Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7592 Send an order to Qingtian Realm, recruit the old department again!

"Jin Tianxing, Qin Yao, all the elders of the Qingtian Dao League, listen to the order!"

"The subordinates are here!"

Everyone bowed and listened in a solemn atmosphere.

"Immediately send a message to the entire Qingtian Realm, telling all the scattered warriors of the Dao League to return to the Qingtian Temple immediately and rebuild the Qingtian Dao League!"


"Also! All the surviving Taixu Realm elders in the Qingtian Realm, return immediately, and after three days, enter the half-step Dao veins controlled by the Dao League, and accept the baptism of the Dao veins!"


"The Supreme Leader, this..."

Jiang Tian's order surprised everyone!

The corners of Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao's eyes twitched even more, they were shocked!

"My lord can't!"

"Master! The half-step dao vein is the last foundation of the Qingtian Dao League, and it is also the only top-level resource left in this catastrophe. You should enjoy it alone. If you let all the elders share it, I'm afraid..."

"I'm afraid of what?" Jiang Tian waved her hand to interrupt her, and said with a smile, "Do you want to say that once too many people come, I won't be able to fully enjoy the benefits, and those who enter the half-step Dao vein will gain a lot of money?" The benefits are also relatively limited, right?"

"Indeed!" Qin Yao nodded heavily.

Half-step pulse strength is extraordinary.

If Jiang Tian is allowed to enjoy it alone, it is likely that he will enter the level of Taixu Realm.

With Jiang Tian's talent and aptitude, once he enters the Void Realm, his combat power is simply unimaginable!

This should be the best way for the Qingtian Daomeng, who was initially determined by the chaos!

However, in Jiang Tian's view, this is not the case!

"My situation is quite special. Even if I really refine this spirit vein and advance to the Taixu realm, it will have relatively limited effect on the entire Dao League! If the Qingtian Dao League wants to become really strong, it needs more than just one or two In the later stages of the Taixu Realm, there are hundreds, thousands, or even more!"



Both Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao's expressions changed.

Ran Di and the dozen or so elders were even more shocked and horrified!

It is quite rare for the Qingtian Daomeng to be able to produce Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao, two late stage Taixu realms.

Jiang Tian actually said that hundreds or thousands of them would be born?

This simply cannot be done!

"Cough, my lord, calm down. Forgive me for speaking bluntly. Even if a group of elders in the middle stage of the Taixu Realm are summoned back and enter the half-step Dao vein, it may not be possible for them all to break through!"

"Yes, no matter how high the level of this spiritual vein is, its effect is relatively limited. It is impossible to give birth to so many late-stage Taixu Realm powerhouses!"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao had to remind Jiang Tian.

"It's true that one half-step Dao pulse alone is not enough, but don't we still have thirty subordinate interfaces?" Jiang Tian smiled leisurely.

"Well, what?"

"My lord means..."

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao looked at each other, with strange lights in their eyes.

Qingtian Realm has just escaped a catastrophe.

They thought that Jiang Tian would recharge his batteries and recuperate during this period of time.

It now appears that he does not intend to do so!


They get it!

Not only did Jiang Tian not intend to hide in the Qingtian Realm, but he even took the initiative to go to the 30 surrounding interfaces to collect the interest of this great change!

"My lord is wise!"

"It is true that a half-step dao vein cannot give birth to too many late-stage powerhouses, but it can play a finishing touch, allowing mid-stage powerhouses who enjoy it to greatly increase the chance of advancement!"

"The Supreme Leader's idea is really wonderful!"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao were very pleasantly surprised.

Ran Di and the others also admired.

Jiang Tian's idea can be said to maximize the effectiveness of the half-step Daomai.

It is indeed the best way!

"In this case, what are you waiting for, why don't you issue a summoning order quickly?"

"My lord, don't worry, this subordinate will do it immediately!"

"All the elders obey the order, and immediately convey the instructions of the Supreme Alliance Leader to the entire interface, and all the elders of the Taixu Realm will return within three days to accept the baptism of the half-step Dao Meridian, and we will not wait until the expiration date!"

"In addition! All the elders and disciples who are loyal to the Dao League and below the Taixu Realm, if they wish to return, return within seven days, and the Dao League will accept them regardless of past suspicions!"



As soon as Jin Tianxing finished speaking, Ran Di and a dozen elders rushed out of the hall, and began to convey Jiang Tian's orders as quickly as possible.

One pass ten ten pass one hundred!

In just half a day, the news that the Qingtian Daomeng was recruiting the old department spread throughout the Qingtian world!

"What, Jiang Taishang is not dead, he is back?"

"How is it possible? I witnessed the great changes that day with my own eyes. The fear is beyond description. How could he still be alive?"

"Believe it or not, I have already told you the news, you can decide for yourself!"

Everywhere in Qingtian Realm, everyone is passing such a message.

Jiang Tian made a strong comeback, recruited the old department again, and rebuilt the Qingtian Dao League.

Elders above the level of Taixu Realm, if they return within three days, will have the opportunity to enjoy the baptism of the half-step Dao vein.

For warriors at the Void Realm level, this is a great opportunity and an unimaginable fortune.

The elders of Daomeng who heard the news left immediately and returned to Qingtian Daomeng as quickly as possible.

But there are still some people who have doubts and fall into hesitation.

"No, the situation is wrong!"


On a certain mountain peak, more than a dozen warriors gathered together, discussing endlessly.

"You think, what a precious resource is the half-step Dao vein. The Daoist League has just escaped a catastrophe, and Jiang Tian and Leader Jin are not enough to enjoy it by themselves. How can they benefit us so generously?"

"That's right, I also think this kind of thing is unlikely!"

"Yeah, maybe... this is a cover they put up, just to attract us to join?"

"I think it's probably enough. I even suspect that Jiang Tian used this as an excuse to attract us over, and he wants to hold us accountable for our escape!"

"Hiss! If that's the case, then we can't go back no matter what, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

Everyone was jealous and fell into hesitation.

After some weighing and deliberation, they decided not to return for the time being and wait and see what happened.

"Calm analysis, Jiang Tian's recruiting of the old department, it is really possible for them to enjoy half a step of Dao veins, but I think it is absolutely impossible to enjoy all of them, at most it is just the residue after he has enjoyed it!"

"It should be like this, what a Jiang Tian, ​​do you really think we are greedy for the leftovers?"

"Hmph, even if this is the case, so what, today's Qingtian Daomeng is no longer the original Qingtian Daomeng. It's not easy to rebuild it again?"

"From this point of view, it is a wise choice for us to wait and see for the time being!"

Everyone is complacent about their decision.

As everyone knows, those who are truly loyal to Daomeng and Jiang Tian ran back with all their strength as soon as they heard the news.

And these people are not mainly going for the half-step path.

In their view, Jiang Tian should enjoy the half-step pulse.

It doesn't really matter whether they can follow suit.

The important thing is that Jiang Tian made a strong comeback to rebuild the Daomeng's aura.

Let them find a sense of belonging again!

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