Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7606 Poisonous five-color magic energy

"Thirty and a half percent?"

Jiang Tian shook his head, deeply disappointed.

It doesn't make much sense to continue devouring.

He killed one of them directly, and then poured the blood essence of these people into Qin Yao's body.


Qin Yao was both surprised and happy, worried that she would be forced to advance.

This is the Yin Demon Realm, and she doesn't have the heaven-defying bloodline like Jiang Tian.

Once she advances here, she is likely to be demonized and forced to become a half-human, half-demon existence.

"Don't be nervous, let's go back and talk about advanced things."

Jiang Tian broke into the spiritual power seal again, suppressing her impulse to advance.

"Thank you, master!"

Qin Yao was completely relieved.

But the demon gods present at the beginning and middle stages were completely terrified!

All the late demon gods present were beheaded by Jiang Tian.

These people even lost the courage to escape!

"The power of the human race is so terrifying!"

"I... I am willing to serve the adults and let the adults send me!"

In the face of absolute strength, the demon gods can only bow their heads.

Because struggling and resisting is meaningless!

They used to be the most vicious existences in the Yin Demon Realm, and they gave up resistance directly in front of the more powerful Jiang Tian.

"Tell me the whereabouts of Mo Sihong!" Jiang Tian said lightly.

"Mo Sihong?"

"You are talking about the demon god who was rumored to have fallen in the land of death ten thousand years ago?"

"Your news is outdated. Mo Sihong is indeed not dead. Someone saw him more than a month ago!"

"Has he come to the Moni Forest?"

"have no idea!"

Everyone was at a loss.

No one found the clue of Mo Sihong's coming here, so there was no way to give Jiang Tian a reliable answer.

"Hey, I do have a possibility, but it's just a guess!"

"Say it!" the other demon gods urged.

"That's right, Mo Sihong is a strong man ten thousand years ago. His age and experience are even bigger and deeper than those late-stage demon gods who fell just now. It is not impossible for him to escape in the Moni Forest, but if he comes here , the most likely place... is the Meteor Demon Forbidden Land!"

"Falling Demon Forbidden Land?" Jiang Tian looked at this person.

"Yes! The Meteor Demon Forbidden Land, that is the most mysterious place in the entire Demon Rebellion Forest, no one dares to set foot on it, even for these late-stage demon gods just now!"

"Why?" Jiang Tian asked.

"Because none of the people who have been there... can come out alive!"

"Oh?" Jiang Tian looked in the direction the other party was pointing, thoughtful.

Could it be that Mo Sihong really hid in the forbidden land of Meteor Demon?

Now it seems that it is not impossible!

"Master, beware of fraud!" Qin Yao reminded.

"It's okay, since we're here, we must take back the Yinxu Kunmu!"

"Take me to the Forbidden Land of Meteor Demon!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Under the leadership of the middle-stage demon god, Jiang Tian and Qin Yao walked towards the Forbidden Land of Meteor Demon.

The remaining thousands of early and mid-stage demon gods stood still and did not dare to move.

It wasn't until Jiang Tian's figure was completely in sight that they were relieved and scattered like birds and beasts.


"so close!"

"It's a good thing to save a life!"

"Grandma's land! I came to Moni Forest just to hide in peace, but unexpectedly, I almost lost my life!"

"It seems that the Moni Forest will not be a safe place in the future!"

"I just hope that the human race can leave as soon as possible, otherwise I will have nowhere to go in the entire Yin Demon Realm!"

The deepest part of the Demon Rebellion Forest.

Meteor Forbidden Land!

"My... my lord, the Forbidden Land of Meteor Demon is ahead, I... I can only send my lord here!"

The mid-term demon god who led the way stopped tremblingly, looking at the place shrouded in magic fog ahead, his face full of fear.


Jiang Tian ignored him and walked forward with Qin Yao.

When Jiang Tian walked into the magic fog, the middle-stage demon god who led the way screamed and fled as fast as possible.

In the Meteor Forbidden Land, there are bones and corpses everywhere!

There are also clusters of colorful and highly poisonous demonic energy, even the powerhouses of the demon god level dare not touch it easily.

Because if it is even slightly contaminated, it will be attacked by the devil's poison, lose its sanity, fall and die!

Jiang Tian didn't care about it.

Because these demonic energy had no effect on him.

Qin Yao is different!

Even if she was a physical trainer, she didn't dare to challenge her with her own life.

So she had already sealed off her external breath and activated the spiritual shield to block out these highly poisonous demonic energy.

"These all seem to be powerful and powerful at the level of demon gods. To come here, I am afraid that most of them are at the level of later demon gods. Why did they all die here? Is it just because of these highly poisonous demonic energy?"

Qin Yao glanced around, puzzled.

"Of course it's not that simple!" Jiang Tian shook his head.

Many of these fallen demon powerhouses are indeed late-stage demon gods.

And the death conditions are different!

But they didn't just fall because of the highly poisonous devilish energy here, but for other reasons.

Because the highly poisonous devilish energy here floated from the rotting corpses.

So the cause and effect is that there are these fallen demon gods first, and then there are these colorful and highly poisonous demonic energy.

"Such a gorgeous highly poisonous demonic energy is extremely rare in any interface!" Qin Yao said with a frown.

"That's right! These highly poisonous demonic qi are by no means ordinary existences, but after the fall of many powerful demon gods, their pure demonic qi and the resentful qi in their bodies have accumulated for a long time and transformed!"

"What happened to these people before they fell?"

Qin Yao's expression became more serious.

Generally speaking, no matter how strong a martial artist is, his blood and spiritual power will quickly dissipate after his death.

The powerful demon gods in the Forbidden Land of Meteor Demons did not disappear with their demonic aura.

Instead, it accumulates repeatedly and eventually evolves into this colorful poisonous devilish energy.

"I have to say, these highly poisonous demonic energy are really rare and good things!"

Jiang Tian looked at the demonic energy and suddenly laughed.

"Good stuff?" Qin Yao was taken aback!

I saw Jiang Tian opened his mouth and took a breath, and suddenly swallowed a mass of madly surging poisonous demonic energy.

"Hiss! Master, you..."

"Do not be nervous!"

Jiang Tian waved his hands and smiled, without further explanation.

Of course, he devoured these highly poisonous demonic energy not on a whim, but on purpose.

The super-strong bloodline of the brutal blood dragon endowed him with powerful devouring power.

The existence of the Void Swallowing Art allows him to devour everything and fuse everything.

After this cloud of devilish energy entered his body, he immediately tried to refine it.

The result surprised him!

It actually split into two and turned into two different nourishment.

One goes up, one goes down!


Jiang Tian was surprised and delighted, his eyes brightened.

The way that went up went straight to the sea of ​​gods, and suddenly merged into the evil thunder.

"Not bad!" Jiang Tian was refreshed!

The descending Tao quickly sank into the sea of ​​​​qi, and quickly combined with the Xuanbing Forbidden Fire.


Jiang Tian was even more surprised.

The Profound Ice Forbidden Fire has gone through several transformations, and although its power has been improving, with the rapid breakthrough in his cultivation base, he has almost become a tasteless one recently.

But after merging the essence of the evolution of this highly poisonous devil energy, the power has increased significantly!

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