Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7621 Swallowing Thunder Tribulation, Thunder Source Immortal Body Bottleneck!

Thunder pillars as thick as millstones crashed down one after another, and the terrifying roar resounded through the sky.


"what happened?"

"It's the leader of the supreme alliance, helping Qin Yao's deputy leader to resist the thunder disaster!"

"This thundercloud alone is huge, and the difficulty of advancing to the Vientiane Realm is really too great!"

"Breakthrough the Vientiane Realm, is it necessary to attract Thunder Tribulation?"

"That's not true, not everyone can attract Thunder Tribulation!"

The elders who were setting up the formation inevitably cast their attention again.

Qin Yao's advancement is a symbol to them.

If all goes well, their confidence in subsequent breakthroughs will be very different.

But if the advancement is blocked, their confidence will also be hit.

For various reasons, this advancement is of extraordinary significance.

So you can only succeed, not lose!

Click... boom, click, click!

The dense thunder and lightning bombardment turned the void into a fiery minefield!

The terrifying power turned into a large wave of thunder and turmoil, and the void was distorted and turbulent.

Although the crowd was separated by a long distance, they still retreated in horror.


Qin Yao's mind was shocked!

Even if she knew that Jiang Tian had a thunder-type physique, she was terrified at the moment.

Such a huge thunder field, such a violent Lei Lan, and such a terrifying Lei Wei are all she has ever seen in her life!

"It's just a cloud of thunder and calamity, don't panic!"

Jiang Tian's calm voice came from Lei Lan, as if giving Qin Yao a reassurance.

"Leiyuan Immortal Physique, swallow!"


Amidst the violent roar, the thundercloud turned into a huge funnel and poured down towards Jiang Tian.

Lei Yuan feasted on the Immortal Physique, and his aura rose again and again, reaching the limit quickly.

Finally stopped at a certain critical point!

at this time!

The thunderclouds had disappeared completely.

Jiang Tian's body was filled with thunder, as if a thunder god descended from the sky, it was breathtaking!

"Qin Yao, why don't you break through quickly?"

"Yes, master!"

Qin Yao's spirit was greatly lifted, she completely put aside her worries, and continued to receive spiritual energy.

With blood and spiritual power, he is rapidly transforming towards the level of the Vientiane Realm.

And the scene just now completely stunned the elders who set up the magic circle at the edge of Qingtian Realm!


"My God!"

"In an instant, he devoured the thundercloud, and he was not injured at all. The leader of the Supreme Alliance... is the blood of the Thunder?"

"No! The supreme leader is not a simple bloodline of the thunder system, but some kind of super powerful thunder attribute talent. As far as I know, it is the Thunder Origin Immortal Physique!"

"Thunder Source Immortal Physique?"

"My God! It turned out to be such a powerful physique!"


Everyone exclaimed, and there was a light of worship in their eyes.

"Don't be dazed, finish setting up these magic circles earlier, and feel the breath of the Vientiane Realm of Qin Yao's deputy leader earlier!"



Hula la!

Everyone's spirits were lifted, and they began to speed up the formation.

After a few hours.

The aura vortex covering a large void slowly dissipated.

Qin Yao officially entered the Vientiane Realm and became the first Vientiane Realm power in the Qingtian Realm!

"Vientiane Realm, I'm done!"


Feeling the power change of the Vientiane Realm, Qin Yao was extremely excited.

Compared with the extreme peak of the Taixu Realm, the power of the Vientiane Realm is several times stronger?

At this moment, she can release enormous coercion with every gesture.

Opponents who could not be defeated with all their strength in the past can now be crushed with a single finger or even a breath.

The great change in strength is shocking!

"Thank you, Master, for your grace!"

After her breath stabilized, Qin Yao immediately thanked Jiang Tian.

Without Jiang Tian's help, it would be impossible for her to complete this step, and even her foundation would be damaged, and she would be seriously injured.

"No problem!" Jiang Tian waved his hand and smiled.

People like Qin Yao and Jin Tianxing went through life and death for him.

Helping them advance is just a trivial matter for him.

Moreover, devouring Leiyun this time also gave him a lot of benefits.

The Leiyuan Immortal Physique has reached a critical point, and is about to undergo a new transformation!

Speaking of which, this physique has not broken through for a long time.

I don't know how to break through again, how will it evolve?

Jiang Tian was also looking forward to that moment.

It's just a pity that the thunder calamity caused by Qin Yao's advancement was not enough for him to break through the bottleneck of the Leiyuan Immortal Physique.

However, there are hundreds of late Taixu Realm powerhouses such as Jin Tianxing in the Qingtian Dao League. When they advance, they also have a certain chance to trigger the catastrophe of breaking the realm.

Maybe there will be a thunder disaster.

At that time, he will be able to feast on the feast and preserve the breakthrough of Lei Yuan's Immortal Physique!

"As expected of the Vientiane Realm, the breath is really different!"

Feeling the change of Qin Yao's breath, Jiang Tian's eyes brightened.


"Thank you for the compliment, Master, all this is a gift from Master, Qin Yao will never forget it!"

With a smile on her face, Qin Yao slowly released the coercion of the Vientiane Realm so that Jiang Tian could feel it carefully.

Jiang Tian smiled strangely, and activated the "Power of Attraction".

The power of receiving and attracting has never disappeared since its birth.

Accompanying him to advance several times, it still exists.

Only now, his former absolute power has transformed into the power of Taixu!

But this kind of power, among the powerhouses of the Void Realm he has encountered, not many people deliberately use it.

The reason is mostly that the strong who have reached this level no longer need to rely on this kind of power to crush their opponents.

But for him, the power of Taixu, which contains the "power of receiving and attracting", is still a big trump card!

"Try it!"

Jiang Tian urged the power of receiving and attracting to collide with Qin Yao's Vientiane Realm will.


As soon as the two forces come into contact with each other, points will be scored!

Qin Yao's strength quickly fell to the wind.

Jiang Tian's will quickly took over!

"Master's power...too powerful!" Qin Yao blushed.

Jiang Tian smiled and said, "Have you ever heard of 'Huaxujiyi'?"

"Turning the Void to the Ultimate Mind?"

The corners of Qin Yao's eyes contracted, she was taken aback!

She had indeed heard of this kind of power.

Moreover, it is a related description seen in a certain classic of Si Tianjian.

It's just that I didn't expect that what Jiang Tian released was this kind of power!

"That's right, this is 'Void Transformation Extreme Intent'!"

"So that's the case, no wonder it can suppress my Will of the Vientiane Realm!"

Qin Yao was extremely shocked.

Huaxu Jiyi is an extremely special power. According to the records in the classics, it is called "the enemy of martial arts".

She didn't understand before, but now she knows that what she said is true!

"Master, I'm going to help them set up the formation!"


Jiang Tian nodded and smiled.

Qin Yao immediately stepped into the air and came to the edge of Qingtian Realm.

"Leader Jin, I have successfully entered the Vientiane Realm, and I am here to help everyone set up the formation!"

"Congratulations to Deputy Leader Qin, the manpower here is basically enough, and you don't need to take action for the time being."

Jin Tianxing cupped his hands and smiled.

Although there are not too many people in the formation, each auxiliary formation is pre-arranged.

Therefore, it doesn't matter whether Qin Yao makes a move or not.

At this moment, there was a strange noise in front of him.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Qin Yao and Jin Tianxing looked around, only to see that there was a problem with the layout of a magic circle.

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