Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

7638--Andrew Forbidden fire evil thunder double power


Red flames scorching the sky!

A pair of red phoenixes circled up, coming from two other women in the middle stage of the Vientiane Realm.

They are a pair of sisters, the only two female cultivators among the five Vientiane Realm middle-stages.

With the power of his own blood, he urged Chi Fengzhuo, the treasure of his life, to attack Jiang Tian!


Boom... Boom!

"Break it!"

The other two old men, one wielding a red long knife surrounded by phoenix patterns, split the void and pointed at Jiang Tian.

The other took out a giant phoenix-winged spear and threw it forward!

Bark... Boom!

Phoenix shadows flashed around the giant gun, and an incredible scene appeared!

The seemingly bulky giant gun pierced through the void the moment Feng Ying appeared, and came to Jiang Tian in an instant!

"Star Sword Field!"


Jiang Tian yelled violently, and Qianzhang Sword Field appeared in front of him.

And it shrunk to a size of a hundred feet in an instant, and carried this giant phoenix-winged spear with all its might!

Click... Boom!

Accompanied by a loud noise that shook the sky, the Star Sword Field exploded, turning into a large piece of Jianlan and floating in all directions.

But the huge spear only paused for a moment, and then continued to stab at him, as if it wanted to kill him in one fell swoop!


"As expected of the Phoenix Soul Spear!"

"Old monster Fengyan, after all, this time I let you take the lead!"

Several other people looked at the old man who shot, and couldn't help feeling that the other party might take the lead.

However, at the next moment, a scene that shocked them appeared!

Jiang Tian actually clenched his fist shrouded in purple light, and forcibly confronted the Phoenix Soul Spear!


"court death!"

"If you dare to carry the Phoenix Soul Spear with your body, you will be smashed to pieces!"

Shocked, furious and disdainful reprimands came from the opposite side, and the five mighty mid-stage Vientiane Realm seemed to see Jiang Tian exploding and dying.

This result is not entirely good for them.

Because in this way, they would have no chance to search each other's souls and dig out more hidden kingdoms.

The next moment, a scene that horrified them appeared!

Jiang Tian's fist wrapped in purple light collided with the terrifying tip of the Phoenix Soul Spear.


Bang, click, click... Boom!

Terrifying loud noises spread throughout the void, and one after another terrifying giant billows rushed towards the surroundings in a bursting manner.

The terrifying prestige was blocked and crushed by the mysterious pressure behind Jiang Tian, ​​and was quickly annihilated.

But in front of Jiang Tian, ​​because the coercion was extremely weakened, he was not greatly affected.

A series of terrifying giant waves rushed straight at the five mid-stage Vientiane Realm powerhouses, making them all terrified!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The breath of the five people soared, resisting the oncoming impact.

But behind them, those early-stage powerhouses in the Vientiane Realm who followed closely suffered disaster!

"Damn it!"

"not good!"


"Where are you going to hide?"


Puff Chi Chi... Ka Cha Cha!

A horrifying bang suddenly erupted, and more than a hundred early-stage powerhouses of the Vientiane Realm were caught off guard.

"Don't panic!"

"Although it cost a little, it was worth it!"

"This son is really too monstrous, just because of his courage to bear the Phoenix Soul Spear with his body, it is worth waiting for me... Huh?"


"Hiss! How is it possible?"

The five mighty mid-stage Vientiane Realm laments for Jiang Tian's reckless fall.

But suddenly found that the other party is not dead!

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

The owner of the Phoenix Soul Spear, that old man wearing a silver phoenix-patterned martial robe, jumped wildly from the corners of his eyes, astonished!

Jiang Tian hit hard with the phoenix soul gun, but he didn't die!

From the looks of it, it was only the violent ups and downs of the breath, and it wasn't even seriously injured!

Besides the Phoenix Soul Spear's attack, the attacks of the other four also flooded the void.

However, Jiang Tian cleverly used the huge waves created by the tough phoenix soul gun as his own shield, and moved away in an instant.


"This son's combat power is so heaven-defying?"

"Bizarre, simply bizarre!"

The remaining four also gasped, as if they had seen a ghost.

They couldn't imagine that this was just a junior in the early stages of the Taixu Realm.

"Phoenix Soul Spear, even this old man dare not hold it head-on with his physical body. I have to say, I admire your courage!"

"But the more this happens, the less we can keep you!"

"Boy, you've only seen such an evil old man in your life, and the Chifeng Realm can't tolerate you!"

"You shouldn't come here, but since you're here, don't leave!"


After witnessing Jiang Tian's combat power, the five were all shocked by his terrifying potential.

In addition to the shock, there was a chill down the spine.

Once such a strong man grows up, he will definitely be a character beyond imagination.

Now that we have already fought, we can no longer stay, we must cut the weeds and eradicate the roots to avoid future troubles!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The old man raised his hand and quickly retracted the Phoenix Soul Spear.

A closer look, his face suddenly changed!

"Damn it!"

The tip of the Phoenix Soul Spear was actually bent!

At this moment, the killing intent in his heart reached its peak.

"Want to kill me? Come on, let's see if you have the ability!"


The voice sounded, and Jiang Tian appeared in front of the five people in a teleport.


"Extreme arrogance!"

The five people were extremely frightened and angry.


This is definitely a huge challenge!

According to common sense, they wanted to kill each other, and Jiang Tianzang didn't even have time.

Now teleport directly to the face, it is really courting death!

And the next moment, something unexpected happened to them!

"Mysterious Ice Forbidden Fire, town!"


The Xuanbing Forbidden Fire suddenly swung away, and the bodies of the five froze, turning into ice sculptures in an instant!

"My God!"


Seeing this terrible scene, the scalp of the strong man at the beginning of the Vientiane Realm behind him became numb.

Their greatest reliance is the five powerful mid-stage Vientiane Realm, the top hidden powerhouses in the Chifeng Realm.

It was frozen into an ice sculpture in an instant!

What hope is there for the Red Phoenix Realm?

And just when everyone was about to turn around and run away, an exciting scene appeared!


Bang... boom... sizz!

The extremely cold flame that imprisoned the five people was instantly shattered.

The five Vientiane Realm masters broke through the confinement and regained their freedom!

"See how you resist this time?"

"Boy, die!"

The five of them planned to kill Jiang Tian in one fell swoop.

Whether it can be captured alive is no longer important!

This evildoer in the Taixu Realm has many and weird methods, they can no longer take risks, and must be decisive to destroy it.


However, instead of being surprised, Jiang Tian smiled strangely!



The five of them were taken aback!

The next moment, I saw a black light flash in Jiang Tian's eyes!

A black lightning turned into five parts and sank into their divine sea.

"Not good! This is..."



The evil thunder blasted into the sea of ​​five people, and broke out in an instant.

The five people hugged their heads and screamed, losing their self-sufficiency.


Without hesitation, Jiang Tian waved his finger, and the purple light flashed!

Five sword lights come out together!

Puff puff puff!

Four heads flew up in an instant, and he chopped off the heads of the four in the middle of the Vientiane Realm.

Another sword light pierced through the dantian of the old man in the phoenix robe.

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