Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7600 advanced shelving


Jiang Tian led the crowd through the air and went straight to the No-Nian Realm.

This interface is also the vanguard of the rebellion.

Jiang Tian ordered, direct bloodbath!

At the same time, use the powerhouses and resources of this interface to recreate ten late-stage powers!

Next, Xuanwei Realm, Baiyang Realm, Wind Spirit Realm... more than twenty interfaces were washed by him.

At the same time, more than two hundred elders of the Dao League were pushed into the later stage!

"Jiang Taishang, in addition to the previous twenty or so interfaces, there are several other interfaces. After the great changes in my Qingtian world, my attitude is ambiguous!"

"Ambiguous attitude?" Jiang Tian's eyes were cold.

"Yes! These interfaces didn't go to the Qingtian Realm to do evil, but they didn't help us in any way, so they chose to stay out of it!"

Jin Tianxing said truthfully.

"It's a good one to stay out of it!"

Jiang Tian sneered!

Thirty interfaces were once conquered by him, but after the great change, most of them rebelled.

The attitudes of the remaining few interfaces are ambiguous, but in fact they just want to separate the relationship.

Of course, he would not let go of such an interface.

"Because they didn't do evil, they can save their lives, but all sects and all family forces in these interfaces must be abolished!"

"All the resources in this world will be taken over by the elders of my Dao League!"


Jin Tianxing took the order, and immediately arranged twenty late-stage elders to take over these interfaces.

As for the twenty or so interfaces that were bloodbathed before, several late-stage elders were also left in charge.

Along the way, except that the Heyuan Realm was handed over to Yu Yinjiao.

The remaining twenty-nine interfaces are all jointly controlled by the late Taixu Realm elders of the Qingtian Dao League!

There are five late-stage elders guarding each interface!

In the process, Jiang Tian's bloodline spiritual power has also reached the limit of the late stage of Absolute God Realm.

Afterwards, he brought more than seventy elders of the late stage of Taixu Realm back to Qingtian Realm.

Prepare to retreat and advance!

A few days later, Jiang Tian left the customs.

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao greeted him in surprise, but found that Jiang Tian hadn't broken through.

Still staying at the peak of the late stage of Absolute God Realm!

"My lord, why... haven't you advanced?"

"Master, could it be that you are in trouble?"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao were a little embarrassed.

They were all pushed into the late stage of Taixu Realm by Jiang Tian, ​​a big realm ahead of Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian stopped at the late stage of Absolute God Realm.

Even if the combat power is against the sky, it can't help being a little embarrassing.

"Hey, if... I mean if, if our realm can help you, we are willing to give everything!"

"There are more than 300 late-stage elders in the Dao League, and there are more than 70 who stay in this world. If the leader of the Supreme Leader needs it, we are willing to share all the advanced experience!"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao said embarrassingly.

"Share my experience of pouring your body and helping you advance?" Jiang Tian smiled strangely.

"This... ahem!"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao couldn't help laughing.


Their realm was pushed up by Jiang Tian, ​​and he didn't have much experience.

Although he was ahead of Jiang Tian, ​​he really didn't have much experience.

"In any case, we can always let the master feel the power at the level of the Void Realm, maybe it can help?"

"It's really not possible, we can also contribute bloodline spiritual power, so that the Supreme Leader can devour and advance!"

The two said seriously.

Jiang Tian's face darkened!

"Ridiculous! You are my confidantes, and you can help me. How can I take your cultivation base and use it to advance?"

"But we are willing!"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao looked determined.

"That's not right either!"

Jiang Tian decisively refused.

If he wants to rely on the power of devouring his subordinates to advance, it is really fatuous and senseless.

He would never accept that he did such a thing!

"What kind of predicament did my lord encounter?"

Jin Tianxing asked cautiously.

Jiang Tian waved his hand and smiled.

"Actually, it's nothing, it just feels that the timing is not ripe."



Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao were embarrassed.

It turned out that Jiang Tian was not unable to advance, but felt that the time was not ripe enough!

"It's not impossible to forcibly advance, but it consumes too many resources and is extremely wasteful."

Jiang Tian smiled lightly.

He has a lot of trophies in his hand, and he also gained a lot of resources by suppressing 30 interfaces before.

But those resources are basically filled into the treasure house of the Dao League.

Because the current Dao League has more than 300 late-stage powerhouses, and it is an out-and-out colossus!

Not to mention those who stayed outside, but the more than 70 late-stage powerhouses who stayed behind in Qingtian Realm consume a huge amount of cultivation resources every month.

And these resources, for him, the effect is not satisfactory.

It is a waste of money for him to break through alone.

Therefore, he resolutely stopped retreating.

"It's really not good... let's conquer more interfaces?"

Qin Yao said excitedly.

Jiang Tian looked at her and smiled mysteriously.

"I have an idea!"

"Where is Master going?" Qin Yao's eyes lit up.

"Yin Demon Realm!"


"I want to go to the Yin Demon Realm?"

Speaking of this interface, Qin Yao and Jin Tianxing's expressions changed slightly!

To them, the Yin Demon Realm is also a mysterious and dreadful existence.

It is different from the general martial art interface, but it is where the demons gather.

Mo Sihong, who invaded Qingtian Realm before, came from that interface!

"Don't you want to take back the lost Yinxu Kunmu?"

Jiang Tian looked at Qin Yao and asked.

"Yes, of course!" Qin Yao blushed.

Thinking of the captured Yinxu Kunmu, I felt ashamed.

"Jin Tianxing is willing to go with my lord, how many people will my lord bring?" Jin Tianxing asked.

Jiang Tian smiled lightly: "It's enough to take her alone!"


"How can that be done!"

Both Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao's expressions changed!

The Yin Demon Realm is a dangerous place, and it would be too dangerous to bring Qin Yao alone.

According to their thinking, they wished to bring everyone with them, and even summoned another 30 elders from the interface to set off together.

"No need! You all stay to suppress Qingtian Realm, I will take Qin Yao there and take back that piece of wood!"

"Congratulations to the Supreme Leader!"

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian opened the Great Formation of Transforming Space, and under the watchful eye of Jin Tianxing, he took Qin Yao into the interface channel.


Yin Demon Realm!

The first time Jiang Tian came into contact with the Yinmo clan was in the territory of the Yinmo clan in Xiaoqingjingtian.

This time, he also wanted to find a passage to the Yin Demon Realm through the hometown of the Yin Demon Clan in Little Qingjingtian.

However, Qin Yao told him that going to the Yin Demon Realm is not that troublesome.

"The higher-ups of the Si Tianjian also have some secret contacts with the great powers of the Yin Demon Realm. There is also a relatively secret passage to the Yin Demon Realm. There is no need to detour to Little Qingjingtian."

"That's great, let's lead the way!"

Under the guidance of Qin Yao, the two came to a relatively secret interface channel of Sitianjian.

"Who is coming?"

"Hey, these two people are so familiar!"

Jiang Tian and Qin Yaofang were recognized as soon as they appeared!

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