Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7601 Go to Yin Demon Realm

"not good!"

"It's them!"

"Jiang Tian and Si Tianjian's traitor, Qin Yao!"

"Quickly surround and report immediately..."

Bang bang bang... bang!

Before she finished speaking, Qin Yao waved her palms together, making two palms.

The dozens of gold-robed Da Sitian in front of the interface channel all exploded to death!


There was a roar, and a figure rushed towards it with a violent breath!

"Void Realm...late stage! How long has it been since you are able to compete with the purple-robed chief inspector? Could it be that Jiang Tian... really has profound means?"

This person was wearing a purple robe, and he was obviously a purple robe chief supervisor.

Compared with the original Yu Fu's breath, it was only slightly weaker.

"Xiang Nan, long time no see!" Qin Yao looked at him and said coldly.

Speaking of which, the two are old acquaintances.

A few months ago, Xiang Nan's strength and status in Sitianjian was still higher than Qin Yao's.

And today, several months later, Qin Yao has miraculously tied.

The aura emanating from her even made Xiang Nan feel afraid!

"It seems that Xiang... shouldn't show up today!" Xiang Nan said coldly.

He glanced at Jiang Tian with apprehension, and then turned his gaze back to Qin Yao.

"For the sake of being a colleague for many years and having a pretty good relationship, I can plead with the master to save your life, but you have to leave here, just pretend you haven't seen us."

Qin Yao said lightly.

"What a 'master', what a plea, I, Xiang Nan, as the chief inspector of the Sitianjian Zipao, would I beg for mercy from you for treason? Qin Yao, you should give up your heart!"


Xiang Nan clenched his fists tightly, and a cold light appeared in his eyes!

"It seems that you are determined to beg for death. If so, I will grant you!"

Qin Yao didn't say much, and made a decisive move.

Xiang Nan's expression changed immediately when the palm area exploded!

"Your palm area has reached such a level?"

Back then, Qin Yao was only in the Taixu Realm.

Today's Qin Yao has almost reached the peak of Taixu Realm.

Coupled with the strong background of physical training, the combat power has not lost to him, and even surpassed him.

Xiang Nan knew that he was doomed.

Even if he can really beat Qin Yao, there is still an unfathomable Jiang Tian.

In this battle, he knew he would die.

But the dignity of being the purple-robed chief supervisor prevented him from fleeing in fear of battle.

Because if you run away, you will be severely punished by the Sitian Supervisor. The best result is to abolish your cultivation base and dismiss you. If it is worse, your life may be worse than death!

Therefore, he can only be freed by one battle!

"Today, I, Xiang Nan, will punish you as a traitor for Si Tianjian. If there is still power left, I will take down Jiang Tian, ​​a repeat offender!"

"I haven't seen you for a few years, and your tone is getting louder!"

Qin Yao sneered and bullied the other party, bursting out with the madness of physical cultivation.

After a fierce fight, Qin Yao successfully beheaded him.

"Qin Yao..."

Jiang Tian opened his mouth suddenly, ready to pour Xiang Nan's blood into his body.

Qin Yao refused!

"Qin Yao knows the kindness of the master, but please forgive Qin Yao for not accepting it!"

"Why?" Jiang Tian raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

"When I was in Sitianjian, I went out with Xiang Nan to perform missions. He helped me, so..."

"I understand, it's hard for you!"

Jiang Tian interrupted him.

There is no need to say the following words.

Qin Yao's words seem simple, but in fact, there may be a lot of secrets hidden.

I'm afraid Xiang Nan didn't just help her, maybe he was kind to her and even saved her life.

But today is different from the past, the two are their own masters, and they can only meet each other in life and death.

Xiang Nan had a chance to save his life, but he still insisted on begging to die.

The most important reason is because of the strict laws and prohibitions of the Sitianjian!

"Master is serious. Qin Yao has already given him a chance, but he doesn't want it!"

"Let's go!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand and led Qin Yao into the interface channel.


Not long after, the two came to the Yin Demon Realm!

Jiang Tian was slightly surprised by what he saw.

The situation in the Yin Demon Realm was different from what he had imagined.

It's not the same as the place where the Yin Demons gather in Little Quiet Sky.

The situation here, at first glance, is generally the same as that of the human race interface such as Qingtianjie.

Even the magic energy in the void is colorless and transparent.

There is no normal aura of heaven and earth here, but only transparent magic energy.

These devil qi are far more pure than the devil qi in Xiaoqingjing Tianyin Demon Clan's territory.

"It's no wonder that an existence like Mo Sihong can be cultivated!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly.

Of course, he has nothing to be afraid of this kind of demonic energy.

Just open the breath directly, it can be refined and absorbed without hindrance, and transformed into bloodline spiritual power.

The super blood power of the Brutal Blood Dragon is fully revealed in this environment.

Qin Yao is different!

At this moment, she had already taken a special elixir, and at the same time cast some kind of secret technique to counteract the attack of demonic energy.

"Is it a big influence?" Jiang Tian asked.

"It does have some influence, but as long as you take the magic pill on time and suppress it with secret techniques."

The senior officials of the Si Tianjian have a lot of secret contacts with the great powers of the Yin Demon Realm, and often need to enter the Demon Race territory such as the Yin Demon Realm.

They have relatively rich means to fight against the invasion of magic energy.

Qin Yao, who used to be the chief supervisor, is naturally proficient in this way.

Just doing so will have a little impact on strength.

Once encountering a strong enemy, or even falling into a siege, the disadvantages will become more obvious.

Because fierce fighting will accelerate the consumption of spiritual power, and will accelerate the invasion of magic energy.

It is difficult for human warriors to withstand this kind of attack for a long time, and they will often collapse without fighting.

"Does this devilish energy really have no effect on the master?"

Qin Yao looked at Jiang Tian and was shocked.

"Not only does it have no effect on me, it can even help me improve like normal heaven and earth aura."

Jiang Tian said.

At this moment, Qin Yao finally understood why Jiang Tian dared to bring her here alone.

The two fled forward.

Soon after sweeping up a mountain!

A thick layer of dark clouds had accumulated over the mountain.

Only at this time, there is a stronger feeling of demon territory.

Jiang Tian used the tracking secret technique to sense Mo Sihong's breath under the magic cloud.

"Master, what's the result?" After a while, Qin Yao asked.

Jiang Tian shook his head.

"Within thousands of miles, there is no breath of him!"

Qin Yao nodded: "The Yin Demon Realm is several times larger than the Qingtian Realm. There is no clear clue. It will take some effort to find him, but if he hides intentionally, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome."

"He can't hide it!" Jiang Tian sneered.

"Mo Sihong was injured in the Qingtian Realm. After returning, he must go all out to make up for it and restore his cultivation base. Moreover, a strong man of this level will arouse vigilance wherever he goes. It is not so easy to hide it completely!"

"What the master said is absolutely true!"

Qin Yao nodded.

Jiang Tian then activated the Great Formation of Transforming Space and fled forward.

One day later!

The two came to Mo Sihong's former false death place, which is also the place where he secretly retreated - Yin Demon Realm, the place of Yin death!

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