Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

7608--Andrew Xingyun fights against a hundred demon bodies


Jiang Tian waved his big hand violently, and sacrificed the void fairyland to crush forward.

Amidst the violent roar, a large area of ​​ruined palaces began to collapse, flying sand and rocks, and billowing smoke and dust!



A mass of terrifying demonic energy crushed over, defusing the offensive of the Void Immortal Realm.

Immediately afterwards, two figures emerged!

"It really is him... Hey, who is that person?" Qin Yao looked at the two people with doubts on her face.

One of them was Mo Sihong who took away her Yinxu Kunmu.

With her current strength, she has the confidence to defeat this person one-on-one.

But it was another person who made her afraid.

This is a strange power of the demon race, with a gloomy and obscure aura.

She couldn't help looking at Jiang Tian, ​​but found a sneer on the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth!

"Oh it's you!"

Jiang Tian just glanced at Mo Sihong coldly, then turned his eyes completely to the person next to him.

"Boy, do you remember me?"

This powerful demon clan looks much younger than Mo Sihong.

But Mo Sihong was as respectful and low-key as a servant in front of him.

What is even more surprising is that Mo Sihong is not a wounded body at this time, but healed from his injuries and fully recovered!

"Sha Nian Demon God, it's been a long time!"

Jiang Tian sneered, staring at the other party like a sword.

That's right!

The other party was none other than the demon powerhouse he once fought against in the air when he stepped on the territory of the Yin Demon Clan in Xiaoqingjingtian——Shan Nian Demon God!

Judging from Mo Sihong's attitude, the strength of the Sha Nian Demon God is obviously far above him!

"Boy, before the old man had time to seek revenge on you, you came to your door by yourself. In this case, the old man accepted the principal with interest!"

"That depends on whether you have the ability!"


Before the words were finished, the Demon God Sha Nian opened his mouth and sprayed, and the demonic energy in the sky turned into a terrifying dragon and came directly to Jiang Tian.

"Hiss!" Qin Yao's expression changed in shock!

The power of this demonic dragon is terrifying, and she dare not resist it at all.


Jiang Tian's face darkened, and he set up three empty fairylands in front of Qin Yao.

Boom, boom... Boom!


"Master beware!"

With the resistance of the three immortal realms, Qin Yao retreated quickly.

"Jie Jie, human female cultivator, you are mine now!"

Of course, Mo Sihong also wanted to kill Jiang Tian and take his treasures.

But in front of the Sha Nian Demon God, he didn't dare to act recklessly.

Because his injuries were healed by Sha Nian Demon God, and his cultivation was also restored with the help of the other party.

So, he aimed at Qin Yao.

Click... Boom!


With powerful magic power, Mo Sihong started a fierce battle with Qin Yao.

But he soon discovered that Qin Yao's strength was no worse than him!

"How is it possible, it's only been so long, and you have... reached the peak of the Void Realm!"

"No! You are a half-step Vientiane Realm, damn it!"

Mo Sihong's face turned livid.

"Mo Sihong, give me back the Yinxu Kunmu!"


Qin Yao slapped her palms wildly, striking out palms one after another, and fought with Mo Sihong.

The other side!

Jiang Tian was surrounded by billowing demon energy, fighting with the demon god Sha Nian.

The reason why it is said to be fighting in the air is because the Demon God Sha Nian did not choose to fight in close quarters.

Instead, he urged the black dragon to try to suppress Jiang Tian from the air.

But Jiang Tian's strength is beyond imagination!

"Is this the strength of your Sha Nian Demon God?"

Jiang Tian blasted the devil dragon with one punch.

When he was in Xiaoqingjing Tianyin Demon Clan's territory, he was still at the Absolute God Realm.

In the face of Sha Nian Demon God's blow from the air, he has nothing to fear.

Now that he has stepped into the Taixu Realm level, his combat power has reached an unprecedented height, and his confidence is naturally stronger.

Bang, click... Boom!

Jiang Tian defeated the dragon of Moqi until it retreated steadily.

Afterwards, he teleported and appeared in front of the Sha Nian Demon God.

A critical attack from a fairy dragon, blasted out!


The void collapsed, distorted and turbulent.

Large tracts of ground are swallowed up!

Jiang Tian's expression changed slightly, and he teleported away like lightning!

Boom... Roar!

A pitch-black demonic hand scratched his afterimage, tearing apart the void!

The Sha Nian Demon God appeared like a ghost, looking at the demon's hand that was empty after grabbing it, with a look of surprise on his face.


"You are not simple either!"

Jiang Tian looked at him across the air, and both of them looked a little dignified.

Jiang Tian has been practicing the instant killing skill of star meteor for a long time, and his control over the spiritual power of space has long been beyond imagination.

Teleportation is already an instinct for him.

But at this time, he discovered that the Demon God Sha Nian also had the ability to teleport, and his speed was comparable to his.

"No wonder you are called Sha Nian Demon God!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold, and his face was full of murderous intent.

The opponent's teleportation method may not be too much of a threat to him.

But if used on Qin Yao, it would be fatal!

"Hey! A female cultivator of the human race is not worthy of the old man."

Sha Nian Demon God seemed to see Jiang Tian's worry, and said with a sneer.

The next moment he waved his hands together, and the nine dragons blasted at Jiang Tian at the same time!

"Well done!"


Jiang Tian shook his fists together, and hit a critical blow from the fairy dragon.

The nine demon dragons collapsed in an instant, but in an instant, hundreds of new demon dragons evolved.

Without any explanation, Jiang Tian was besieged!

"Sword Domain!"


Jiang Tian decisively sacrificed the "Star Sword Field" and started strangling.

But these dragons are not the bodies of straight dragons, but are formed by the condensation of powerful magic energy.

The strangulation of the sword field is not ideal for them.

It can only temporarily resist their impact.

"This is your method..."



Sha Nian Demon God showed a contemptuous smile on his face, wanting to ridicule a few words.

But before he finished speaking, he was locked by the breath of a red and white giant sword.

With the slash of the giant sword, the void split into two halves.

The expression of the Sha Nian Demon God suddenly changed, and he teleported to the side with a loud roar, avoiding the violent attack of the giant sword.

"It's meaningless to continue fighting like this, don't hide anymore, come on!"

Jiang Tian yelled violently, teleported to the front of Sha Nian Demon God, and forcibly shot.

"Arrogant human race, die!"


With just one thought of the Sha Nian Demon God, hundreds of clones appeared.


Jiang Tian was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that these were all real bodies!

It is similar to his star meteor instant killing skill!

However, the clone created by Xingyun's instant killing technique can only last for a short moment.

And the avatar of Sha Nian Demon God can continue to exist!

Obviously, this should be another similar means.

"Xingyun, instant killing skill!"

Buzz buzz!

Hundreds of Jiang Tian transformed and launched a mad attack on more than one hundred clones of Sha Nian Demon God.





There were muffled groans and screams.

More than two hundred figures fought fiercely, and it was hard to tell who had the advantage and who suffered the disadvantage.

After a while, more than a hundred Jiang Tian disappeared one after another, and finally only one deity remained.

But there are still more than thirty figures of the Sha Nian Demon God!

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