Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7589 Exceeding

"follow me!"

Jiang Tian was about to take the two of them away.

Jin Tianxing's face changed slightly, and he looked at the spiritual vein ahead!

"What a blood-transforming divine vein... Hey, the situation is wrong!"

"What's wrong?" Qin Yao asked.

"The blood-transforming vein is formed by gathering the blood essence of the elders and disciples of my Qingtian Dao League, but the aura of this blood-transforming vein is a bit strange!"

"Oh, what's so weird?" Jiang Tian was also deeply surprised.

He has never been in contact with such things as blood-transforming divine veins.

Jin Tianxing knows more, it seems.

"Take a look, Supreme Leader, this blood-transforming divine vein has a strange aura, filled with spirituality far beyond the normal level, and ordinary spiritual veins shouldn't be so evil!"

"It is true, but why?"

Jiang Tian sensed a little and nodded again and again.

Jin Tianxing said solemnly: "There is no other reason, only because those people have strengthened and integrated into the living souls of the elders and disciples of my Dao League in this blood-transforming divine vein!"


"Living soul... hiss!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened.

Qin Yao gasped, feeling extremely disgusted in her heart!

The blood-transforming vein itself is a special existence, but it is precisely because of its particularity that it can carry certain special things.

For example, the soul of a warrior!

Incorporating this kind of thing can enhance the efficacy of the spiritual vein and bring greater benefits to those who absorb the essence of the spiritual vein.

But to achieve this, many elders and disciples of the Dao League must be killed and their souls taken away.

This is an extremely cruel practice!

Jiang Tian stared at the thousand-foot blood pool!

The powerful divine sense was immersed in it, and a terrifying scene was immediately reflected in the sea of ​​gods.

One after another living souls crawled in and out of the sea of ​​blood, trying their best to get rid of the confinement of the pool of blood, but they couldn't.

They wailed wildly, weeping blood and mourning, forming a powerful resentment.

Qin Yao also heard the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling, her brows were frowned, and she couldn't bear it in her heart.

"Master, is there any way...can you save them?"

"Rescue?" Jiang Tian frowned and thought.

Jin Tianxing shook his head and sighed: "These colleagues have already fallen, and it is impossible to save them. The only way is to release them, let them transcend themselves, and enter reincarnation!"

"Master, help them!" Qin Yao said.

"You don't need to tell me, I will do the same!"

Jiang Tian closed his eyes and sighed.

After a while, he opened his eyes and began to perform some kind of secret technique.

"The art of reverse blood, activate!"


The Art of Inverse Blood was originally a blood secret art of the Dragon Clan.

It is intended to purify the blood of the dragons and accelerate their return to their ancestors, so as to obtain powerful blood power.

In the long-term practice process, Jiang Tian discovered more magical uses of it.

It is just right to use it on this blood-transforming divine vein at this moment.

In fact, if Jiang Tian forcibly devoured this divine vein, it would be of great benefit.

But he didn't do that!

Because he can't bear it, and he can't do that!

No matter how powerful the blood-transforming vein is, it is also condensed by the blood and lives of the elders and disciples of the Dao League.

If he devours it forcibly, how is it different from those vicious enemies?

"The Art of Reverse Blood, up!"


Under Jiang Tian's urging, the Qianzhang Blood Pool boiled rapidly.

The power of the bloodlines began to reverse, and the blood pool that was originally integrated into one body condensed hundreds of figures.

These figures come in all shapes and sizes, male and female.

They vary in height and shape.

Without exception, they were all former Daoist League elders!

Their souls were originally imprisoned in the blood pool and became part of the Blood Transforming Divine Vein.

And under the urging of the art of reverse blood, he gradually recovered some of his original consciousness.

"Too...too lord?"

"Are we... still alive?"

Hundreds of blood-colored figures scanned the surroundings, and immediately fell into despair.

They understood without Jiang Tian answering.

Their lives have long since perished, and although they have recovered a little consciousness, what they consume is the power of their souls.

The body has died, and the soul is not complete.

They can't be revived!

"I will send you... into reincarnation!"

Jiang Tian spoke in a deep voice with a solemn expression.

Everyone was unwilling, but they also knew that there was no other way.

After a moment of silence, he accepted his fate.

"I will thank the Supreme Leader!"

"If there is no Supreme Leader to take action, I am afraid that I will never be reborn!"

"Now I'm lucky enough to step into reincarnation, it's all thanks to the leader of the Supreme Leader!"

"If there is an afterlife, we are still willing to follow the Supreme Leader!"

Hundreds of scarlet souls thanked Jiang Tian.

"The art of reincarnation traction, start!"

Jiang Tian performed another secret technique.

This is a secret technique he obtained by beheading the strong Si Tianjian.

It's not complicated to say, and I thought I would never use it.

I didn't expect it to be used today.

"Go, reincarnate, see you by fate!"

Buzz buzz!

The technique of reincarnation traction was activated, and a black and white circular light door opened in the void.

All these souls escaped into it and disappeared.

The light gate also disappeared.

When all this was over, the blood-transforming veins had also dried up.

"it's over!"

"This subordinate, on behalf of those colleagues who have passed away, thank the Supreme Leader!"

Jin Tianxing corrected his figure and gave a big gift to Jiang Tian.

"What happened to the Qingtian Daomeng, as the leader of the Supreme Alliance, I am responsible after all. Next, I will make those who take advantage of the fire and rob them pay a terrible price!"


Hum rumble!

The purple light suddenly appeared, and the three disappeared into the forbidden area.

As for the half-step Dao vein, it was banned and sealed by Jiang Tian.

Next, he did not leave the Sky Realm.

The place to go is in this world!


In the west of Qingtian Realm, the Swamp of Evil Spirits!

There are a lot of aquatic monsters living here.

Different from Jue's water-type monsters, the monsters here are extremely cruel.

Whether it is a human or a foreign monster, as long as it enters their sight, it will lead to extremely tragic killings.

But the most terrifying thing is not these ferocious monsters.

It's an evil spirit unique to this place that can confuse warriors' minds!

These evil spirits are nothing but the remnants of warriors killed by monsters.

Under normal circumstances, no one would want to come here.

And now, there are some warriors hiding here!

"Elder Ran, we can't go any further!"

"No! If you stop here, they will catch up with you soon. It's a dead end anyway. If you move forward, there is still a glimmer of hope!"

A dozen warriors gathered together.

Their clothes were torn and their bodies were covered with wounds.

The elixir was used up, and there was not even a magic weapon at hand.

They are none other than a group of elders from Qingtian Daomeng headed by Ran Di.

After the great change of Qingtian Daomeng, they fled here all the way.

Unexpectedly, they were still found by those opponents.

In desperation, they could only come to the Swamp of Evil Spirits, trying to use this special environment to protect themselves.

But I didn't expect that the people of Qingtian Jiemeng were still pressing hard.

Drive them to a dead end!

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