Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7607 Thunder and fire double rise

"What a poisonous demonic energy, this time it really came at the right time!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were bright, and he immediately used the Void Swallowing Art with all his strength, swallowing up all the colorful and highly poisonous demonic energy around him.



"Oh my god... hiss!"

Qin Yao was terrified, worried that Jiang Tian would be backlashed.

But the next scene proved that her worries were completely unnecessary!

Not only was Jiang Tian not backlashed by the highly poisonous and devilish energy, but the mysterious ice and forbidden fire condensed in the palm of her fingers even shocked her.

"Mysterious Ice Forbidden Fire? No, this kind of strange fire should not be so strong. Master, is this really Mysterious Ice Forbidden Fire?"

Qin Yao used to be the chief supervisor of the Sitianjian, and is about to enter the existence of the Vientiane Realm.

It can also be regarded as profound experience and knowledgeable.

She had come into contact with such things as Xuanbing forbidden fire in her early years.

At that time, her cultivation base was still very weak, so of course she was very afraid of such things.

But as time went on, she realized that this thing was nothing more than that, not a big deal.

But now, she found that the Xuanbing Forbidden Fire in Jiang Tian's hand was somewhat plausible!

Even though she didn't touch it personally, she could feel the terrifying aura emanating from the forbidden fire.

Even if it is an existence of her level, if you touch it rashly, you will either die or be injured!

But Jiang Tian manipulated this strange fire between his palms, obviously subdued and refined it long ago.

"You read that right, this is indeed the Profound Ice Forbidden Fire, but after several evolutions, it is no longer an ordinary Profound Ice Forbidden Fire!"

Jiang Tian said with a smile.

Devouring these highly poisonous demonic energy brought him great benefits.

Nie Lei's power has doubled, reaching an unprecedented level!

The power of Xuanbing Fire Ban also increased sharply, getting rid of the embarrassing situation of chicken ribs.

"Master, look!"

Qin Yao glanced around and was stunned!

As the highly poisonous demonic energy was swallowed up, thousands of demonic corpses piled up all over the place, several stories high.

It was gone in an instant!

"It's not surprising." Jiang Tian nodded lightly.

These demon gods have long since fallen, and most of them have been around for a long time.

It should have been annihilated long ago.

But because of the special environment here, instead of being annihilated, the pure magic energy in their bodies turned into colorful poisonous magic energy and released.

Although I don't know if someone deliberately arranged this way, it actually formed a fatal blockade.

It makes it difficult for outsiders to enter the depths of the Forbidden Land of Meteor Demon through here.

"The mutation here must not be concealed from the existence in the depths of the Meteor Forbidden Land, the master still needs to be more careful!" Qin Yao reminded.


Jiang Tian continued to move forward, going straight to the depths of the Forbidden Land of Meteor Demon.

Spiritual thoughts spread like a tide, constantly scanning the front.

But like a mud cow entering the sea, it is difficult to find out the situation ahead.

There is a special force that is interfering with his divine sense and preventing his investigation.

"Phantom Eye, open!"


Jiang Tian opened an account with magical powers.

Layers of purple waves spread forward, startling Qin Yao!

"What a powerful supernatural power!"

Qin Yao looked at the Zilan in Jiang Tian's eyes, and was shocked in her heart.

Although she had been following Jiang Tian for some time, she found that every once in a while, the master would show up with tricks that would surprise or even shock her.

Just like the current method, at first glance, it looks like some kind of powerful innate supernatural power that can break the illusion.

She has also come into contact with some similar methods in the Sitianjian, and they are varied and different.

But this is the first time I have seen such a simple, crude and powerful method as Jiang Tian's!

For others to break the illusion, they need to cast spells deliberately or expend a lot of strength to do so.

Jiang Tian only closed and opened his eyes here, and a giant purple wave swept out.

It really shocked her!

Looking in the direction of Zilan's surge, the corners of Qin Yao's eyes shrank sharply!

Where layers of purple billows swept across, the scene of the Forbidden Land of Meteor Demon changed drastically in an instant!

The originally seemingly gloomy valley turned into a forest of green trees, without the eerie scene.

It looks like an ordinary mountain forest in the Qingtian Realm or a normal interface!

"Sure enough, there are ways!"

Looking at the scene in front of her, the pressure in Qin Yao's heart suddenly eased a lot.

"not that simple!"

"What?" Qin Yao was taken aback.

The next moment, he couldn't help but face a big change!

Jiang Tian closed his eyes, and the layers of Zilan disappeared instantly.

Just when she thought Jiang Tian was going to put away this magical power, Jiang Tian opened his eyes again.

The violent Zilan swept out again, stronger than before!


Zilan swept past wildly, and the scene ahead changed again!

"Hiss! Double phantom?"

Qin Yao gasped, completely stunned!

For the first time, Zilan swayed away, breaking the dark valley and presenting a scene of a forest of green trees.

And after swinging away for the second time, the world changed again.

A decaying old city suddenly appeared in front of it, with ruins of buildings everywhere.

And these ruins are all engraved with ferocious magic lines!

"This...is this the true face of the Forbidden Land of Meteor Demon?" Qin Yao was horrified.

It is impossible to judge for a while, whether this is really an illusion!

"It should be."

Jiang Tian nodded, his eyes were cold.

The first time he used the phantom, he was almost deceived.

But his intuition told him that the situation didn't seem that simple.


The second time the illusion unfolded, the scene of green trees and jungle receded, replaced by these simple and vicissitudes of life abandoned buildings.

Qin Yao's thoughts moved, and she couldn't wait to release her spiritual thoughts to sweep forward.

"Arrogant human race!"


A deep roar suddenly sounded, and a terrifying coercion that directly hit the soul swept over.

"Pfft... ah!"

Qin Yao's tender body was shaken violently, and her mind was severely injured.

Her delicate body trembled violently, and she vomited blood continuously!

"Go away!"


Jiang Tian also released a wave of divine sense, trying to resist this weird method.

Then I found out that it doesn't work!

The realm of the opponent is obviously above him.

But he, who has just entered the Taixu Realm, is still unable to extend his spiritual thoughts to this level, and cannot compete with the opponent.

Although this spiritual attack has little effect on him, it has already caused serious damage to Qin Yao.

Jiang Tian supported Qin Yao and injected Nie Lei into her body.


Nie Lei swept through Qin Yao's divine sea, and immediately calmed her mind, allowing her to regain her sobriety.

Qin Yao, who came back to her senses, noticed the hidden wound in her body, and deep fear surged in her heart.

"Thank you Master for saving me!"

"These demons have strange methods, and the other party is definitely not an ordinary demon god, so be careful!"

"Yes, Master!"

Qin Yao is deeply aware of her recklessness.

Even Jiang Tian has to be careful about the existence, how can she easily detect it?

Although her cultivation is very close to the Vientiane Realm, she has not reached that level after all.

In this devil's territory, there are many dangers.

If it wasn't for Jiang Tian's rescue, she might have fallen.

"Void Immortal Territory, swing it away for me!"

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