In their opinion, Jiang Tian's magic knife should not be missed.

So, after these people returned to the Scarlet Phoenix Realm, they immediately reported the news to the powerful and powerful men of their forces.


"Early demon gods can sweep Si Tianjian's late Taixu Realm powerhouses?"

"Demons with such combat power are extremely rare in my Chifeng world!"

"The magic knife in his hand must be a treasure of the demon clan!"

"Do you know his whereabouts?"

After hearing the news, these powerhouses asked urgently.

"This person escaped directly from the Chifeng Realm, and did not enter other interface channels!"

When the powerhouses heard this, they couldn't help falling into hesitation!

"Escape from the Scarlet Phoenix Realm directly?"

"The Chifeng Realm is located on the edge of more than a hundred interfaces around it, and there are no other interfaces nearby. If he escapes directly, where can he go?"

"Could it be... the Purple Feather Realm?"

"Purple Feather Realm! That place where the birds don't shit, what is he doing there?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, momentarily stunned.

They naturally knew about Ziyu Realm, not far from Chifeng Realm.

But that interface has been ridiculous for a long time, and no warrior would go there for no reason.

"Are you making a mistake?" a strong man asked.

"No! We watched him transform into a magic rainbow and escape from the Scarlet Phoenix Realm with our own eyes!"

"And the direction of his escape is exactly where the Purple Feather Realm is!"

"My lords, these demons have always acted unreasonably. Although we don't know what he is doing in the Purple Feather Realm, we must have a plan!"

Everyone swore to promise.

"There are plans, what plans can he have?"

"The demons in the Scarlet Phoenix Realm haven't changed much recently!"

Many strong men looked at each other in blank dismay, puzzled.

An old man suddenly frowned and said: "Every movement and stillness, maybe the relative calm of the demons in the Scarlet Phoenix Realm is just covering up or brewing something big!"


"So, does that person really have an ulterior purpose in going to the Purple Feather Realm?"

"It's very possible!"

Everyone basically reached a consensus that there was some kind of secret hidden behind Jiang Tian's trip to the Purple Feather Realm.

at the same time!

A big news came!

"Sitianjian's reward order!"

"—A few days ago, someone was suspected of being a warrior of the Demon Race. He changed his identity and broke into dozens of screens, beheading many strong Si Tianjian, committing a heinous crime!"

"——This person finally appeared in the Red Phoenix Realm, and then left quickly, and his destination is suspected to be the Purple Feather Realm!"

"—Si Tianjian is now issuing a reward order: whoever captures this person alive, Si Tianjian will reward him heavily!"


The moment they saw the reward order, the powerhouses in the Scarlet Phoenix Realm were overjoyed.

"Si Tianjian's heavy reward must not be low!"

"Although Si Tianjian acts arrogantly and arrogantly, what they said is still credible!"

"In that case, let's go to the Purple Feather Realm immediately and surround and kill this person!"

All the powerhouses in the Chifeng Realm acted one after another, and went to the Purple Feather Realm to pursue Jiang Tian through the interface channel.


Purple Feather Realm!

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian stepped out of the purple pattern and came to a messy purple feather world.

This is an interface that has been broken for a long time.

It is very similar to the small interface near Qingtian Realm that has been abandoned for hundreds of thousands of years.

But its scope is much larger.

At least ten times larger, even larger than the entire Sky Realm!

About half of the main body of the Purple Feather World remained.

The other half, turned into countless pieces of star fragments, dragged behind the incomplete main body, stretching for an unknown length in the starry sky.

"What kind of power is it that can destroy the Purple Feather Realm like this?"

Jiang Tian stood in the starry sky, overlooking the remnants of the Purple Feather Realm.

I am full of doubts!

Although he has already stepped into the Void Realm, even with his current combat power, there is no way to destroy such a huge interface.

A long time ago, who took action and destroyed the Purple Feather Realm?

Various doubts flashed in Jiang Tian's heart.

But these problems have nothing to do with him.

He came here only to pursue the clues of the Dragon Clan described in the summons!



Jiang Tian waved his right hand lightly, and a ray of spiritual light escaped into Zi Jieyu.

This is the secret talisman of Qingtian Daomeng, which is used to search for the spies sent before.

As long as that person is in the Purple Feather Realm, he can be found quickly.

However, the search results disappointed Jiang Tian.

This magic talisman did not sense the breath of any spies!

"There's none?"

Jiang Tian was puzzled.

The spies sent by Qingtian Daomeng all carry special magic symbols and magic weapons.

And left a blood mark in the Dao League.

Even if he falls in danger, as long as the magic talisman or magic weapon he carries is still there, as long as there are remnants of his blood, he can be found.

But now, nothing at all!

This can only explain two situations:

First, the other party has not been here;

Second, before the opponent fell, he encountered a terrifying strong man whose strength was far superior to his own. He fell and died in a very short period of time, and all traces were erased by the terrifying power!

Jiang Tian carefully considered various possibilities, but was unable to determine the specific reason for a while.

But since he came here, he had to investigate everything carefully.

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian let go of his mind and swept the Purple Feather Realm.

The scope of this interface is too large, and his divine sense is like a drop in the ocean, and it can only sweep a limited area at a time.

And these areas are all dead silent.

Not even a trace of heaven and earth aura can be sensed!

"how so?"

Jiang Tian was stunned.

This reminded him of a certain special existence recorded in the classics - the land of spiritual death!

The so-called spiritual power dead place refers to a place where there is no spiritual power at all.

Even in the world where mortals live, there will be spiritual energy, the difference is just a matter of how much.

But in this Purple Feather Realm, he couldn't sense any sign of spiritual power.

Really strange!

"Phantom Eye, open!"


The giant purple wave suddenly swayed away, and Jiang Tian's sight penetrated countless star fragments, looking into the messy depths of the Purple Feather Realm.

The result is nothing special either.

The Purple Feather Realm seemed like a pool of stagnant water.

No matter how he investigates, he will remain calm!

"It seems that we can only enter the Purple Feather Realm and search carefully!"

Jiang Tian came here across hundreds of interfaces, so naturally he won't return easily.

Next, he resolutely entered the Purple Feather Realm and began to investigate carefully.

The first thing to search for is the relatively intact half-boundary surface of Ziyu Realm that has not yet collapsed.

The environment here is relatively simple, and the search is not so complicated.

Jiang Tian urged the two methods of divine sense and phantom eyes, and quickly swept across a large area of ​​Ziyu Realm.

The result was as expected!

Even in the well-preserved half-boundary surface, there is no trace of aura!

One day later!

A group of uninvited guests suddenly ushered in the Purple Feather Realm.

This group of people are the experts from the Scarlet Phoenix Realm!

"The Purple Feather Realm is so big, if the demons hide it intentionally, we're afraid it won't be easy for us to find it!"

"It doesn't matter! The Purple Feather Realm is a land of spiritual death. A living warrior, no matter whether he is a human race or a demon race, has nothing to hide!"

"Don't hesitate, search with all your strength!"

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