Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7622 True Nine Spirits

This magic circle is mainly based on the golden fire attribute, and its power is deep and heavy.

Digital formation masters joined forces with more than a dozen elders in the late stages of Taixu Realm, but they couldn't handle it.

"Go and have a look!"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao immediately stepped forward to check.

It turned out that the power of the magic circle was too strong, and with the strength of these elders, it was difficult to effectively suppress it.

"In this formation, I'm afraid that Vice President Qin really needs to take action!"

Jin Tianxing couldn't help smiling wryly.

"It's all my own, so you don't have to be polite!"

Qin Yao communicated with the formation masters for a while, and then stepped into the air.

He didn't take the shot very seriously, just released a breath, and successfully surrendered the formation.

"As expected of the power of the Myriad Phrases Realm!"

"Vice leader Qin is amazing!"

"We are really convinced!"

The formation masters present and more than a dozen elders bowed their hands in thanks.

Jin Tianxing was also an eye-opener.

"The power of the Vientiane Realm is really too strong. After working for a while, Jin will also do his best to retreat and try to break through the realm as soon as possible. At that time, I will also ask Qin Yao to help me a lot!"

Jin Tianxing said with a smile.

"Leader Jin said that, it really hurt Qinyao. My strength was given by the master. After I advanced, I should share it with everyone with all my strength. I will show you the breath of the Vientiane Realm when the formation of the world protection is completed. , and share this advanced experience!"

"Jin will say thank you in advance!"

Jin Tianxing laughed and nodded.

Before the words fell, a sudden change occurred!

Crack... bang bang bang!

"not good!"


"The lord save me..."

There were exclamations one after another, a big black hand suddenly stretched out from the void, and slammed the magic circle that had just been set up.

Even the digital array mage was killed.

More than a dozen late Taixu Realm powerhouses were all severely injured.

Jin Tianxing was also shocked and retreated again and again, his face changed wildly.

Fortunately, Qin Yao made a move to protect him.

"Who is coming?"

Qin Yao shouted angrily!

The Qingtian Realm was at a critical juncture when it was setting up a large formation to protect the world, and someone came to sabotage it.

Is it tolerable or unbearable?


Amidst the violent roar, a middle-aged man in black robe appeared.

"Half-step Vientiane Realm? No!"

The corners of Jin Tianxing's eyes narrowed sharply!

At the same time, Qin Yao exclaimed!

"No! Half-step Demon Ancestor Realm, he is a Demon Race!"


"Demon race?"


The faces of the elders present all changed.

Jin Tianxing was also taken aback!

Demons are powerful and can often crush humans of the same level.

Half-step Demon Ancestor is equivalent to half-step Vientiane Realm, but his combat power is higher than half-step Vientiane Realm.

"Hey, there's another Vientiane Realm!"

The black-robed demon looked at Qin Yao, with a smirk on his lips.

"Arrogant demon, die!"

Qin Yao made a decisive move.

Once the coercion of the Vientiane Realm unfolded, Jin Tianxing, who was behind him, retreated again and again.

"The coercion of the Vientiane Realm is really amazing!"

Jin Tianxing was shocked by Qin Yao's full attack.

Apart from Jiang Tian, ​​he was definitely the strongest existence he had ever encountered.

"Hmph! Human Race Vientiane Realm, that's all!"

The middle-aged man in black robe had a grin on his face.

Facing Qin Yao in the Vientiane Realm, he was not afraid at all.


Breathing out, he punched Qin Yao.

"Hand domain!"


Qin Yao mobilized the power of the Vientiane Realm and directly blasted out a palm area.

With her current strength, there is no opponent under the Vientiane Realm.

Although the opponent is a demon, but he is only a half-step demon ancestor, he must not be her opponent.

But the truth shocked her!


Accompanied by a violent roar, the palm area she slapped was actually smashed by the opponent's punch.

This time, the scene was evenly matched, and it was difficult to distinguish between the superior and the inferior.

It even seemed that the devil was a little more relaxed!

"How can it be?"

Qin Yao's face darkened, and her eyes turned cold!

Although she has just entered the advanced stage, she is still in the Vientiane Realm anyway.

If you can't even deal with a half-step demon ancestor, isn't it a joke?


Qin Yao's aura soared, and she directly used the will of the Vientiane Realm!

The violent coercion distorts and deforms the void, pressing down on the opponent.

At the same time, she took out the Yinxu Kunmu and launched a fierce attack on the opponent.

"Yinxu Kunmu!"

Excitement flashed in Zhen Jiuling's eyes.

The Yinxu Kunmu is a rare and strange tree, and it has a special use for the demons.

Nourishing with devil energy and blood for a certain period of time is an excellent material for refining heavy weapons of the devil clan.

"This log is mine!"

Click, boom!

Zhen Jiuling probed with his right hand, and a strange scene appeared.

A ferocious black claw seemed to emerge from the void, grabbing onto the Yinxu Kunmu abruptly.

"Huh?" Qin Yao's face darkened, but she didn't panic.

Since she followed Jiang Tian, ​​she has been in contact with the strong demons several times, and she already has a deep understanding of their methods.

Facing this sudden shot at this moment, he didn't panic at all.

The blood and spiritual power were infused crazily, and the Yinxu Kunmu in his hand vibrated rapidly.

"Stick field!"

Hum rumbling!

One after another stick domain roared and swung away, powerful force mixed with the might of the Vientiane Realm ruthlessly bombarded the black devil's claw.

But what shocked her was that no matter how hard she tried, the black claws were indifferent, as if they had grown on them!

And the half-step Demon Ancestor was still a hundred feet away.

"Damn it!"

Qin Yao's face was extremely ugly.

It was just a devil's claw that made her work so hard.

If the opponent attacks with all his strength, won't she be at a disadvantage?

But she is obviously a great power in the Vientiane Realm, even if the opponent has a bonus in combat power, can she still be equal to her?


Will not!

Qin Yao quickly dismissed this idea.

This is ridiculous!

No matter how strong the demon clan is, even a half-step demon ancestor cannot compete with her.

"Break it!"


Qin Yao frantically waved the Yinxu Kunmu, trying to shatter the devil's claw.

But no matter how she strikes, the claws are always firm and unbreakable.

"Jie Jie! Human Race Vientiane Realm, die!"


Zhen Jiuling grinned grimly and took a step forward.

An afterimage immediately appeared behind Qin Yao!

"not good!"

Jin Tianxing's face changed drastically, and he shouted loudly!

At this time, Qin Yao's heart was also trembling!

It seemed too late to react.


Click... bang!


There was a roar, followed by a scream!

It was not Qin Yao who was injured.

It's the real nine spirits!

Just as his afterimage was about to hit Qin Yao severely, Jiang Tian suddenly appeared and knocked him back.

"Thank you master for saving my life, I..." Qin Yao was ashamed and didn't know what to say.

She has just advanced and is eager to make meritorious service in front of Jiang Tian.

Unexpectedly, he was almost severely injured by the opponent.

In the end, it was relying on Jiang Tian to take action to avoid being poisoned.

"This person is definitely not an ordinary person, you just step back, and I will deal with him!"


Qin Yao backed away immediately.

Instead, Jiang Tian made the move.

"What does Sha Nian Demon God have to do with you?" Jiang Tian stared at Zhen Jiu Ling and asked coldly.

"Jie Jie! It seems that you have already guessed my origin, so I might as well tell you that the Cha Nian Demon God you killed was just the blood clone of the Cha Nian Demon Ancestor, and I am the true Nine Spirits!"

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