Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7593 Sharing opportunities

They are eager to reproduce the glory of the Qingtian Daomeng. Except for Jiang Tian, ​​no other person has this kind of appeal!

"We are all Void Realm powerhouses created by Jiang Taishang!"

"Without Jiang Taishang, we wouldn't be where we are today. Now that Jiang Taishang has made a strong comeback, we should rush to his side and serve him!"

"Hurry up, I can't wait!"


Rays of escaping light lit up everywhere in Qingtian Dao Realm.

Dozens of Taixu Realm powerhouses ran at high speed and rushed on their way with all their strength.

Affected by this, some Taixu Realm powerhouses who are not from the Qingtian Dao League are also eager to try.

"Jiang Tian didn't fall!"

"He just came back, is he going to rebuild the Qingtian Daomeng?"

"Can he do it?"

In a half-abandoned giant city in the Qingtian Realm.

A few experts in the mid-stage of the Void Realm gathered together, discussing endlessly.

"It's one thing to do it or not. It's an admirable courage for him to dare to come back at this time and issue a summons!"

"I can feel his strong will, especially his willingness to share half-step Dao veins. This is not a promise that everyone can make!"

"Don't talk about it, I'm a little moved when I hear it!"

"It's better to act than to be excited, we old bones, how about joining in the fun?"

"Why not?"



Several warriors soared into the sky in the giant city and rushed towards the Daomeng.

Similar scenes were staged one after another in various parts of the Sky Realm.

Within three days!

Not only dozens of Daomeng elders returned.

There are also dozens of veteran powerhouses hidden in various parts of the Qingtian Realm who heard the news and wanted to join in the fun.

For these people, Jiang Tian did not refuse!

"My lord, how do we deal with these non-Dao League powerhouses from outside?" Jin Tianxing asked.

"As long as you really want to join the Dao League, you will not be rejected!" Jiang Tian said.

"My lord is wise!"

Jin Tianxing immediately executed the order and accepted all these people.


"Jiang Taishang is really willing to accept us?"

"To put it bluntly, aren't they afraid that we are spies?"

After receiving Jin Tianxing's reply, these foreign powerhouses were a little unbelievable.

Jin Tianxing laughed: "My lord's mind is beyond what you can imagine. Let me tell you this. When he led a team to visit thirty interfaces before, he never refused to come to the strong ones there, and he gave them without hesitation. great power!

It's a pity that some people were deceived by lard and jumped out to rebel when the Daomeng suffered great changes.

But I can tell you that those people will definitely pay the price for their actions! "


"Since Jiang Taishang doesn't dislike us 'outsiders', from today onwards, we are a family!"

"Jie will join the Qingtian Dao League immediately and become a member of the Dao League!"

"Xunmou is willing to join the Daoist League, and let Jiang Taishang order him!"

"Leader Jin, we will be colleagues in the future, please take care of Huang Yier!"

"Hahahaha, Mrs. Jiang's praise is so high, it's really what everyone expects!"

In front of the VIP hall just built by Qingtian Daomeng, there was a cheerful atmosphere.

Once the three days are up.

There are nearly a hundred strong people in the middle stage of the Taixu Realm convened by the Qingtian Daoist League!

There are as many as two hundred warriors in the early stage of Taixu Realm!

"My lord is really wise! In this way, the background of the Dao League can be recovered as quickly as possible!"

"When these people have received the baptism of half-step Dao, the comprehensive strength of the Dao League will reach an unprecedented peak!"

"My lord is wise!"

"The leader of the Supreme Alliance is wise!"

In Qingtian Palace, Jin Tianxing, Qin Yao, Ran Di, and many other elders worshiped Jiang Tian.

"But my lord, do you really want to directly open the half-step dao vein instead of enjoying it first?"

Jin Tianxing asked solemnly.

Open directly, and everyone will rush in.

Even if Jiang Tian goes in at that time, the benefits he enjoys will be greatly diluted.

If you enjoy it first, the benefits will undoubtedly be greater.

"As the supreme leader of the Qingtian Dao League, I naturally do what I say. If I enjoy it myself, and let you wait for some leftovers from us, wouldn't it be a word game and lose faith in the entire Qingtian world?"

"My lord is righteous!"

Jin Tianxing was deeply moved.

The warriors in the hall were also deeply moved.

"The three-day appointment has come, all the elders of the Taixu Realm, immediately follow me into the half-step Dao vein!"


"All the Void Realms!"

"Isn't it... the middle stage of Taixu Realm and above can enter?"

Hearing Jiang Tian's order, Jin Tianxing and others were stunned.

In the past few days, there are nearly a hundred strong people in the middle stage of the Taixu Realm.

There are more than two hundred in the early stage of Taixu Realm.

If all these people go in, it will undoubtedly greatly dilute the nourishment of the Half Step Dao Meridian.

This is completely different from what they imagined!

Jiang Tian laughed loudly: "The benefit of the half-step Daomai is mainly the finishing touch. If it only benefits a few people, that is the biggest waste!"

"Come on, everyone will follow me immediately, and those who are late will not wait!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Everyone, follow the leader of the Supreme Alliance immediately!"

"I will thank the Supreme Leader for his generous gift!"

Hula la!

There was a commotion in the field, and everyone followed Jiang Tian to the forbidden area.

Walked into the half-step path with enthusiasm!


Half-step Dao Meridian, just below the previous Dao Blood Transforming Divine Meridian.

Jiang Tian removed the restriction and led everyone in.

As soon as Fang entered, traces of aura rushed to his face.

Without deliberately absorbing it, it penetrates the pores of the whole body and penetrates into the bodies of these Void Realm powerhouses.

"Ah! What a step and a half!"

"The level and purity of this aura is really beyond imagination!"

"Dao rhyme... I seem to feel a mysterious dao rhyme!"

"It's amazing, it's amazing!"


The powerhouses who entered it exclaimed one by one.

"Hiss! I seem to have an epiphany!"

"Hey, the bottleneck that has troubled me for many years, it's loose!"

"Oh my god! The stubborn dark wounds in my body... have begun to ease!"

"It's a good one and a half steps, this time it's really a big profit!"

"Thanks to Mrs. Jiang for the generous gift. Without Mrs. Jiang, how would we have the opportunity to enjoy this opportunity?"

"I will thank Mrs. Jiang!"


More than three hundred Taixu Realm powerhouses expressed their thanks in unison in the half-step Dao vein.

Jiang Tian waved his hand: "Everyone, don't be distracted, the scale of the half-step Dao vein is limited, you need to attract it with all your strength, and absorb its nourishment as much as possible!"

"Yes, Mrs. Jiang!"


The crowd dispersed immediately, and each found a place to sit cross-legged and absorb.

Jiang Tian came to the forefront of the spiritual vein.

It is also silently absorbing the nourishment of the half-step Dao vein.

But he didn't use any devouring methods, let alone activate the Void Swallowing Art.

Otherwise, the aura of the entire spirit vein would not be enough for him to swallow by himself!

This is done to benefit the two or three hundred subordinates.


Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao, the two late-stage Taixu Realm, looked at each other and smiled wryly.

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