Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

7611--Andrew Spirit-swallowing rats manifest

Hearing what Qin Yao said, Jiang Tian's eyes suddenly glowed with excitement!

"I thought of it, I thought of its wonderful use!" Jiang Tian became more and more excited.

"What is the magical effect?" Qin Yao asked curiously.

Jiang Tian smiled mysteriously: "Just imagine, if the Qingtian Realm has a super-strong prohibition guard, the last great change may be avoided, or the loss can be minimized!"

"Yeah, but what does this have to do with the fairy lotus from the Meteor Realm... huh? Hiss, what the master meant!"

Qin Yao didn't understand what Jiang Tian meant at first, but before she finished speaking, she was suddenly shocked!

She figured it out!


Jiang Tian's idea seemed a little crazy!

"The master...wouldn't want to put the entire Qingtian Realm into the fairy lotus of the Meteor Realm, right?"

"Why not?" Jiang Tian laughed.

"But... but the Qingtian Realm is too big. Although the fairy lotus in the Meteor Realm is not small, the gap is still too big, and it can't fit in at all!"

Qin Yao couldn't help smiling wryly.

Jiang Tian's idea is good, but it's really not feasible.

"Hahahaha! Qin Yao, you are still too conservative, you need to open your mind a bit, who said that I want to bring in the Qingtian Realm, who said that the fairy lotus in the Meteor Realm must not be big enough?"

"What exactly does the master want to say?" Qin Yao was almost confused by Jiang Tian, ​​feeling that her head was not enough.

"You have to change your inherent thinking!" Jiang Tian said with a smile: "The Qingtian Realm is so big, with my current strength, it is indeed impossible to store it, and there is no way to put it into the fairy lotus of the Meteor Realm, but this is not the case. It doesn't mean that I can't expand the Meteor Realm Fairy Lotus!

If you think about it another way, as long as the fairy lotus in the Meteor Realm grows to a large enough scale, can it be used to wrap the Sky Realm? "

"Huh? Master said so, it really makes sense, but it sounds like it's still extremely difficult!"

Qin Yao understood what Jiang Tian meant.

But thinking of the difficulty involved, I still couldn't help but be speechless.

I don't know how long it took for the fairy lotus from the Meteor Realm to grow to where it is now.

How could it expand enough to cover the entire Sky Realm in a short period of time?


too difficult!

This kind of thinking is simply unrealistic in her opinion!

"Hahahaha, have you forgotten what I am best at?" Jiang Tian laughed.

"Master is talking about... space power?" Qin Yao asked.

"That's right! And you forgot, what is this place?" Jiang Tian asked again.

"It's the Yin Demon Realm... Ah, I understand, the master wants to use the endless devil energy here to infuse the fairy lotus of the Falling Realm!"


Qin Yao's mind suddenly brightened, and she completely understood Jiang Tian's thoughts.

Jiang Tiannai has a Void Immortal Physique, possessing unimaginable spatial power, which can be used to infuse the fairy lotus of the Meteor Realm to strengthen it.

And this place is the Forbidden Land of Meteor Demon in the Yin Demon Realm, with the purest and most powerful demon energy.

As long as the magic energy is collected and infused, it can also speed up the growth of the fairy lotus in the meteor world.

But after all, this is just a theoretical idea. How effective is it when it is actually implemented?

Everything is unknown!

"Master's idea is indeed reasonable, but will this Meteor Realm Fairy Lotus really grow according to the owner's idea?"

Qin Yao expressed her inner worries.

"And the most important problem is that we are still trapped in the fairy lotus of the Meteor Realm, and we haven't found a way to get out yet!"

That's right!

This is the biggest problem!

After the two were pulled into the space inside Xianlian, they couldn't find the exit.

Jiang Tian laughed!

"Why is it so difficult? If you can't find the exit, then don't look for it!"

"Master has a solution?" Qin Yao was very surprised!

"Not yet, but the method is someone's idea, try it and you'll know!"

Buzz buzz!

Next, Jiang Tian decisively used various space secret techniques.

Void Formation, Void Immortal Realm, Void Immortal Physique... All kinds of spatial powers he possessed have been tried.

The result was embarrassing!

These methods have failed one by one!

Neither the Great Formation of Dissolving Space nor the Immortal Realm of the Void could make him leave the range of the fairy lotus in the Meteor Realm.

Qin Yao's face became more and more ugly.

"I forgot to tell the master that there is another thing recorded in the classics. If you are not sure, don't get close to the fairy lotus in the meteor world, because it is extremely difficult for people who stray into it to escape!"

"Really? Hahaha, good, good!"

Instead of being surprised, Jiang Tian smiled, making Qin Yao confused.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, how could he be happy?

Jiang Tian laughed and said: "Doesn't this mean that the defense and confinement of the fairy lotus in the Meteor Realm are extremely powerful, and it will be more secure if it is used to protect the Sky Realm?"

"The truth is true, but we... have to go out!" Qin Yao couldn't laugh or cry.

"How difficult is it to get out?"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered.

That's right!

The confinement power of the Meteorite Fairy Lotus is indeed strong, and it is almost impossible for him to get rid of it by his own means.

But he still has cards!

Zixuanjie is one of them!

After the Zixuan Realm awakened, it grew and expanded repeatedly.

Its spatial range is larger than the internal space of the Meteor Realm Xianlian.

It's just because it involves the secrecy of his bloodline, so it's inconvenient to show it to outsiders.

If it was just to get away, he could use the power of the Zixuan Realm to bombard him.

Come to think of it, it's impossible for this fairy lotus from the Meteor Realm to be able to resist it!

But that's not his purpose.

Because he wants to use the fairy lotus from the Meteor Realm to protect the Sky Realm, so it cannot be destroyed.

Therefore, we must think of a safe and effective way to get out.

Since it will not destroy the fairy lotus of the Meteor Realm, it can still escape calmly.


Suddenly, Jiang Tian's eyes lit up, and with a wave of his right hand, he called out the Spirit Swallowing Mouse.

"Spirit Swallowing Mouse, break it open for me, but don't destroy it!"


The Spirit Swallowing Mouse immediately flew out and searched around the end of the fairy lotus in the Meteor Realm.

"It turned out to be a spirit devouring beast... oh my god!"


Qin Yao was shocked, and took a breath.

Jiang Tian's spiritual pet turned out to be a spirit-eating beast!

At this moment, there was a storm in her heart, and she couldn't calm down at all.

Although she has witnessed Jiang Tian's feats more than once since she followed Jiang Tian, ​​watching him play one hole card after another.

But those are not enough to compare with the spirit devouring beast!

She used to be the chief supervisor of Sitianjian, and she knows the potential and value of the spirit devouring beast better than anyone else.

This spiritual pet is so precious, if any news is released, it will definitely cause a frantic and fierce fight for it.

Powerhouses and forces from all sides will fight for it at any cost.

It will soon evolve into an unprecedented catastrophe, and even a large-scale dao disaster sweeping the upper plane!

"Master, how many shocking secrets are there on your body?"

Qin Yao muttered to herself, unable to restrain the shock in her heart.

"Let's not be idle, come on!"

Jiang Tian gave an order, and Qin Yao and Qin Yao split up to search in the fairy lotus in the Meteor Realm.

But after a lot of work, he was disappointed.

The interior of the fairy lotus in the Meteor Realm is empty, and there is no special existence.

When the two met again, they couldn't help but smile.


The silver light is lasered, and the spirit-swallowing mouse goes and returns!

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