Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7617 Everyone Shocked

"Indeed." Jiang Tian nodded.

"It's all Qin Yao's fault. If Qin Yao can successfully break through in the Yin Demon Realm, she will be able to help the master!" Qin Yao blamed herself.

"Master, please rest assured!

After returning to the Sky Realm, I will retreat immediately, and strive to break through the Vientiane Realm with all my strength in the shortest possible time!

At that time, the master will know the true combat power of the Vientiane realm warriors! "

Qin Yao couldn't wait.

She must break through in the shortest possible time.

If it took a little longer, at Jiang Tian's growth rate, maybe she wouldn't be needed as a "supplier".

"Let's go!"

With a wave of his hand, Jiang Tian took Qin Yao back to Qingtian Realm.

In the palace of Qingtian!

"Jin Tianxing, immediately call the existing top powerhouses in the alliance, as well as the top refining masters, and prepare to set up a big array to protect the world!"

"Boundary protection formation?"


"Oh My God!"

"The Supreme Leader is amazing!"

Hearing that Jiang Tian was anxious to build a large formation to protect the world, Jin Tianxing and the elders present were all stunned!

Great array of guardians!

That is no ordinary magic circle.

The world-protecting formation is an unimaginably magnificent formation that covers the entire interface.

This idea once occurred to them.

But because the difficulty was too great, I dispelled it as soon as the idea came up.


Protecting the big array?

What a joke!

The world of Qingtian is so big that I don't know how many billions of miles it is measured!

It is unimaginably difficult to build a super giant magic circle that protects the entire interface.

They feel powerless and suffocated just by envisioning it in their heads!

Now, Jiang Tian actually proposed to start the construction plan of the world-protecting formation immediately.

In their eyes, it seemed like a fool's dream!

"Prince Taishang, are you... just kidding?"

Jin Tianxing's face was extremely embarrassed.

It is true that the first time they saw Jiang Tian, ​​they were stunned by his improvement.

I wanted to congratulate Jiang Tian, ​​but before I had time to congratulate, Jiang Tian brought up this explosive topic.

So much so that the fact that Jiang Tian advanced was ignored by everyone.

"The Qingtian Realm is so big, how should we build the big protective array, should we focus on defending a few areas, or cover the entire interface?"

an elder asked awkwardly.

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted rebuttals and ridicule from everyone.

"Hey! Elder Yu really dares to think that it is already an unimaginable grand plan to focus on defending a few areas. How dare you expect to protect the entire interface?"

"Hmph, I advise you not to even think about this kind of thing!"

"Even if we fill in all the powerful members of the Dao League, I'm afraid it won't be possible!"

The atmosphere in the hall was dull.

Everyone fell into silence.

"The supreme lord, the big formation to protect the world is really too difficult. With the current situation and family background of the Dao League, it is impossible to support the construction of such a large formation. Not to that extent."

Jin Tianxing looked at Jiang Tian and smiled wryly.

As the leader of the Daoist League, I know my own affairs.

Not to mention that the Qingtian Realm has undergone tremendous changes recently, even if the Qingtian Realm has not undergone great changes, its family background is not enough to support the construction of such a large formation.

"Mr. Jin is right. Daomeng's family property has almost been defeated in these drastic changes!"

"Although the leader of the Supreme Alliance suppressed dozens of interfaces and brought back a huge amount of treasures after returning, even if all of them are used, it is far from enough!"

"With all due respect to my subordinates, the Supreme Leader may have a good intention, but this idea... is not realistic at all!"

"Please calm down, the Supreme Leader, and give up this beautiful fantasy!"

"Yes! This is indeed just a beautiful fantasy, completely unreliable in reality!"

The elders were determined and unanimous in their opposition to the plan.

And they were not worried that Jiang Tian would forcefully push.

Because the basis for realizing this plan does not exist, even if Jiang Tian wants to force it, he does not have such a big family background for him.

"Everyone, do you think things are too simple? Is it really that difficult to build a world-protecting formation?" Qin Yao said with a half-smile.

In order to refute the position of the public.

Jin Tianxing frowned and smiled bitterly: "Vice leader Qin is too optimistic. You don't know the current situation of the Dao League. What qualifications and confidence do we have to build such a grand formation beyond imagination?"

The Qingtian Realm is an interface, not a city, or a continent.

If you want to protect such an interface in an all-round way, the scale of the formation must be at the interface level!

Such a handwriting, he exhausted the power of the Daomeng, but he couldn't do it.

Therefore, it is completely unfeasible!

Qin Yao shook her head and smiled, then turned to look at Jiang Tian.

"Master, don't be so secretive, tell me your plan!"



"The leader of the supreme alliance... already has a plan?"

Jin Tianxing and others were shocked!

It turns out that Jiang Tian didn't have a hothead for a while, but already had a plan?

"With all due respect, what exactly is my lord's plan, and what is it to support it?"

Jin Tianxing was extremely puzzled!

This is also the doubt of all the elders.

Jiang Tian laughed and said: "Everyone thinks things are too difficult, the construction of the world-protecting formation is not just as simple as having a plan!

What I have is not just a construction plan, but a ready-made formation treasure, and the completion rate has reached about 80%! "


"A ready-made formation treasure!"

"Achieved 80% completion?"

"How can it be?"

"The lord of the supreme alliance is serious?"

"What kind of rare treasure is that?"


There was an uproar in the audience.

Everyone was stunned!

But they couldn't believe what Jiang Tian said, because he said it too lightly.

Is the world protection formation a child's play?

If it was so easy to build, wouldn't dozens of interfaces around it have been built long ago?

But in fact, no one has such a great ability to build such a terrifying super large formation.

Jiang Tian's tone was too loud!

"Please tell me clearly, my lord!" Jin Tianxing looked at Jiang Tian and said with a bow.

"The main body of the world-protecting formation has actually been completed, and what is needed next is the actual layout and some building blocks!"

With a wave of Jiang Tian's right hand, a white light flew out suddenly.

Suspended in the hall, slowly turning.



"What's this?"

"Could this be... the main body of the world-protecting formation that the leader of the Supreme Alliance said?"

"Isn't the Supreme Leader really joking?"

Looking at the white lotus flower about an inch in size, everyone looked strange.

"I suggest you go outside and have a look!"



Jiang Tian waved his right hand lightly, and the white lotus platform turned into a ray of white light and swept out of the hall.


The next moment, a dull roar sounded, and a mighty space rippled.


"Oh My God!"

"What an amazing space power!"

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