Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7630 spiritual death


The powerhouses from the Purple Feather Realm started searching in groups of two or three.

After half a day!

In a long-dried canyon, two teams of warriors met Jiang Tian!

"found it!"

"He's here!"

"Wrap up!"


There were six strong men in the two teams, and they immediately surrounded Jiang Tian.

"Are you from the Scarlet Phoenix Realm?"

Jiang Tian looked at the other party coldly, expressionless.

"Of course we are, huh?"

"Are you a human or a demon?"

The six people surrounding Jiang Tian were extremely surprised.

In their expectation, the other party should be the Demon Race.

But at this time, it was discovered that the other party had a pure human aura.

"The human race is in the early stages of the Void Realm?"

"Hey! I thought you were really a powerful demon!"

"It turned out to be a demon cultivator of the human race. He wanted to abolish his cultivation for his life, or he would die!"


Violent roars sounded one after another, and the six strong men from the Scarlet Phoenix Realm threatened Jiang Tian fiercely.

Jiang Tian looked at these people with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"I have to say that the level of martial arts in Chifeng Realm is indeed better, and I do regret it now..."

Before Jiang Tian finished speaking, he was interrupted by the other party.

"Regret! What do you regret?"

"I think you are afraid, but it's useless to be afraid, you are doomed today!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Tian and laughed grimly.

Jiang Tian shook his head and said, "What I regret is that I didn't bring more people!"

"Bring more people?"

"Hey! Hahahaha, do you think bringing more people will be useful?"

"Boy, from the moment you came here, your end was doomed!"

Everyone laughed wildly, looking at Jiang Tian with mocking eyes.

What's the use of bringing more people, it's just adding casualties.

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed.

These people obviously didn't understand what he meant.

It's a pity that he didn't bring some more people to enjoy the blood essence of these strong men from the Scarlet Phoenix Realm!

Otherwise, Qingtian Daomeng will definitely be able to give birth to many more powerful people in the Vientiane Realm.

"Do you have dragon warriors in Chifeng Realm?" Jiang Tian asked.


"What are you asking for?"

"Whether there are dragon warriors in our Chifeng world, does it have something to do with you, a dying person?"

Everyone sneered and asked back, feeling a little inexplicable.

If the other party really wanted to explore this question, why didn't they go directly to the Chifeng Realm, but to the Purple Feather Realm?

"The answer is irrelevant, I'll do it myself!"



Jiang Tian's eyes turned cold, and he suddenly disappeared in place.

Before the six people could react, they were pierced to the vitals by an arc-shaped sword intent.



The six screamed and fell into despair.

They thought they could handle their opponents easily, but they didn't expect the opponent's methods to be so strong.

Kill them all in an instant!

Jiang Tian didn't talk too much, and started searching for the soul directly!

The result was very disappointing. There was no dragon clan in the Chifeng Realm.

After grabbing the six red phoenix storage rings, Jiang Tian stepped forward to move forward.

But then he stopped again.

Turning his head to look at the six corpses, surprise appeared in his eyes!

After the six corpses fell to the ground, their blood and spiritual power dried up quickly, leaving no vitality left.

"Is this the place where spiritual power dies?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, as if he had realized something.

Under normal circumstances, after the fall of a warrior, as long as his physical body remains alive.

The bloodline spiritual power will gradually disappear within a certain period of time.

As for the length of time, different people are slightly different.

But it's the first time I've seen something like Ziyujie that suddenly fell silent!

The death of spiritual power is indeed true!

This might also explain why he couldn't find any trace of the Daomeng spies.

Jiang Tian withdrew his gaze and continued on his way.

Next, he encountered more than a dozen groups of warriors from the Chifeng Realm, all of whom were dealt with lightly.

To him, these people are simply here to give away heads.

The other party didn't understand his background, and without exception, they underestimated his combat power.

A few days later, he searched half of the Purple Feather Realm, but still found nothing.

Next, he entered the collapsed area to search.

While there is little hope of doing so, the area is too large to ignore.

at the same time.

The second batch of powerful experts sent by many forces in the Red Phoenix Realm has arrived in the Purple Feather Realm!

"Unexpectedly, that person's strength is so strong, and the people who came before were wiped out!"

"No wonder Si Tianjian gave a heavyweight reward, but they didn't send anyone over!"

In front of the Purple Feather Realm, the powerhouses from all sides had gloomy eyes and solemn faces.

According to the news sent back by the previous group of strong men, the first area they searched was the half of the Purple Feather Realm that had not yet collapsed.

And there are various signs that the opponent has entered the collapsed area.

Therefore, they decisively entered this area and started tracking.

And this time, the people who came here were all half-step Vientiane Realm powerhouses, and there were also some half-step Demon Ancestor-level demon cultivators.

There is even more real power in the Vientiane Realm!

"That kid is really cunning, and it is said that he possesses space escapism, and the previous group of people haven't figured out his details, so I'm afraid it won't be that easy to deal with him!"

"Hey! What are you afraid of? With me and the Myriad Phrases Realm Master sitting in charge, forgive him for not being able to fly with his wings!"

"Hehe, you all think too highly of him, maybe we don't need you to take action, we half-step Myriad Phrases can finish him!"


A group of strong men in phoenix-patterned robes came to a huge star fragment and stopped temporarily.

The surroundings are full of large and small star fragments, and the scene is extremely messy.

The Purple Feather Realm has been abandoned for many years, and these fragments have become relatively stable after the early chaotic collisions.

There are eight warriors in this team, all of them are at the half-step Vientiane Realm, and they come from the Qiu family in the Scarlet Phoenix Realm.

"The range of star fragments in the Purple Feather Realm is huge, stretching for an unknown number of billions of miles. If you search like this, can you really find him?"

"It's really hard to find, but he must be found!"

"Hmph! It's best not to let me run into him, or I'll crush his head!"

A middle-aged man with a strong figure and beard said viciously.


A cold voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone was taken aback!

The eyes of the bearded middle-aged man shone coldly, and his smile suddenly became ferocious.



Before he could utter the word "good", a purple palm print slapped his head like a watermelon!


"How can it be?"

"Insta-kill half-step Vientiane Realm, what realm are you?"

Everyone's face changed drastically!

Quickly formed a circle, back to back to guard against Jiang Tian's surprise attack.

"It doesn't matter what realm I am, what matters is that you are half-step Vientiane realm."

"What happened to the half-step Vientiane Realm?"

Everyone was puzzled.

Jiang Tian smiled without saying a word.

The other party really didn't understand what he meant, because only a warrior who was half a step into the Vientiane Realm could bring him effective nourishment.

Half a step below the Vientiane Realm is useless to him.

"bring it on!"

In a flash, Jiang Tian appeared behind everyone.

Take the initiative to be in their encirclement!

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