Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

7590--Andrew The magic vine shows its power

"Can't wait any longer, go in immediately!"

Ran Di knew very well that their strength was too weak.

There is no way to compete with the powerful enemies that come after them, so they can only take risks and go deep.

The front convenience is the most terrifying place in the Swamp of Evil Spirits, and this trip is close to death!

"Hahahaha! You don't have to run away!"

"Do you think you can save a life by entering the Swamp of Evil Spirits?"

"It's useless! Coming here will only make you die faster!"


Dozens of powerful auras came from the sky, and dozens of fierce figures appeared in the blink of an eye.

The people of the Qingtian Realm Alliance are chasing and killing them!

Jie Jie!

Ho ho ho!

A strange cry came from ahead!

Dozens of ferocious monsters poked their heads out of the swamp, roaring ferociously.

Farther away, more than a hundred evil spirits loomed, making horrifying screams!

"It's over!"

"This time...it's over!"

"Hehe... It seems that our Qingtian Dao League is really exhausted!"

"Forget it, we'll fight them to the death today, and we'll have to take a few backs when we die!"

Boom, boom!

There is no way to go to heaven, and no way to go to earth.

Only fight to the death!

Ran Di and a dozen of his companions mobilized the little spiritual power left, ready to go all out.

"Come on! Even if it's death, Ran will drag one or two of you to die together!"

"Come here if you are not afraid of death, I will take you to blow yourself up together!"

Boom boom boom!

Ran Di and the others crazily mobilized their own spiritual power, putting on a desperate posture.

"Hey! You've got such a good idea, you've come to this point, do you think we will exchange our own lives for your poor lives?"

"The most indispensable thing in the Swamp of Evil Spirits is ferocious beasts and evil spirits. This time, we came prepared!"

"This evil spirit sacrificial blood banner will send you on your way!"


The strong man on the opposite side waved his hand and raised a scarlet flag!

In an instant, the evil wind soared, and the scarlet flag turned into a thousand-foot-high banner and flew above the Swamp of Evil Spirits, releasing an astonishing bloody aura.

A series of ghostly black shadows flew out from above, baring their teeth and claws, howling crazily.


"Jie jie jie!"

The bloody aura emanating from it immediately drove the evil spirits in the depths of the swamp into a frenzy.

Flying over madly, scrambling to devour the blood energy released by the giant banner.

The next moment, he became an evil spirit driven by the giant banner!

"Go, swallow them for me!"


"Quack quack!"

"Jie Jie!"

Hundreds of evil spirits began to attack Ran Di and others.

Their attacks are mainly aimed at the soul of the warrior.

In an instant, seven or eight people were recruited, and the evil spirits got into the sea of ​​gods and devoured their souls.

At the same time, the monsters in dozens of swamps also started to go crazy, rushing over to grab the blood.

And looking at the scene in front of them, the strong man who came to hunt them down finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew! The evils of Qingtian Daomeng will be wiped out at last!"

"Our mission has been completed, and we will definitely be rewarded when we go back!"

"I hope that the blood-transforming divine vein can leave some for us, otherwise it would be too bad!"

"What are you afraid of, isn't there still a half-step Dao vein?"

"The entire Qingtian Realm is under our control, are you afraid that we won't get enough benefits?"

"That's right, I will definitely retreat this time when I go back to the late stage of the Taixu Realm, and strive to break through this barrier as soon as possible!"

The evil wind is sweeping!

Billowing black air enveloped Ran Di and the others, exclamations and screams came out continuously, and there were bursts of ghosts and wolves howling.

It seems that there is no suspense!

at this time!

There was a sudden shout!

Three figures appeared in midair with purple formations!

"Absolute Beginning Magic Vine, go!"



A black light flashed, and the terrifying black magic vines spread wildly.

The black air enveloping Ran Di and the others quickly dissipated.

The Evil Spirit Sacrificial Blood Banner was also entangled by the magic vines and crushed to pieces!

"Damn it! My evil spirit sacrificial blood banner!"


"No, it's Jiang Tian!"

"He's not dead?"


The moment they saw Jiang Tian, ​​everyone's expressions changed drastically!

Ran Di and the others cried out of joy for the rest of their lives!

"The Supreme Leader, the Supreme Leader and the others!"

"We finally made it to this day!"

"Prince Supreme, save me..."

Bang bang bang!

Several elders who were attacked by evil spirits suddenly passed out and fell into the swamp.

Without waiting for Jiang Tian's order, Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao immediately rescued them.

The breath of the primordial magic vine made the evil spirits in the Swamp of Evil Spirits afraid to approach.


With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, the black magic vine turned around and rushed towards dozens of opponents.



Puff puff... Boom!

The magic vines raged, and dozens of people all pierced through the flesh, sucking up the essence of flesh and blood.

Ran Di and the others saved their lives in an instant!

"Then... what kind of treasure is that?"

"Why... so scary?"

Ran Di and a dozen companions were all stunned!

Jiang Tian didn't even make a move himself, relying only on the black cane, he solved all the opponents.

But in front of these vines, those people have no power to fight back, they can't even struggle!

"The magic vine of primordial origin!"

Jiang Tian said lightly.


"The magic vine of primordial origin!"

"This...is this the legendary Primordial Magic Vine?"


Everyone is freaking out!

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao even retreated again and again, showing extreme fear.

Of course they have heard of such things as the magic vine in the beginning.

Just never seen it!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tian had one in his hand!

But thinking of the great changes in the Sky Realm, another kind of fear filled his heart.

Jiang Tian held the Primordial Magic Vine in his hand, but he couldn't resist the mysterious enemy covering the entire interface.

What is the background of the other party?

"It's a long story, let's go back to Daomeng first!"

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian put away the magic vine in the beginning, and sacrificed the large array of Huakong to take everyone away.

At this moment, an earth-shattering strange cry came from the depths of the Swamp of Evil Spirits!


This voice was mixed with a terrifying coercion, which terrified Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao.

A voice is so terrifying, it is definitely an existence that they cannot compete with!

"not good!"

"Master, go!"

The two quickly reminded.

Jiang Tian was indifferent!

He stared into the depths of the swamp of evil spirits, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Just in time!"



Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao were taken aback for a moment, and then saw a horrifying scene.

I saw a terrifying cloud suddenly appearing in the depths of the Swamp of Evil Spirits.

It looks colorful, but the deepest part presents a terrifying pitch-black color!

At the same time, a terrifying coercion swept over, causing their blood and spiritual power to freeze instantly!

"This... this is a level sixteen peak monster!"

"Oh My God!"


"My lord, let's go!"

Everyone exclaimed in amazement, and their faces changed wildly!

The sixteenth-level peak monster is equivalent to the extreme peak of the Void Realm among human warriors.

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