Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

7591--Andrew Advanced Absolute God Realm Late Stage

Chapter 7591 Late stage of advanced absolute god realm

The power of monsters is stronger than that of humans.

Under the same realm, they can often be crushed easily.

What's more, this is an extremely sixth-level peak monster who grew up in the vicious swamp of evil spirits.

Its strength is absolutely beyond imagination!

But when they looked at Jiang Tian, ​​they found that the other party had a sneer in his eyes and a look of disdain on his face!


Qin Yao's mouth twitched.

The words did not fall.

Jiang Tian suddenly disappeared in the same place!

The next moment, he appeared above the Swamp of Evil Spirits.

Face the terrifying monster!

at this time!

Everyone found that the monster was more terrifying than they had imagined.

In addition to a body of demon power, hundreds of evil spirits were also imprisoned for it to drive!

"Demon King, this is probably the Demon King of the Swamp of Evil Spirits!"

The demon king does not refer to the realm, but refers to the king of this territory.

The strength is so strong, I am afraid it is beyond imagination!

"Little human fighters dare to trespass on this king's territory, so you don't have to go!"


The evil spirit demon king spit out human words, roared, and the demon clouds all over the sky rushed towards Jiang Tian.

"Good time, I'll take you tonic today!"

Jiang Tian sneered and rushed into the demon cloud, and was instantly submerged.


The terrified cries of the subordinates came from behind.

"My lord can't!"

"The supreme leader...don't do it!"

Jiang Tian, ​​who was in the demon cloud, seemed to be unable to hear these voices.

The terrifying monster cloud raged crazily, and began to spread crazily, and arrived in front of Jin Tianxing and others in an instant.

It was about to swallow them up.

at this time!

A frightened scream came from the depths of the demon cloud!

"Ouch! What bloodline are you...? Impossible, this is impossible!"

"The power of blood, give me the power!"



Accompanied by a loud noise like the chant of a dragon, the demon clouds all over the sky rolled back crazily, at an extremely exaggerated speed.

Immediately afterwards, another shout came!

"Blood Swallowing, open!"


This is Jiang Tian's voice!

Facing the big demon at the peak of the sixteenth level, he unfolded his bloodline talent.

The bloodline essence of Rolling Blood was poured crazily and split into two in his body.

Half of it was injected into the Purple Profound Realm, and the other half turned into bloodline spiritual power, pushing his aura to rise rapidly.

Bang bang... click!

Jiang Tian's blood spiritual power has already reached 100% full state.

He was severely injured by the magic lotus before, and was rescued by the lotus after that.

After waking up, his strength increased again.

At this moment, having devoured the blood essence of the great demon, his strength rose sharply, reaching the bottleneck of his cultivation!

Boom... Boom!

Accompanied by a loud noise that shook the sky, the bottleneck of cultivation was broken away in one fell swoop!

Jiang Tian's breath soared sharply, entering the late stage of Absolute God Realm!

"very good!"

Jiang Tian screamed wildly in the sky, his eyes were shining brightly.

His bloodline spiritual power rushed through the barrier and was rapidly condensing and transforming.

Suddenly, he noticed something strange in front of him!

Although the big demon was swallowed by him, the colorful demon cloud and the evil spirit trapped by the dark demon energy in the depths of the demon cloud did not dissipate.


Jiang Tian couldn't help being a little curious.

The big demon has fallen, why does this cloud of monsters not disperse?

He skimmed closer, sensed it carefully for a moment, and immediately understood.

This demon cloud is the appendage of the great demon, and will not disappear with the fall of the great demon.

If you let it go, it will only make the other monsters here cheaper.

"Leiyuan Immortal Physique, suppress it for me!"


Jiang Tian urged Lei Yuan's immortal body to suppress the demon cloud.

Crack... Rumble!

Horrific bangs spread throughout the void, and the evil spirits of the demon cloud collapsed under his suppression, turning into streaks of black light and merging into the cloud.

The entire monster cloud shrunk again and again, and finally turned into a multicolored cloud of hundreds of feet in size.

At this moment, this cloud has no sense of evil, and has become the purest hanging cloud vein.

"What a hanging cloud vein!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were full of light!

Suspended cloud veins are a type of void spirit veins.

Its formation conditions are quite mysterious, which can be said to be rare.

Jiang Tian suppressed the Yaoyun with the Leiyuan Immortal Body, and by accident and coincidence, such a suspended cloud vein was formed.

Such a good thing is naturally not to be missed!

"Swallow the void formula, swallow it for me!"


The power of space swept across, and the hundreds of feet of suspended cloud veins entered Jiang Tian's body.


Without deliberate refinement, this cloud vein will show powerful effects.

It nourishes Jiang Tian's meridians all over his body and enhances the spiritual power of his blood.

What surprised him the most was the nourishment of Shenhai.

After the essence of the suspended cloud veins entered the Divine Sea, it combined with Nie Lei, increasing the power of Nie Lei.


Jiang Tian was overjoyed.

Nie Lei's promotion is quite difficult.

This time, it was really a surprise.

"In the late stage of Absolute God Realm, the spiritual power of the bloodline is 40%, not bad!"

Jiang Tian felt his own strength.

Forty percent of his bloodline spiritual power was slightly higher than he expected.

His strength has reached unprecedented heights!

But even with the current strength, it is still unable to compete with the existence of the magic lotus.

The road ahead is difficult and there is a long way to go!

"Congratulations, my lord, for advancing!"

"Congratulations master for successfully breaking through!"

"Congratulations to the supreme lord on his advancement!"

Jin Tianxing, Qin Yao, Ran Di and others congratulated one after another.

"The supreme leader, when Yu Jinfeng risked his life to cover our retreat, he once said: 'If possible, bring his blood from the Heyuan Realm to the Qingtian Realm', the Supreme Leader has returned, whether Can his last wish come true?"

Jiang Tian said solemnly: "Old Patriarch Yu's last wish is not difficult to realize, but why do you need to bring his blood to Qingtian Realm?"

"What?" Ran Chou was taken aback for a moment, before hesitating to speak.

Doesn't Jiang Tian want to do this?

Jiang Tian smiled proudly: "I have made my own arrangements for this matter, follow me back immediately, and rebuild the Qingtian Dao League!"

Hum rumble!

The purple light suddenly appeared!

Jiang Tian brought everyone back to Qingtian Daomeng!

more than a month ago.

Jiang Tian conquered 30 interfaces and returned with more than 100 elders in the middle stage of Taixu Realm in glory.

How beautiful was the Qingtian Daomeng at that time?

Now, in the Qingtian Daomeng after the great change, there are only a dozen or so Taixu Realm elders left.

But among them, there are two elders in the late stage of Taixu Realm!

These two people can completely fight against a hundred!

From the perspective of comprehensive combat power, the strength of Qingtian Daomeng has actually increased.

But it is obviously not enough to rely on Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao, the two late stage Taixu realms!

After all, there are only two of them, and the Sky Realm is so big, radiating thirty interfaces around it, it is impossible to rely on the two of them to handle everything.

Therefore, the Qingtian Daomeng still needs more elders in the middle and late stages of the Taixu Realm.

Jiang Tian also needs more powerful help!

"Please give instructions to the Supreme Leader!"

The main hall built on the ruins of the Qingtian Dao League—the Qingtian Jiemeng Hall.

Now, the plaque has been replaced and it has changed back to Qingtian Temple!

Jiang Tian sat on the throne, looking down at the dozen or so elders below.

The Qingtian Daomeng, which was once powerful and had hundreds of thousands of elders and disciples, now has only a few backbones left.

His mood was extremely painful.

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