Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7619 advanced blocked

In the previous great changes, the Qingtian Realm lost more than just those halls and cultivation resources.

There are also a large number of Taixu Realm elders!

They are loyal defenders of Daomeng, and many of them have been cultivated for hundreds or thousands of years.

Such a loss can hardly be measured by resources and spirit crystals.

If possible, Jin Tianxing would rather give up a huge amount of resources in exchange for their rebirth.

It's a pity that this is just a fantasy and cannot be realized.

Hum rumble!

The purple light suddenly appeared!

Jiang Tian opened the Great Formation of Transforming Space, and took Jin Tianxing to patrol around the Qingtian Realm, checking the construction of the Great Formation.

When all the magic weapons and auxiliary formations are completed, it will be the time when the lotus platform of the Meteor Realm will be fully unfolded.

At that time!

The huge fairy lotus from the Meteor Realm will cover the entire Sky Realm and put a solid "cloak" on it.

So that this interface, which has suffered several disasters, has a strong defense ability!

"How many days will it take for the auxiliary circle to be deployed?" Jiang Tian asked.

"Report to my lord, limited by manpower, it will take seven days to complete!"

"Seven days?" Jiang Tian frowned, hesitant to speak.

Although seven days is not too long, it is still a bit slow for him.

His original plan was to complete the deployment within a few days.

"My lord has learned that the Dao League has suffered great changes many times, causing the number of warriors in the Void Realm to drop sharply. In addition, resources are also a little tight, so the time will be delayed."

"As soon as possible!"

"Yes, my lord!"

With an order, Jiang Tian prepared to return to Qingtian Realm.

Calculating the time, Qin Yao's advancement should be within two or three days.

After returning to Qingtian Realm, Jiang Tian asked about Qin Yao's progress.

Qin Yao, who was retreating, couldn't help smiling wryly.

"Master, the breakthrough of the Vientiane Realm is still somewhat difficult for me, and it is not as simple as I imagined!"

"Is it because there are not enough resources?" Jiang Tian asked.

"No, I just need some time to explore this strange realm." Qin Yao said.

"No problem!"

Jiang Tian said no more.

Qin Yao is eager to break through, and she is also under pressure.

Saying more at this time will only make her more stressed.

Because Qin Yao's previous realm was pushed up by him abruptly, so all kinds of disadvantages appeared here.

It is precisely because of this that he did not force Qin Yao to advance in the Yin Demon Realm.

After all, it is the demon world. Once Qin Yao forcibly advances, she absorbs too much demon energy, and there is a risk of being demonized.

Even if she is not demonized, it will have some impact on her future practice.

It is the best for her to go through this level by herself!

In the blink of an eye, another day passes!

On this day, there were bursts of thunder in the valley where Qin Yao retreated.

With that valley as the center, the entire territory of the Daoist League shook slightly.

"It's about to start!" Jiang Tian stood in front of the hall, looking at the valley.

He is about to witness the birth of a strong man in the Vientiane Realm before his eyes!

"Vientiane Realm, I, Qin Yao, are here!"


Qin Yao lifted the ban on the advanced impulse that had been suppressed before.

Guide the bloodline spiritual power to launch an impact on the Vientiane Realm.

Bang, click... Boom!

Terrible roars resounded, and the violent coercion shot straight up from the valley.

Stirring the clouds in mid-air almost boiled.

A spiritual vortex of tens of thousands of feet is condensing, and the magnificent scene even alarmed many strong men who are setting up a power-assist magic circle at the edge of the sky.


"This...is this the vision of Qin Yao's breakthrough?"

"Myriad Phenomena Realm! Unexpectedly, in just a few days, Qin Yao's deputy leader went straight to Myriad Mirror Realm from Taixu Realm!"


"It's indeed remarkable, but the truly remarkable one is the Taishang Leader!"

"That's right! Without his promotion, Qin Yao's deputy leader would not be able to achieve today's state!"

"But no matter what, Qin Yao's deputy general will become my Qingtian Dao League, and also the first Vientiane Realm power born in my Qingtian Realm!"

"Her advancement will be of great significance to the entire Sky Realm and even the dozens of interfaces around it!"

The powerhouses at the edge of the Sky Realm couldn't help but stop their movements at this moment, staring at the aura vortex covering hundreds of thousands of square meters.

Jin Tianxing was also deeply shocked at the moment.

Thanks to Jiang Tian's help, Qin Yao finally broke through.

You have to step into the Vientiane Realm before him!

It was impossible to say that he was not envious, and he was even a little jealous.

But this kind of jealousy is just a simple eager desire for martial arts strength, not mixed with hostility.

There is no other reason!

Just because of his cultivation base, like Qin Yao, Jiang Tian single-handedly promoted him.

If there is no Jiang Tian, ​​he may not be able to reach the current state in his life.

And Qin Yao's breakthrough will also give him and many elders of the same rank a living "mark" for their reference, perception and observation!

"Don't be dazed, everyone, continue to form formation!"

"After Qin Yao's vice-leader succeeds in advancing, we will have a chance to feel the coercion of her Vientiane Realm!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Under Jin Tianxing's reminder, everyone withdrew their minds and continued to form the formation.

Boom... Boom!

Crack... Crack!

The spiritual vortex of hundreds of thousands of feet showed an astonishing phenomenon, and the roar resounded through the sky.

Not long after, the vortex began to spin faster, and a pillar of spiritual energy spewed out, pointing directly at the valley where Qin Yao was.

"Infused with spirit energy!"

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered and he muttered to himself.

The aura infusion has begun!

It means that Qin Yao's advanced channel is officially opened.

"Vientiane Realm, rush to me!"

Qin Yao's urgent cry came from the valley.

She made a seal with her hands, and greeted the pillar of spiritual energy, her breath began to rise sharply.

Click... Boom!

Accompanied by a dull roar, Qin Yao's delicate body shook violently.

The imprisonment at the extreme peak of the Taixu Realm was instantly broken!

The next moment, her own blood and spiritual power rushed through the bottleneck and began to transform crazily.

At the same time, the spiritual vortex poured down at an accelerated rate.

The convergence of the two forces should have quickly created a brand new martial arts foundation for her, allowing her to successfully achieve the cultivation base of the Vientiane Realm.

The actual situation was greatly unexpected!


The loud noise in Qin Yao's body became more and more intense.

At the beginning, her own spiritual power was still able to resist the pouring air column.

But as time went by, its own spiritual power began to decline.

The pillar of spiritual energy pouring down continued unabated, gaining the upper hand and suppressing her power.

"how so?"

Qin Yao was taken aback!

This situation was beyond her expectation.

After all, Jiang Tian forcibly raised her previous two realms.

Without the hard work of forcibly advanced, now directly challenging the cultivation of the Vientiane Realm, the pressure faced is far beyond imagination.

"The situation...is not right!"

Qin Yao's face became more and more ugly.

Deeply aware of the passiveness of the situation.

If the response is inadvertent, the failure of the advanced stage is a small matter, and the damage to the foundation is a great matter.

Worst of all, it is even possible for one's cultivation to collapse and become a cripple!

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