Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7626 Nine Vientiane Realms

The reason why Elder Yan's advancement is so fast is mainly because the total amount of spiritual power in his bloodline is relatively limited.

This is determined by his natural aptitude.

The amount of blood spiritual power also determines the strength and durability of his combat power.

To be honest, Elder Yan advanced so quickly, it also determines that his combat power is relatively limited.

Jiang Tian's spiritual power transmitted the sound, and explained the problem to Qin Yao and Jin Tianxing, so as not to affect Elder Yan's mood.

"I understand! Elder Yan, don't stop, continue to break through and stabilize the realm!"

After understanding this problem, Qin Yao immediately offered encouragement.

"With the guidance of Lao Qinyao's deputy leader, the subordinates have just reached their realm, and then they only need to be stable. Qinyao's deputy leader can take a rest!"

Elder Yan looked at Qin Yao and said gratefully.

"Okay, Elder Yan, if you need anything, call me anytime!"

Qin Yao put away the breath of the Vientiane Realm, and together with Jin Tianxing, came to Jiang Tian's side.

For the next time, there is no need for them to guard here.

Half a day later, a long howl shook the sky.

Elder Yan's advancement has been declared a success!

"The Vientiane Realm, Yan has made it!"


Elder Yan stepped into the air and stood up, shaking his arms together.

It shows the huge atmosphere of the Vientiane Realm to its heart's content.

One after another, the residual prestige fell into the territory of the Qingtian Dao League, and after several times of weakening, it turned into a special opportunity to bathe many elders and disciples.

"Congratulations to Elder Yan, congratulations to Elder Yan!"

"From then on, our Qingtian Dao League has another great power in the Vientiane Realm!"

"I believe that there will be more Vientiane Realms born in the future!"

"Our Qingtian Daomeng will become stronger and stronger!"

The elders and disciples cheered endlessly and were extremely excited.

Elder Yan laughed loudly: "This is not Yan's ability, but the grace of the Supreme Leader and Deputy Leader Qin Yao!"

Even though he has become a great power in the Myriad Phrases Realm, Elder Yan still dare not have the slightest arrogance.

After all, his realm was given by Jiang Tian, ​​and the cultivation base of the Vientiane realm was broken through under the guidance of Qin Yao.

He has no right to be arrogant, only continuing to serve loyally for the Taoist League is fundamental.

at this time!

Qin Yao stepped into the air and rose.

"Congratulations to Elder Yan for his successful advancement. Two Vientiane realms are still too few for the Daoist League. Why don't we join forces to benefit more colleagues?"

"Qin Yao's vice-leader said exactly what he said, let's start now!"

Boom... Boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, Qin Yao and Elder Yan separated from each other and stood in the air.

Unleash the coercion of the Vientiane Realm to his heart's content, and baptize the elders and disciples of the Dao League.

Many elders gathered in the square again.

The two coercions of the Vientiane Realm each have their own characteristics and mysteries.

It can bring more guidance and insights to the elders.

Half an hour later, the breath of the elder beat again, and he felt the sign of advancement.

The embarrassing thing is that this person is still not Jin Tianxing!

"This...cough!" Jin Tianxing blushed, almost ashamed.

Jiang Tian laughed: "Leader Jin doesn't have to be like this. Your foundation is deeper than them, but the time has not come. When you advance, your combat power will never be weaker than theirs!"

"This subordinate is ashamed!"

Jin Tianxing smiled wryly.


In just three days, six elders successively stepped into the Vientiane Realm.

This made the Qingtian Daomeng's Vientiane Realm powers reach as many as eight!

Eight Vientiane Realm masters stood in the air, displaying the aura of the Vientiane Realm to the fullest, for the baptism of the elders and disciples.

at this time.

Jin Tianxing finally ushered in the opportunity to advance!

"Taishang lord, I... I have a feeling!"

Jin Tianxing looked at Jiang Tian excitedly, his eyes were red.

"Don't be distracted, seize the opportunity to break through with all your strength, and I will personally protect you!"

"Thank you for your kindness!"

Jin Tianxing's spirit was lifted.

Following the opportunity and signs of advancement, guide the bloodline spiritual power to launch an impact.

"Vientiane Realm, Jin Tianxing is here!"


Crack... bang rumble!

Jin Tianxing's advancement greatly surpassed the other seven elders, and he was not far behind Qin Yao.

The violent coercion rippled on him, like a hurricane sweeping the entire square.

Jiang Tian decisively set up the void barrier, which avoided the embarrassment of the Qingtian Temple and other buildings being collapsed.

Half a day later, Jin Tianxing's advanced stage ended.

Became the ninth Vientiane realm power of Qingtian Daomeng!

"Congratulations to Leader Jin!"

"Congratulations, Alliance Leader Xi Jin!"

"I, Qingtian Daomeng, now have the Nine Great Vientiane Realms!"

Jin Tianxing stepped into the air and stood side by side with eight people including Qin Yao, Elder Yan, Ran Di, and Tang Zixuan.

The Nine Vientiane Realms released nine pressures, bathing the entire Qingtian Dao League.

At this time, more than a hundred elders in the square were still breathing.

But no one showed signs of advancement.

"The subordinates are incompetent, let the leader Taishang, leader Jin and deputy leader Qin Yao down!"

"It seems that my aptitude is too bad to break through!"

The nine Vientiane realms joined forces for baptism, but they still couldn't advance, and the feelings in their hearts can be imagined.

"Don't be discouraged, it's just that the time hasn't come for you, with the help of nine Myriad Realm colleagues, advancement is only a matter of time!"

Jiang Tian smiled and comforted.

Everyone's emotions calmed down a little.

In all fairness, it is already a remarkable feat to have eight Vientiane realms born within a few days.

Among the dozens of interfaces around, such a thing has never happened.

With the Great Formation of Protecting the World and the nine mighty members of the Vientiane Realm, the strength of the Qingtian Daomeng has reached unprecedented heights!

Enough to be proud of more interfaces!

"Go! The elders of Vientiane Realm will lead a team to inspect the surrounding 30 interfaces. The first stop is Heyuan Realm!

Yu Yinjiao's aptitude is excellent, if possible, try to make him the Yu family's first Vientiane Realm powerhouse! "

"Yes, Supreme Leader!"

Jiang Tian gave an order.

Jin Tianxing sent Ran Di and Elder Yan to lead a team to inspect 30 surrounding interfaces.

In doing so, one is to show them the new background of Qingtian Daomeng.

The second is to use the breath of the Vientiane Realm to baptize those interfaces, and strive to create more Vientiane Realm powers!

By then, the foundation of Qingtian Daomeng will grow stronger.

Thirty interfaces around are just the beginning!

In the near future, Jiang Tian's territory will continue to expand.

Fifty, one hundred... or even more interfaces, no problem!



After a few days.

In the newly built interface communication formation of Qingtian Daomeng, a communication from a distant interface was suddenly received.

"Clues to the Dragon Clan in the Star Field... the Purple Feather Realm?"

After receiving the subpoena, Jin Tianxing was shocked!

Don't dare to neglect, report to Jiang Tian immediately.

"This subordinate has just received a report from a spy, please take a look at it!"


After watching the summons, Jiang Tian couldn't help being deeply surprised.

This spy was dispatched more than two months ago.

At that time, he did let the elders and disciples of the Dao League collect information about the Dragon Clan.

It's just that there has been no news for more than two months, and the Qingtian Realm has suffered successive changes. He once thought that the spies he sent would disappear.

Unexpectedly, today, more than two months later, there was news suddenly!

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