Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Go to thirty interface again

"My lord, this time, really paid for it!"

"That's right, if this spirit vein belongs to the owner, there are nine out of ten chances that it will allow him to step into the Void Realm!"

For Jiang Tian's move, the two were extremely grateful.

Sacrifice the foreseeable benefits of oneself to fulfill the two or three hundred elders of the Dao League.

This is not something ordinary people can do!

If you change someone else, I'm afraid that many restrictions will be set here, and it is strictly forbidden for others to take a step!

"The most commendable thing is that the Supreme Leader did not ask these foreign powerhouses to make any oaths!"

"This just shows that the master is not afraid of their betrayal!"

"Yeah, only strong strength and a broad mind can make such a feat!"

"I have to say, it's a joy to follow the master!"

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Jin Tianxing turned around and looked at the crowd.

"Dear colleagues, please allow Jin to say something extra, Jiang Taishang shared such a good spiritual vein with us, but he didn't ask everyone to make even a small vow. His broad-mindedness and high-level structure are rare in the world!"

"What President Jin said is true!"

"Jiang Taishang's mind really makes me admire!"

"But we are not the kind of people who don't know what to pay back. Mrs. Jiang treats us like brothers and sisters. We should be loyal to Mrs. Jiang!"

"Mr. Jin, don't worry, we will never be like other powerhouses in the interface, obedient to others, and even stabbed back at critical moments!"

"Everyone! Mrs. Jiang has treated me well, how can I not sincerely reciprocate?"

"You must pay back with sincerity!"

Everyone responded and immediately expressed their loyalty to Jiang Tian.

"I have received this opportunity from Jiang Taishang's great kindness, and I am willing to follow Jiang Taishang forever and be loyal to the Qingtian Dao League!"

"I am willing to serve Jiang Taishang forever!"

Hula la!

Everyone bowed down to Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian nodded and smiled.

"Please hurry up, everyone. We are all colleagues of Qingtian Daomeng. We are a family. If you are strong, the Daomeng is strong. Only when the Daomeng is strong can everyone be more stable. Don't waste time. Absorb the nourishment of the spirit veins with all your strength, its essence... there is not much left!"

"Yes, Mrs. Jiang!"

Everyone sat down immediately, trying their best to absorb the little nourishment left.

If Jiang Tian practiced this spiritual vein alone, it might last for about half a day.

But with so many people coming in at the same time, they would be absorbed in no time.

This fact made Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao sigh.

And at this time!

As everyone breathes in and out, a multicolored celebration cloud slowly gathers in midair.

Finally stopped above Jiang Tian!

"Hey, look at the master!"

Qin Yao looked at Jiang Tian from a distance.

Jin Tianxing was shocked when he saw it!

"Five-colored Qingyun, this is auspicious thing!"

"It is said that only people with great luck, great luck, and good luck can inspire its appearance!"

"As expected of my lord!"

The two were so excited that they quickly reminded Jiang Tian.

"Colorful Qingyun?"

Jiang Tian looked up, with excitement in his eyes.

This group of Qingyun was only about Zhang Xu in size, so it didn't look very conspicuous.

But as soon as it appeared, it had a subtle reaction with Jiang Tian's breath.

When Jiang Tian looked up, there was even a subtle interaction!

"My God!"

"Colorful Qingyun!"

"The supreme lord quickly absorb it!"

More than 300 elders were also dumbfounded, and one by one urged Jiang Tian to absorb this Dao Qingyun.


Jiang Tian readily shot.

Slowly absorb this group of Qingyun.


A mysterious aura rippling in his body.

His bloodline spiritual power caused waves of waves.

Immediately, colorful strange lights bloomed on his body.

It took a long time to slowly get into the body!

"I remembered!"

In the crowd, a white-haired old man suddenly exclaimed!

"It is said that colorful Qingyun will be born in a high-ranking spirit vein, but not every spirit vein has the chance to give birth to Qingyun, and those who are favored by Qingyun will have a greatly increased chance of advancing next time. But the difficulty will be greatly reduced, this is simply a half-step path, the best gift for the Supreme Leader!"

"If that's the case, great!"

"Jiang Taishang shared half-step Dao pulse with us, and I missed a great opportunity to advance. To have such a return, it can be regarded as making up for our regret!"

Everyone shouted excitedly and was filled with emotion.

"Similarly, we have absorbed the nourishment of the half-step Dao veins, and the chances of the next advancement will be greatly increased, and even the future path of martial arts will be smooth!"


At this moment, the half-step dao veins shook slightly.

Then fell into silence.

Jin Tianxing frowned and sighed: "Half-step Dao veins have been consumed too much, and they are completely dry!"

After hearing his explanation, everyone fell into silence.

There are too many people who share the spiritual veins, and within a short period of time, the spiritual veins are completely overdrawn and cannot be recovered.

The atmosphere suddenly became dull!

Jiang Tian got up and laughed.

"You don't need to be like this! Qingtian Daomeng does not rely on any Dao veins, but people!

As long as you can all advance and grow, the background of Qingtian Daomeng will really become stronger, otherwise, no matter how many Dao veins you have, it is just a display.

Just imagine, once a powerful enemy invades, it will be difficult for us to protect ourselves, so what are we talking about protecting the Dao veins and defending the Dao League? "

"What the Supreme Leader said is absolutely true!"

"I suddenly realized that I have learned a lot!"

More than half an hour before and after.

Jiang Tian and more than three hundred Taixu Realm powerhouses ended this retreat and left the forbidden area of ​​spirit veins.

"Mr. Jin!"

"The subordinates are here!"

"Make arrangements. Tomorrow, all the elders above the Taixu Realm will travel with me, and then go to the surrounding Thirty Boundaries!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Jin Tianxing's spirit was greatly lifted, and his heart was filled with ecstasy!

Qin Yao's eyes turned red and she almost cried!

Elders above the Taixu Realm, go to the Thirty Realm again!

After Jiang Tian returned to Qingtian Realm and rebuilt the Dao League, he wanted to establish his prestige!

Compared with the last time, this trip will definitely not be a gentle breeze and a drizzle.

This time, the Qingtian Dao League has undergone tremendous changes. Among the 30 interfaces, more than 20 interfaces took advantage of the fire.

There are only a few strong people in the interface, and they are loyal.

The remaining few interfaces, although they didn't add insult to injury, they also played it safe and watched from the sidelines.

Now that Jiang Tian is back in a strong way, he must give these people a severe punishment!

Even... revenge!

At the same time, under Jiang Tian's instruction, Qingtian Daomeng released news to the outside world.

"Xingtian Daomeng News: According to the instructions of the Supreme Leader Jiang Tian, ​​all the elders above the Taixu Realm (including the initial stage) who came to the Dao League within three days have completed their cultivation in the half-step Dao Meridian and have successfully passed the test! "

A short message, it seems the tone is flat.

But once it dispersed, it caused huge waves in the entire Qingtian Realm!


"Jiang Tian... really let those people enter the half-step path?"

"Three days have just passed, this... is this over?"

"Wait! In the early stages of the Taixu Realm, can you also enter?"

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