo Lian died together, and both of them were annihilated.

In the end, only this phantom of the lotus core was left behind!

If you want to keep Lian'er's remaining breath, after thinking about it, maybe the only way to do it is the Dao Xin Lian Jue.

"No matter what, try it!"

"Dao Heart Lotus Art, open!"


Dao Xin Lian Jue, he only used it when he was in Lianhuazong.

Almost forgotten thereafter.

Now it is used again, just to keep Lian'er's remaining aura.

Buzz buzz!

As soon as the lotus formula was opened, the phantom of the lotus heart immediately felt it.

A mysterious wave rippled from Lian Xin.

Immediately afterwards, the purple gold lotus platform appeared!


Zijin lotus platform!


It rotates slowly, exuding purple-gold brilliance, and slowly communicates with the lotus core left by Lian'er.

Soon, the two began to approach and their breaths began to merge.

"It's done!"

Jiang Tian was extremely excited.

From the looks of it, he did it!

The Zijin lotus platform turned slowly, sucking the illusory lotus core into the lotus platform, and it became a lotus seed on the lotus platform.

And the aura of this lotus seed is different from other lotus seeds, and still retains a special charm that belongs to Lian'er.

"Lian'er, can you hear me?"

Jiang Tian urged his divine mind to try to communicate with the lotus seed.

no respond!

Immediately afterwards, the purple gold lotus platform also slowly disappeared.

The sea of ​​air returned to calm!

"it's over?"

Jiang Tian felt lost.

He didn't know if this was considered a success, the only thing that was certain was that he tried his best to keep Lian'er's remaining breath.

One day, will Lian Er be resurrected?

Thinking back to Tunlingshu's various descriptions about Daolian, Jiang Tian fell into confusion.

The Spirit Swallowing Rat doesn't know much.

And among these news, there is also a terrifying power named Empress Fuyao!

He didn't recognize that person.

The other party lives in Fuyao Tiangong!

Where is Fuyao Tiangong?

Even the Spirit Swallowing Mouse couldn't tell!

It was brought out by Lian'er.

"Empress Fuyao, Fuyao Tiangong, maybe there will be a way for Lian'er's resurrection there?"

Jiang Tian secretly made up his mind to find Fuyao Tiangong no matter what.

No matter the cost, we must find a way to bring Lian Er back to life!

"Daolian's power is so powerful, I'm afraid Fuyao Tiangong's background is even stronger!"

Jiang Tian frowned in thought.

With his current strength, he can't even deal with a magic lotus.

I'm afraid I don't have the ability to communicate with Fuyao Tiangong.


Everything is strength!

The power of Empress Fuyao is above Daolian's avatar.

And his strength is far, far behind Daolian's clone.

Next, he must improve crazily!

"Spirit Swallowing Mouse, let's go!"

"Squeaky, yes, master!"

With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, he took the Spirit-Tuning Mouse into the Zixuan Realm.

Tunlingshu, who had returned to the Zixuan Realm, felt extremely cordial.

It roared excitedly, and greeted the long-lost Swallowing Mountain Turtle.

"Stinky old turtle, I'm back, Chi Chi... Ho Ho Ho!"

"Moo? Soul swallowing mouse, is that you?"

"Squeak! It's me!"


With a loud noise, the Spirit-Tuning Mouse was thrown away by a huge force, and fell far into the depths of the Zixuan Realm.

"Moo... ouch! Grass, spirit swallowing mouse, what do you want to do?"

"Zhizhi! Ah... I didn't do it on purpose, it's just that I'm too strong. Bear with me, old turtle!"

"Moo! You... What kind of chance did you have? It wasn't long before you parted, why are you so strong? By the way, how did the master find you back, tell me quickly..."

Reunited after a long absence, naturally there are endless things to say.

A turtle and a mouse communicated enthusiastically in the depths of the Zixuan Realm.

Jiang Tian escaped in the starry sky.

What you can see around you is a collapsed interface and a turbulent starry sky.

Even if he possesses the thaumaturgy of escaping the void, he still feels helpless in this kind of place.


Compared to the vast starry sky, his speed is really too slow!

After fleeing with all his strength for more than half a month, he walked out of the turbulent starry sky and came to an interface where warriors practiced.

After inquiring, he was stunned!

The warriors here have never even heard of the name "Sky Sky Realm".

He had no choice but to continue to explore.

Finally, after several twists and turns, he returned to Qingtian Realm after more than a month!

"The Qingtian Realm... has become like this!"

Standing outside Qingtian Realm, Jiang Tian saw a devastated scene.

Don't even think about it, you can guess what happened!

In the line of sight, there are many warriors and flying boats coming in and out.

The former interface channel was also guarded by strange warriors.


Before he came to the interface channel, he was about to enter the Sky Realm.

But was stopped!

"The passageway is important, the idlers are waiting to get out of here!"

"Don't get lost, since you're here, leave all the treasures on you!"

Boom, boom!

Amidst the violent roar, several guards stepped forward to surround Jiang Tian, ​​ready to snatch it.

"Hey, that's not right!"

"It's him—Jiang Tian!"

"Jiang Tian is back!"

"He didn't die?"

"Not good, report quickly..."

Puff puff puff!

Someone recognized Jiang Tian, ​​and there was a commotion in front of the passage.

Before the words fell, the purple sword light chopped off more than a dozen heads.

On the faces of these people, there were shock, horror, unwillingness, resentment, and deep despair!

After the powerhouses from dozens of surrounding interfaces occupied the Sky Realm, they should have kept enough precautions.

But from their point of view, Jiang Tian was dead, and the Qingtian Realm would no longer face any threats.

Therefore, the forces they formed temporarily only guarded and controlled these interface channels.

There is no expectation or preparation for Jiang Tian's return!

And they also paid an unbearable price for their carelessness.

"My God!"

"Damn it!"

"Run away!"


The remaining dozens of guards were all terrified, and they frantically ran for their lives in different directions.

Someone rushed into the interface passage, wanting to seek refuge in the Sky Realm.

Some people escaped directly into the void, preparing to leave the Qingtian Realm.

When Jiang Tian returns, the Qingtian Realm will definitely set off another bloody storm. Entering the Qingtian Realm at this moment will not only not get the protection it deserves, but will become a bird in a cage.

"Run... run away!"

La ho ho!

Everyone fled crazily, breaking out at the fastest speed.

"You can't leave!"

Stop drinking!

Jiang Tian used the Void Immortal Realm to imprison dozens of people in it.



The fairyland was reversed, and everyone's bodies exploded, exploding to death!

"Sky Sky Realm, I'm back!"


Jiang Tian stepped out and swept into the interface channel.

After a while, he returned to the Sky Realm again!

However, the Qingtian Realm at this time is no longer what it used to be.

Looking around, the interface is a mess.

There are tragic scenes everywhere!

Without hesitation, Jiang Tian went straight to where the Qingtian Daomeng was located.

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