Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7610 Magic Lotus

The power of the magic vine in the beginning is really terrifying!

How many unfathomable cards are there in Jiang Tian's hand?

At this moment, it seemed that she was not facing her own master.

It's a huge mountain with no top, or a terrifying abyss!

After calming down, Qin Yao couldn't help being suspicious.

"After the master entered the Void Realm, his combat power has already surpassed the shackles of this level, but why did a small demon god fight with the master for so long?"

Jiang Tian shook his head and said: "A normal demon god is definitely not my opponent, and he is definitely not an ordinary demon god. I am afraid there are some unknown secrets!"

"Really?" Qin Yao was confused.

"The identity of this person is by no means simple!"

Jiang Tian thought silently, fearing that the Sha Nian Demon God had fallen too quickly without leaving any clues.

Opening the magic ring left by the Demon God Sha Nian, he took out a dark brown stick.

"Yinxu Kunmu!"

Qin Yao is overjoyed!

Last time in Qingtian Realm, this strange tree was taken away by Mo Sihong.

Now, Jiang Tian snatched it back again!

"Take it well, don't lose it again!"

"Qin Yao knows her mistake!"

Qin Yao blushed and took over the Yinxu Kunmu.

Jiang Tian waved his hand and smiled: "There is nothing wrong with you, it's just that you are not strong enough. When you meet a strong opponent, there is nothing you can do."

"Master, don't worry, after returning, Qin Yao will definitely retreat with all her strength and break through the Vientiane Realm as soon as possible!"

"Okay, it's time... Hey, what's that?"

Jiang Tian was planning to take the other party away, but suddenly saw a faint white light, hidden at the end of the Forbidden Land of Meteor Demon.

The white light was inconspicuous at first glance, and could even be easily overlooked.

But he felt that it was unusual!

"follow me!"

Jiang Tian stepped forward, and Qin Yao followed immediately.

After coming close, I suddenly felt something was wrong!

"The situation is not right..."


The words are not finished, the mutation is a masterpiece!

A white light flashed in front of them, and the two were suddenly trapped in a space full of white light.

"Phantom? Hmph!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help sneering.

Then he opened his phantom, trying to break the prison of this phantom.


Layers of purple waves rippled out, sweeping through the void.

The next scene surprised Jiang Tian!

The white light in front of him has not disappeared, as usual!

"How is it possible, isn't this an illusion?"

Jiang Tian's face was extremely solemn.

He was in the Forbidden Land of Meteor Demon, and he was trapped in this strange scene only because he was close to the mysterious light spot.

Ordinarily, apart from illusions, there should be no other possibility.

Since it is an illusion, it should be able to be broken by his illusion.

Taking a step back, even if it cannot be completely broken, at least it should cause turmoil, or partially invalidate this illusion.

But the white space in front of him remained unchanged.

This is amazing!

"Huh, could this be..." Qin Yao's complexion changed several times, and she hesitated to speak.

"What is it?" Jiang Tian asked.

Qin Yao showed a look of surprise and surprise on her face, and said in a deep voice: "This reminds me of a classic I read when I was in the Sitianjian. It recorded a special kind of phantom treasure called Magic Lotus!"

"Illusory Sky Demon Lotus, what kind of existence does this exist?" Jiang Tian was a little surprised, he didn't expect Qin Yao to recognize this thing.

Immediately he became interested!

"Tell me!" Jiang Tian urged.

"Yes, master!" Qin Yao nodded, and then told the origin of the magic lotus.

According to the description in that classic, the Illusory Sky Demon Lotus is only born in places with strong devil energy, and the conditions for birth are extremely strict.

Even in the territory of the Demon Realm, it takes a lot of chance to appear.

The two of them are in the Forbidden Land of Meteor Demon in the Yin Demon Realm, which meets this basic requirement!

In addition to this basic condition, there are many other stringent conditions.

Such as the life sacrifice of a large number of strong demons and the nourishment of demon blood, there are other extremely special conditions.

And the Meteor Demon Forbidden Land has exactly such conditions.

"...And the magic lotus has one of its biggest characteristics, that is, it is a relatively complete small world. While it is based on illusion, it also contains powerful spatial power!"

"So that's it, that makes sense!"

Jiang Tian suddenly realized.

No wonder his phantom eyes and supernatural powers can't break the "illusion" here.

It turns out that this is not an illusion at all, but a real scene!

The moment the two approached the white light spot, they were drawn into the space inside the magic lotus.

If the phantom eye can be broken, then there is really a ghost!

After understanding this, Jiang Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and decisively put away his phantom eyes.

"In this case, how to break it?"

"This... is not recorded in the ancient books." Qin Yao was extremely embarrassed.


Jiang Tian frowned, momentarily at a loss for words.

Qin Yao only recognized the magic lotus, but didn't know how to deal with it.

It seems that he has to figure out a way by himself.

"Strange, since it's the magic lotus, why can't you feel the obvious magic essence?"

Since the Illusory Heaven Demon Lotus is a spiritual creature bred by the Demon Realm, and the two of them are in it, even if they don't have the pure and strong magic energy like the outside world, at least they should have some special essence, right?

But Jiang Tian sensed repeatedly, but he didn't find any obvious magic energy, which is so strange!

"Master, don't be surprised. Although the magic lotus can only be conceived in the demon world, it's strange because it doesn't have too strong magical properties!"

"Oh, it's so strange!"

Jiang Tian was surprised.

It was conceived in the demon world, but it does not have too strong demonic nature, and even no obvious demonic energy can be felt inside it.

This thing is so strange!

"Actually, Magic Sky Magic Lotus has another name, Meteor Realm Fairy Lotus!"

"Meteor Realm Fairy Lotus?" Jiang Tian was taken aback!

"Yes! The Meteor Realm Fairy Lotus means that it is self-contained and contains a vast space inside, which can be isolated from the outside world."

Jiang Tian nodded, thoughtfully: "Such an attribute is simply a natural magic weapon of space!"

"The master is right! According to the records in the classics, some powerful people often use it as a magic weapon for storage, and some people refine it into a space treasure, or a magic circle for confinement and defense!"

"If you do this, it can be regarded as making the best use of everything!"

Jiang Tian nodded and smiled, not surprised by this.

After all, he himself possesses such a space treasure as Zixuanjie.

I can best understand the magical effect of things like the fairy lotus in the meteor world!

"How big is this thing?" Jiang Tian asked.

Qin Yao solemnly said: "It depends on the time it grows and its strength. At least from the current point of view, this thing is definitely not small!"

"Come on, let's explore!"

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian opened the large array of space transformation, and led Qin Yao to escape among the fairy lotuses in the Meteor Realm.

The results stunned him.

After nearly half a day, it reached the end!

"Hiss! The inner space of the fairy lotus in the Meteor Realm is so huge!"

Jiang Tian was taken aback!

Qin Yao was also very surprised.

"It is said in the classics that the space of the fairy lotus from the meteor world can be big or small, but the space of this fairy lotus from the meteor world is really beyond expectations, and it can even be compared to the smaller half of the sky sky realm!"

"Sky Sky Realm? Huh!"

He does not mean that.

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