Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7618 start to set up

Everyone rushed out of the main hall to take a look, and saw the white lotus platform stretching across the sky, which had soared to a size of thousands of feet.

The spatial ripples that emanate sweep across the sky, majestic and terrifying!

"Rise again!"

Jiang Tian urged again.

The lotus platform suddenly soared to a height of 100,000 feet, like a huge cloud covering the sky above Qingtian Temple.


The audience was in an uproar, and everyone was completely shocked!

"What a terrifying space treasure!"

"Falling World Fairy Lotus, this is the Falling World Fairy Lotus!"

"So that's the case. No wonder the Supreme Leader said that the main body of the World Protector Formation has been completed!"

"If it's really the fairy lotus from the Meteor Realm, maybe it's really possible to build a great formation to protect the world!"

Jin Tianxing and the elders couldn't stop exclaiming, all of them showed excitement.

"Rise again!"

Jiang Tian reminded him from the air.

The fairy lotus in the Meteor Realm skyrocketed again.

So that everyone can't see the edge at all.

The majestic and terrifying space power swept across the sky, causing everyone's expressions to change drastically.

"My lord can't!"

"The supreme lord, please put away the fairy lotus of the meteor world, otherwise there will be great changes in the sky world!"


Everyone rushed back into the hall, shouting repeatedly.


Only then did Jiang Tian accept the fairy lotus from the Meteor Realm.

Looking at the people who sat down, he said with a smile: "What you see is just the appearance of the fairy lotus in the Meteor Realm when it is slightly stimulated, and its internal space is larger than the entire Qingtian Realm. No problem at all!"

"As expected of the Supreme Alliance Leader!"

"It turns out that the leader of the Supreme Leader has already made up his mind!"

"It's because my vision is too shallow to imagine the grand master's handwriting!"

The elders were deeply ashamed.

Jiang Tian said solemnly: "The main body of the formation is already in place, and the next step is to spend a lot of resources on the actual layout. Therefore, it needs all the elders and many top craftsmen to take action at the same time in order to properly build it!"

Jin Tianxing was overjoyed!

"Shenwei, the leader of the Supreme Alliance! Since this is the case, we will definitely do our best to complete the construction of this large formation as soon as possible!"

"Jin Tianxing, I will leave this matter to you, and I will give you three days to prepare all the required resources!"

"Subordinates obey!"

Jin Tianxing took the order.

Arrangements were made immediately, and the elders of the Dao League gathered all their resources to prepare for the deployment of the formation.

"Qin Yao!"


"You retreat immediately, and strive to enter the Vientiane Realm as soon as possible!"

"Yes, my lord!"


As soon as the words fell, Qin Yao immediately rushed out of the hall and went to retreat by herself.

But at this time, Jin Tianxing and the elders completely came back to their senses!

"Vice leader Qin is going to...advance to the Vientiane Realm?"

"This trip to the Yin Demon Realm has obviously gained a lot!"

"Needless to say, this is all the grace of the Supreme Leader!"

"The opportunity of Qin's deputy leader is too enviable!"

Everyone laughed bitterly.

Following Jiang Tian to the Yin Demon Realm, Qin Yao's cultivation has reached such a point.

Already ready to advance to the Vientiane Realm.

Once the advancement is successful, its strength will greatly surpass Jin Tianxing, and become the first person in the Qingtian Dao League other than Jiang Tian!

"Jin Tianxing, you don't have to worry. After Qinyao breaks through, she will share her experience of the Vientiane Realm and let you feel the power and breath of the Vientiane Realm. By then, it won't be long before you will be able to break through the Vientiane Realm!"

"Thank you, my lord, for your grace!" Jin Tianxing thanked excitedly.

It has to be said that, as the original leader of the Qingtian Dao League, his cultivation base lags behind that of Qin Yao, the deputy leader, which really embarrasses him.

Although he didn't dare to say anything in front of Jiang Tian, ​​he was naturally in a bad mood.

But now, with Jiang Tian's statement, he also sees the hope of advancing to the Vientiane Realm.

The key is that after Qin Yao advances, he will have a living "specimen" of the Vientiane Realm for his reference, which is a condition he can only wish for!

Jiang Tian waved his hand and said: "Qingtian Dao League should not and will not have only two Vientiane Realms. I hope that after Qin Yao and Jin League Leaders, more Vientiane Realms will be born one after another! So, you all have to redouble your efforts !"

"Subordinates would like to follow the teachings of the Supreme Leader!"

"I will definitely do my best to practice hard and strive to break through the situation as soon as possible!"


Shouts like a mountain roar and a tsunami sounded in the hall.

Jin Tianxing and the elders were all excited and excited.

Vientiane Realm!

In the past, they couldn't even imagine the realm in their dreams, but now, they all have the opportunity to touch it.

Once Qin Yao and Jin Tianxing break through one after another, they will have two living samples of the Vientiane Realm for reference.

Such an opportunity is absolutely enviable to others!

Because among the 30 surrounding interfaces, none of the Vientiane Realm exists.

Naturally, no one could find such a reference.

And now, they've got one!

Next, there will be a second soon!

Such cultivation conditions are simply unimaginable in other places.


Qin Yao retreated with all her strength and broke through the Vientiane Realm!

And the elders of the Dao League also mobilized with all their strength under Jin Tianxing's instructions, mobilizing manpower and resources, and preparing to deploy.

Three days later!

Everything is ready!

The layout of the big formation of the world protection has officially begun!

At this time, Qin Yao is still in retreat.

Jiang Tian took Jin Tianxing to the outside of Qingtian Realm.

Behind it is the background of the deep starry sky, and on the opposite side is the entire Sky Realm that appears in front of you like a giant ball!

At this time, hundreds of experts in the Void Realm and more than a hundred top crafting masters are laying out batches of resources and magic weapons in the sky at the edge of the Sky Realm.

The construction of the world-protecting formation doesn't just need a single fairy lotus from the Meteor World.

If the Celestial Realm of the Meteor Realm is simply and roughly used to cover the Celestial Realm, it will inevitably cause violent interface turmoil.

It will make the entire interface, like the adjacent small interface, on the verge of collapse.

Jiang Tian had verified this point three days ago.

Therefore, the first step in building a large protective array is to build a relatively small auxiliary array outside the Qingtian Realm.

And deploy some defensive magic weapons that can absorb and breathe space power, so that when the fairy lotus in the meteor world unfolds, it can play a buffer and take over role.

at this time!

Auxiliary magic circles were deployed one after another, thousands of magic weapons flew up one after another, and floated on the edge of the sky realm according to the predetermined position.

Intertwined into a large net, covering the entire Qingtian Realm.

"It's amazing, such a concept is really a big deal beyond imagination!"

Jin Tianxing was shocked.

Even though he had had a few days to get used to it, he was still extremely shocked to see the formation process covering the entire interface.

"Do you think that the cost of setting up the formation is too huge?" Jiang Tian asked.

"Back to my lord, Tianxing really thinks so!" Jin Tianxing said truthfully.

"Hehe, it's not necessary! Compared with the safety of the Qingtian Realm, no matter how many magic weapons and resources there are, it's not worth mentioning!" Jiang Tian said.

"Yeah, the losses from the previous great changes are really too painful!"

Jin Tianxing was filled with emotion.

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