Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7595 The Yu family is in disaster!


As the news spread, everyone in Qingtian Realm was shocked and uproarious.

More than a month ago, after the attack of the magic lotus, powerful people from various surrounding interfaces poured in.

Qingtian Realm experienced a catastrophe.

The degree of tragedy is no less than a disaster!

At that time, the martial arts forces in Qingtian Realm were hiding and protecting themselves, keeping a low profile.

Therefore, except for the most tragic loss of the Qingtian Dao League, most of the other forces in the Qingtian Realm have actually preserved enough background information.

And when the great changes were over, these forces also began to recover, showing their well-preserved strength.

It's just that no one believed that Jiang Tian would really generously share his half-step pulse.

Thought it was a gimmick at best.

But never expected that Jiang Tian actually did this!

Do what you say!

What shocked everyone even more was that Jiang Tian did not refuse all the elders above the early stage of the Taixu Realm who defected to the Dao League.

And recalling the scene of his hesitation, everyone regretted it!

"Is it too late for me to regret it now?"

"The half-step dao vein is a rare spiritual vein, so it shouldn't be used up once, right?"

"How much of that spiritual vein is preserved?"

Many Taixu Realm powerhouses approached the Qingtian Daomeng and asked eagerly.

The answer they got made them desperate!

"You guys came too late! Our Jiang Taishang said long ago that the three-day agreement will not wait until it expires!"

"To be honest, the half-step Dao vein has dried up, everyone please go back!"

Faced with the indifferent answer from the elders of the Daomeng, everyone was struck by lightning.


"That's a half-step Dao vein, how could it be used up at once?"

"You Jiang Taishang, don't you keep some for yourself?"

Everyone was not reconciled and continued to question.

"Reserve? If our Jiang Taishang has selfish intentions, how can we let more than 300 Taixu Realm elders enjoy it together?"

"The opportunity has been given to everyone. You didn't grasp it yourself. Now that the opportunity is gone, who can you blame?"

"Everyone, please go back!"

The elders of the Taoist League saw off the guests with a cold face.

"It's all my fault, too indecisive!"

"If I had known this, I should have rushed to seek refuge as soon as possible!"

"What's the use of saying this now, we can only blame ourselves for being too stupid!"

Everyone regretted it more and more.

Knowing this earlier, why did they hesitate to wait and see?

"Hehe, I might as well tell you one more piece of news. We, Mrs. Jiang, are going to lead these Taixu Realm elders on a trip soon, and the goal is to go to the 30 surrounding interfaces!"



Everyone was shocked, and their hearts became more and more regretful.

Three days ago, if they were more decisive, they should have a place in this group of people now.

But now, I don't enjoy the half-step road, and I don't have the opportunity to travel.

They paid a huge price for their hesitation!

"Everyone, let's go now!"


Jiang Tian walked into the interface channel with more than three hundred Taixu Realm elders.

The first goal, the Yuanjie!

He Yuanjie!

Yu family!

The Yu family used to be one of the three major families in the Yuan world.

But because of the great changes in the Qingtian Realm, this family was affected.

This family suffered a heavy blow.

There is no other reason!

It was because Yu Jinfeng, the former patriarch of this family, chose to join Jiang Tian two months ago.

And in the ensuing catastrophe in the Sky Realm, the body died and the dao disappeared!

Because of Yu Jinfeng's various deeds, the current Yu family is extremely unpopular in the Heyuan world.

The Great Hall of the Yu Family!

"Yu Yinjiao, your father brought the family to this field, why do you have the face to rely on the position of the young Patriarch?"

"Get out of here quickly, abdicate to Xian!"

"The Yu family has been hurt badly by your father, and they must never be brought into the pit of fire by you again!"

"The Yu family can no longer move in the wrong direction, it's time to set things right!"

"Elder, speak!"

Above the main hall, all the elders looked at a white-haired old man.

It was the great elder of the Yu family, Yu Xionghu!

"Nephew Yinjiao, I was very optimistic about you at first, but your father made a wrong choice, which almost destroyed our Yu family. Fortunately, the elders stopped the loss in time and pulled the Yu family out of the fire pit. If there is still self-knowledge , abdicate yourself!"

The Great Elder stood up and sat straight on the vacant Patriarch's throne.

Looking down at the Young Patriarch, Yu Yinjiao, standing in the hall.

"My father has fought for the family for hundreds of years, and single-handedly brought the family to the top three positions in the Heyuan world. Now that his bones are still cold, you... are you going to rebel?"

Yu Yinjiao's eyes were full of anger, and he yelled at Yu Xionghu.

When Yu Jinfeng was in power, Yu Xionghu showed his loyalty to him at every turn, saying all kinds of good things.

Now that Yu Jinfeng was dead, Yu Xionghu changed his face directly and recruited a group of elders to seize the throne forcibly.

"Brother, what are you talking about with him? If you don't give up your position, you will be kicked out of the family!"

"If he resists, he will be abolished directly!"

Boom, boom!

The Second Elder and the Third Elder stood up, approaching Yu Yinjiao with strong coercion.

"What a big elder, what a council of elders, today's account, I, Yu Yinjiao, will settle with you in the future!"

After all, Yu Yinjiao was still young and energetic, and couldn't bear the bad breath.

Seeing that the arm could not twist the thigh, he still uttered harsh words before leaving.

Turning around to leave, but was stopped by two people!

"Wait! You still want to settle with us, do you think you still have a chance?"

"Jie Jie! I wanted to let you live, but now it seems...you have to kill the grass and roots!"

The Second Elder and the Third Elder grinned grimly.

Yu Yinjiao sneered!

"I, Yu Yinjiao, may not be your opponent, but if I want to leave, none of you can stop me!"

When Yu Jinfeng was in power, he had already anticipated the civil strife in the family.

Therefore, Yu Yinjiao was given many instructions, and some life-saving measures were given.

"Hahahaha! You are right, you do have a chance to leave, but your family..."

"What? What did you do to my family!"

Before he finished speaking, Yu Yinjiao's face changed drastically!

His family is his biggest weakness, and also Yu Jinfeng's last vestige in the world.

Yu Yinjiao herself is easy to say.

But his mother, several aunts and brothers and sisters, those are dozens of living lives!

At this moment, he really realized the danger of the situation.

If he left, those dozens of family members would definitely lose their lives!

It's over!

He can't go!

"In that case, I will fight with you!"


Yu Yinjiao swallowed a elixir, and the breath in his body rose wildly.

"Tenglong Pill, Yu Jinfeng really left you a hole card!"

"Unfortunately, it's useless, even if you have Tenglong Pill, we are not afraid of you!"



With the order of the great elder, all the elders immediately opened the prohibition circle that had been prepared long ago.

Paths of golden light intertwined and raged, turning into a solid prison and covering Yu Yinjiao.

"This array was originally prepared for you father and son, but using one against you now is considered overkill!"

"You...you really have the intention to rebel!"

Yu Yinjiao was extremely desperate.

He recognized this magic circle!

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