Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

7616--Andrew Half-step Vientiane Realm

Hum rumble!

The purple light suddenly appeared, and Jiang Tian and Qin Yao disappeared into the starry sky.

The next moment, they came to the interface channel, and the two figures disappeared quickly.

At this moment, two other mysterious phantoms suddenly appeared in a starry sky not far from where the two stood.

Hidden in the background of the deep starry sky, these two phantoms are almost indistinguishable.

"Creating a small interface in an instant, the power of the fairy lotus in the meteor world is really extraordinary!"

"How long has it been? This kid has already stepped into the Void Realm, and his combat power is probably quite impressive!"

"So what about the Void Realm, are we still afraid that he won't succeed?"

"That's right! Fortunately, we came in time, otherwise we will not be able to handle it if we continue to grow."

"Don't be wordy, this kid's growth speed and combat power are so amazing, there must be a heaven-defying opportunity in hand, let's hurry up..."

Before the words fell, a cold voice suddenly sounded!

"The two of you are hiding here, spying on the Qingtian Realm, what do you intend to do?"

This voice is none other than Jiang Tian!


"My boy, you actually eavesdropped on us!"

The two phantoms solidified in an instant, and they turned out to be a middle-aged man and a black-haired old man.

The aura of the two people is extremely thick, and they are both half-step Vientiane Realm powerhouses!

"Half step to the Vientiane Realm?" Jiang Tian looked at the two of them coldly.

"Hmph! Even if you have eyesight, to tell you the truth, the two of us have no interest in Qingtian Realm, and this trip is only for you!"

"Hand over all the magic treasures stored in your body, but I will spare you, otherwise you will die!"

Boom, boom!

The breath of the two was turbulent, and the coercion of the half-step Vientiane Realm pushed Jiang Tian away.

"What a 'doomed death', since this is the case, the first half-step of the Myriad Phrases Realm that I have killed in my life is you!"

"Extreme arrogance!"

"Take it!"


The breath of the two soared, and they punched Jiang Tian with fists and palms.



The coercion of the half-step Vientiane Realm is really extraordinary.

Although these punches and palms are all spiritual means, the power they erupted is more violent than Qin Yao's physical body.

If it was Qin Yao, in a one-on-one situation, she might be unable to resist.

Although Qin Yao's strength is already close to the Vientiane Realm, her realm was pushed up by Jiang Tian's forceful perfusion, and she did not get it through self-cultivation.

Therefore, its precipitation and foundation are ultimately lacking.

And these two people are obviously half-step Vientiane Realm that has been settled for a long time, and they are genuine half-step Vientiane Realm!

Combat strength cannot be underestimated!

And what Jiang Tian wanted was exactly such an opportunity!

After entering the early stages of the Void Realm in the Yin Demon Realm, he has never found a suitable opponent to test his combat power.

These two came at just the right time!

Crack... Boom!

Jiang Tian shook his fists together, resisting the two violent attacks at the same time.

The two fist domains exploded with a bang, causing terrifying physical ripples.

"Flesh Realm!"

"What a powerful force!"

The faces of the two people on the opposite side changed.

The offensives of the two sides collided together, and Jiang Tian was not at a disadvantage in the case of one against two.

It's amazing!

"Good boy, you are indeed a physical cultivator!"

"So, your chance may have something to do with physical training?"

"But we heard that your strength is not limited to physical training, which shows that your chances may not be as simple as one or two!"

"Jie Jie, we really came to the right place this time!"



The offensive of the two became more and more violent, and the intensive attacks hit Jiang Tian one after another.

Jiang Tian didn't use too complicated means.

Because his purpose is to use these two people to test his own combat power.

"Xianlong crit!"


The violent roar sounded again.

Then an amazing scene appeared!

The two people on the opposite side were shocked back by his two punches.


"His spiritual means are so strong!"

The faces of the two changed immediately!

For the first time since the fight, they were at a disadvantage and felt Jiang Tian's strong threat.

And from the beginning to the present, it took only a few breaths before and after.

For warriors of their level, this means a big gap in strength.

Could it be that two and a half-step omnipotent masters can't beat Jiang Tian who is in the Void Realm?

"Boy, die for me!"

"Shoot with all your strength and kill him!"


The violent roar resounded, and the two breaths soared, and they frantically bombarded Jiang Tian.

Instead of showing any nervousness, Jiang Tian became more calm.

In fact, in his first shot, he didn't deliberately activate the boxing domain, and he didn't even use his full strength.

But it was such a simple shot that actually produced the effect of punching.

The reason is actually none other.

Just because of his physical strength, he also reached an unprecedented height after this breakthrough.

That's why he was able to hit the physical body field casually and shock the two powerful enemies.

But now, he has basically figured out the opponent's combat power, and he is not interested in these two so-called half-step Vientiane Realm powerhouses.

"Half-step Vientiane Realm is nothing more than that, die!"

Jiang Tian took a step forward and punched violently against the opponent's offensive.


There was a loud noise, and the man was knocked back by his punch, his breath plummeted, and he vomited blood.

"How is it possible? Be careful..."

While the injured man was shocked, he already thought of the subsequent predicament.

He quickly reminded his companions.

Unfortunately it was too late!

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Tian turned around and shot another person.


Another punch was thrown out, directly crushing the opponent's attack, and the terrifying force of the fist hit the opponent abruptly.

Pfft... wow!


The man vomited blood and screamed, flew upside down, his breath fell wildly, and his eyes were full of horror.

"Half-step Vientiane Realm, come on, blood devour, open!"

Jiang Tian sprayed out a dragon-like purple light from his left hand, covering the two of them.

Bloodline engulfment begins immediately!


The essence and blood of the two half-steps of the Vientiane Realm poured towards him and quickly poured into his body.

After the devouring was over, Jiang Tian left them a breath to search for their souls.

It wasn't until the soul search was over that the two of them fell completely.

Jiang Tian was a little disappointed.

Contrary to what he expected, these two are just two reclusive casual cultivators with no deep background.

And after devouring the blood essence of these two people, his blood spiritual power has only reached 35%!

"Half-step Vientiane Realm, is it so unbearable?"

Jiang Tian was rather disappointed.

After this battle, he basically verified his combat power.

Under the half-step Vientiane Realm, no one should be able to threaten him.

The strong in the early stages of the Vientiane Realm may be able to pose a certain threat to him.

As for the specifics, one has to go through an actual battle to know the extent of the combat power of that realm.

At this moment, he can't wait to find a real Vientiane Realm to practice immediately.

Unfortunately not!

In front of the interface channel, Qin Yao observed Jiang Tian's reaction and could already see his distress.

"Master, are you struggling with training as a warrior without the Vientiane Realm?"

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