Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7620 Breakthrough

"No! I will never let the master down!"

Qin Yao bit the tip of her tongue fiercely, forcing herself to wake up.

This time, Jiang Tian has high hopes for her, and she might be watching from the side right now.

If she fails at this time, she will have no face to face Jiang Tian.


Qin Yao's hand seal quickly turned, forcibly stimulating her own potential.

The breath suddenly rose, and against the pillar of spiritual energy that fell from the sky, the situation was abruptly reversed.


Jiang Tian, ​​who noticed this scene, nodded silently.

It is true that Qin Yao's advancement cannot be accomplished overnight.

After all, the previous two breakthroughs were all forced by him, so it can be said that it didn't cost Qin Yao any strength.

But now, facing such a big bottleneck suddenly is indeed a huge challenge for her.

However, the way of cultivation is sailing against the current. Qin Yao must overcome the difficulties in front of her in order to become a real master of the Vientiane Realm!

Although the current situation is a little fluctuating, there is no need for him to intervene forcibly.

"Vientiane Realm, here I come!"

After turning the situation around, Qin Yao finally let out a sigh of relief.

Next, as long as you maintain the current progress, you will be able to successfully enter the Vientiane Realm.

Advancement is only a matter of time!

But is it really that simple?

Half an hour later, a sudden change occurred!

Crack... Rumble!

In the huge vortex in midair, terrifying thunderbolts suddenly descended.

Crazy bombardment to Qin Yao!

"The catastrophe of breaking the realm? Not good!"

Jiang Tian's face suddenly changed, and his face sank.

As a warrior advances, there is a certain chance that it will trigger a catastrophe.

And among all kinds of tribulations of breaking the realm, the three tribulations of gold, fire, and thunder are the most powerful.

Among the three tribulations, the thunder tribulation is the most terrifying!

Lei Li is violent by nature, and he is the most destructive among the three powers.

The chance of the catastrophe of breaking the realm is not great.

And the chance of encountering thunder calamity is even smaller, and most of them appear in the warriors of the thunder blood.

He really didn't expect that Qin Yao, who is not of the blood of the thunder attribute, would attract the catastrophe of the thunder attribute!



Faced with this catastrophe, Qin Yao was actually prepared.

He raised his hand and pointed at the sky, and nine golden thunders shot up into the sky to meet them.

Boom boom boom... Nine thunderclaps resounded through the world, and a large area of ​​thunder wave exploded and spread rapidly.

The first lightning calamity counteracted, and the second followed!

Generally speaking, there are nine ways to break the thunder.

After overcoming the Nine Paths, there will be no obstacles.

Qin Yao responded with all her strength, resisting one thunder disaster after another.

Finally, after an hour, the Nine Dao Thunder Tribulation ended.

"Phew, I finally managed to carry it over. Fortunately, I didn't disappoint the master!"

A smile appeared on Qin Yao's face.

At this moment, his whole body was soaked in sweat, and he was even about to collapse.

Fortunately, the thunder calamity has passed. Next, as long as you take the elixir in time and refine some natural materials and earth treasures that assist in the advancement, you can successfully complete this advancement.

But just as she took a few pills and refined them with all her strength, something unexpected happened!

Crack... Rumble!

The clouds in the sky rolled wildly, and there was an unprecedented thunder!

"Hiss! How could this happen?" Qin Yao's expression changed suddenly!

The thunder was extremely terrifying, and the violent Lei Wei swept through the void, making her heart tremble.

She wasn't too afraid of the nine thunder tribulations just now.

But this one, just the sound makes her feel afraid!

"Well, isn't it over, why is there still a thunder disaster?"

Jiang Tian was also shocked!

As far as he knows, there are usually nine realm-shattering thunder tribulations, and some people can't even reach this number.

After Qin Yao survived nine thunder tribulations, a new one appeared, which showed that her aptitude was stronger than expected.

But in this way, the difficulty and risk of advancing are also greatly increased!

Looking intently, the new thunder calamity is bigger than the previous one, and the risk has increased sharply.

"Never let the master down!"

Qin Yao didn't have time to think too much, so she grabbed a handful of pills and stuffed them into her mouth randomly.

Chewing wantonly, greeted the arrival of the thunder calamity.

Boom, clack, clack!

The violent thunder resounded through the void, and Qin Yao directly condensed nine thunder lights to meet the thunder pillar.


There was a loud noise that shook the sky, and the nine-in-one thunder light did not block the thunder pillar.

To be annihilated directly!

Lei Zhu paused for a moment, then continued to bombard her.

"not good!"

Qin Yao's face changed drastically!

Even if this thunderbolt didn't seriously injure her, it would interrupt the advancement process.

It's too late to say it!


With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, he cut out a purple sword light!

Click... Boom!

Amidst the loud noise, Lei Zhu was chopped off by the sword light.

Qin Yao escaped unharmed!

"Huh! Thank you, Master!"

Qin Yao said loudly.

"Don't be distracted, go all out to advance!"

"Yes, Master!"

Qin Yao's heart is slightly settled.

She has already survived nine thunder tribulations, and if she carries a few more, she will be more powerful after advancing.

But the problem is, she can't handle it!

If Jiang Tian doesn't make a move, her advancement has already failed.


The thunder rumbled again, and another thunder column crashed down.

Jiang Tian shot again and killed it!

But such a shot seems to have angered Lei Jie.

Immediately afterwards, three thunderbolts blasted down at the same time.

Qin Yao was completely terrified!

She was completely unable to resist the power of these three lightning pillars.

Once it falls, it is not a question of whether it can be advanced, and it will be seriously injured if it is not dead.

"Is it so difficult to advance to the first Vientiane Realm in the Sky Realm?"

Jiang Tian's face also sank.

This Thunder Tribulation seems to be competing with him!

"Master, don't be in trouble, if it's not possible, I will..."

Qin Yao is ready to fail in the advanced stage.

Lay a solid foundation and come back next time.

But Jiang Tian didn't think so!

Once Qin Yao succeeds, she will be the first superpower of the Vientiane Realm in the Qingtian Realm.


No matter what, help her complete this breakthrough!

"Continue to break through, I'll help you ward off the thunder disaster!"

It is true that Jiang Tian's help is an external force.

Relatively speaking, it will reduce Qin Yao's combat power after advanced.

But the problem is, without his help, not only would Qin Yao not be able to advance, she would suffer heavy injuries, even damage her foundation.

"bring it on!"


Jiang Tian unfolded the Thunder Source Immortal Physique, and flew directly towards the huge thundercloud in the aura vortex.

If it's just to solve the thunder robbery, he actually just needs to use the "Swallowing Void Art".

But doing so would swallow the aura vortex at the same time, affecting Qin Yao's subsequent breakthrough.

Therefore, the Thunder Source Immortal Physique is the best solution.

Crack... Rumble!

Jiang Tian urged the Thunder Source Immortal Body to forcibly attract the thunder clouds in midair.

At first, Lei Yun ignored him and focused on Qin Yao.

Because Qin Yao is the source of the thunder disaster!

But as Jiang Tian approached, Lei Yun finally changed direction.

Aim at the more threatening Jiang Tian!

Crackling... Boom!

A huge thundercloud swam out of the spiritual vortex, suspended above Jiang Tian, ​​reaching a gigantic size!

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