Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

7625--Andrew Rebuild Vientiane Realm

Jiang Tian nodded and smiled: "If it's very good, then don't hesitate, start now!"

"Thank you, Master, for your permission!"

Qin Yao was extremely excited.

Without Jiang Tian's permission, she didn't dare to do anything casually.

After all, the aura of the Vientiane Realm is a rare opportunity for warriors of the Taixu Realm and below.

After getting Jiang Tian's permission, Qin Yao immediately began to cast spells.

Buzzing... rumbling!

The breath of the Vientiane Realm then permeated, covering the entire square in front of the hall.

Jin Tianxing's spirit was greatly lifted, and fanaticism appeared in his eyes!

Ran Di, Tang Zixuan and other elders were also extremely excited.


What a rare opportunity!

There are more than a hundred of them, and their cultivation bases have reached the peak of the Taixu Realm, and they may challenge the Vientiane Realm at any time.

But if you only rely on your own strength to forcibly advance, the chances are actually very small.

Because their realms were all pushed up by Jiang Tian forcibly, and they were not obtained through hard work.

Doing so can allow them to gain great strength in a short period of time.

But in the long run, it is not a good thing for them to break through the big mark of cultivation base.

This is the truth that everyone understands!

But if they don't do this, they may not even reach the current state.

In general, the advantages still outweigh the disadvantages!

Now, Qingtian Daomeng has Qinyao, a great power in the Vientiane Realm. Using her as a "sample" for reference and inspiration, the chances of everyone's advancement can be greatly improved.


Qin Yao slowly released the coercion of the Vientiane Realm, covering the entire square.

The remaining prestige continued, spreading towards the territory of Qingtian Daomeng.

As a result, countless elders and disciples with weaker cultivation bases also felt the baptism of this powerful breath.

"The breath of the Vientiane Realm, this is the breath of the Vientiane Realm released by Qin Yao's deputy leader!"

"I didn't expect this old man to have such an opportunity in his twilight years!"

"It's a great opportunity for this disciple to be baptized by the power of the Myriad Phrases Realm just after stepping into the Absolute God Realm!"

In the territory of the Dao League, countless elders and disciples exclaimed, their blood boiling.

The benefits brought to them by the baptism of the Vientiane Realm are simply immeasurable.

Especially for those young geniuses with excellent aptitude, such an opportunity will have a huge impact on their subsequent cultivation.

Boom... Boom!

Not long after, there were violent roars in the territory of the Dao League.

This is some elders and disciples who are stuck in the bottleneck breaking through!

That's right!

After undergoing the baptism of the Vientiane Realm, they have seized the opportunity to break through and broke through the stubborn barrier in one fell swoop!

at the same time!

On the square in front of the hall, the auras of the elders also fluctuated to varying degrees.

"God... oh my god!"

"So this is the coercion of the Vientiane Realm!"

"I used to think that the peak of the Void Realm was amazing, but compared with it, it's not worth mentioning at all!"

"My bottleneck...is starting to loosen!"

"Hiss! I...I feel like I'm about to break through!"


"Elder Yan, you... are you going too fast?"

"Elder Yan, you are really fast!"

There was an exclamation from the crowd.


Everyone's eyes immediately turned to a white-haired elder, only to see that person's aura fluctuated violently, and there was a critical reaction before advancing.

"Elder Yan... really wants to advance!"

Jin Tianxing's eyelids twitched, both surprised and embarrassed.

As the leader of the Dao League, he originally planned to be ahead of everyone and become the second great power of the Vientiane Realm after Qin Yao.

But he didn't expect that Elder Yan was ahead of him now.

"My lord?" Jin Tianxing came to his senses and looked at Jiang Tian quickly.

Jiang Tian waved his hand: "Everyone, get out of the field and protect the law for Elder Yan!"


Hula la!

Under Jiang Tian's signal, everyone immediately cleared most of the square.

Everyone surrounded the two sides, and they were the advanced guardians of Elder Yan.

"This...how does this work?"

Elder Yan was extremely excited.

Among these elders in the late stage of Taixu Realm, he is not the one with the highest status, but only in the middle.

He himself didn't expect that he would touch the opportunity to advance so quickly.

Jiang Tian's attitude made him even more flattered.

A majestic Supreme Alliance Leader actually ordered everyone to protect the Dharma for him!

What an honor this is!

"My subordinates thank the leader of the Supreme Leader, thank the leader of the Supreme Leader Jin, and the deputy leader of Qin Yao. It's just...just that the qualifications of the subordinates are limited, and I'm afraid that the leader of the Supreme Leader will be disappointed!"

At the moment of advancement, Elder Yan is a little uneasy.

Jiang Tian said with a smile: "Elder Yan doesn't have to be like this, and you don't have to worry about who comes first. It's a coincidence, and gold and stone are the best. I will protect the law for you personally. You can go ahead and advance!"

"Yes, Supreme Leader!"

Jiang Tian's statement seemed to give him a reassurance.

Elder Yan put aside all his worries, fully mobilized the blood and spiritual power, and opened the advanced channel.

"Vientiane Realm, Yan is here!"

Boom... Boom!

The berserk aura exploded from his body, turning into a terrifying coercion that swept across most of the square.



"not good!"

Everyone was stunned, and their expressions changed instantly!

Elder Yan's aura was extremely violent, making it hard for them to resist.

Qin Yao frowned, ready to suppress it.

Jiang Tian made the first move!

"I'll help him, you continue!"

"Yes, Master!"

Qin Yao did not move rashly, and continued to release the breath of the Vientiane Realm.

With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, a circular purple pattern appeared around the square.

Transform into space!

Hum rumble!

With a flash of purple light, everyone was moved to a distant mountain peak.

Only he, Qin Yao, Elder Yan, and Jin Tianxing were left in the square.

"Elder Yan, be careful!"

At this moment, Qin Yao no longer has any worries, and the aura of the Vientiane Realm rises rapidly, completely covering Elder Yan.

Elder Yan's spirit was lifted, and he spared no effort to guide the bloodline spiritual power and launch an advanced attack.

"Vientiane Realm, rush to me!"

Boom... Boom, boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and under Qin Yao's inspiration and guidance, Elder Yan's aura quickly broke through the bottleneck.

The advanced channel is officially opened!

"Vientiane Realm, Yan is here!"


Elder Yan frenziedly stimulated the spiritual power of the bloodline, crazily rushed through the bottleneck of cultivation, and accelerated the transformation of spiritual power.

Qin Yao's breath filled the void, pointing out the direction for him.

With this clear direction, he avoided the possibility of getting lost.

Nearly an hour later, Elder Yan's blood and spiritual power completely rushed through the bottleneck.

The first step of advancement is declared complete!

"So fast?" Jin Tianxing was stunned.

In his imagination, advancing to the Vientiane Realm should take a long time and cannot be accomplished overnight.

At this time, he looked at Qin Yao, ready to get a clue from the other party's reaction.

Qin Yao was also stunned!

"Why did Elder Yan advance so quickly?"

She subconsciously looked at Jiang Tian, ​​trying to find the answer.

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, and decisively released his divine sense to investigate.

Then he nodded and smiled.

"I see!"

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