Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7639 Destruction Sword

The terrifying sword intent instantly permeated his whole body, disintegrating his cultivation base, but left him gasping for breath.

However, instead of feeling lucky at all, the old man was extremely terrified.

He understood that it might not be a good thing to survive in such a situation, but would encounter even more terrible things.

The other party intends to search for the soul!

Most importantly, his cultivation base has been disintegrated, and he is powerless to resist!

"Soul search!"


Jiang Tian pressed the top of the old man's head with his right palm and began to search for the soul.

"Blood veins swallow, swallow it for me!"

The purple light in his left hand vomited wildly, forcibly devouring the blood essence of the other four people.

Sizzling... rumbling!

His aura began to rise sharply.

The blood spiritual power broke through 90% in an instant, and went straight to 100%!

At the same time, the memories of the old man in the phoenix robe appeared one by one in his mind.

"The legend of hundreds of thousands of years ago, the battle between the human and the demon races, a powerful attack from outside the region, a sword across the starry sky, beheaded two people, sealed this place... and also destroyed the Purple Feather Realm at the same time?"


Jiang Tian was shocked by the news he got from the soul search!

It turns out that this "untouchable land" has such a history.

So, those two special coercions are left behind by the great powers of the two races of humans and demons?

And from it, he also learned the truth about the collapse of the Purple Feather Realm—that terrifying sword that came across the starry sky and came from nowhere!

That sword continued to suppress the great war between the human and devil races, and even wiped out the huge Purple Feather Realm!

The power of a sword is so terrifying!

It can be called the extermination class!

"Who can cut the world-destroying sword?"

Jiang Tian asked himself.

His kendo talent is also considered extremely outstanding, but even with his current combat power, it is impossible to imagine such a sword.

The majesty of this sword reminded him of the "Hand of Nothingness" that crossed the boundary and exploded him when he crossed the boundary!

The pressure brought by that "empty hand" made him extremely desperate.

And this sword of destroying the world is probably even worse than a hundred!

It's a pity that all these are just legends, and after hundreds of thousands of years, he couldn't verify them at all.

Where did the battle between humans and demons provoke, where did the terrifying sword that crossed the starry sky come from, and how far was it?

Everything is unknown!



Suddenly, Jiang Tian's eyes twitched.

After devouring the four great powers in the mid-stage of the Vientiane Realm, his bloodline spiritual power directly hit the bottleneck, and there are already signs of advancement at this moment.

But he understands that his time to advance is still short.

Referring to the last breakthrough, this time such a big threshold, if forced to advance, the result is unpredictable!


With this in mind, he decisively devoured the blood essence of the old man in the phoenix robe to help himself.

Rumble... boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and the signs of advancement became stronger and stronger, which could no longer be suppressed.


"Run away!"


Violent roars sounded one after another, and the nearly one hundred surviving early-stage Vientiane Realm experts were completely terrified.

All scramble to escape!

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!"


Jiang Tian took a step forward, rolled five powerful storage rings in the middle of the Vientiane Realm, and plundered into the crowd opposite.

"Mysterious Ice Forbidden Fire, town!"

Siss... Kaka Ka!

As soon as the Black Ice Forbidden Fire was launched, dozens of strong people in the early stages of the Vientiane Realm were instantly frozen.

Only a dozen strong men with quick reactions managed to escape from this void.

It was too late for Jiang Tian to catch up with those people!

The signs of advancement became more and more intense, and he was almost unable to suppress it.

He knew that this advancement must consume a lot, and he needed more nourishment.

"Blood veins swallow, swallow it for me!"


The purple light burst out, and the blood essence of dozens of early-stage masters of the Vientiane Realm gathered into a bloody vortex, which was quickly concentrated and purified and poured into his body.

"The middle stage of the Void Realm, here I come!"

Crack... Rumble!

Jiang Tian's cultivation bottleneck was instantly broken.

It didn't even use his deliberate guidance, but was forcibly broken through by the violent blood wave.



There was no need to activate this breakthrough at all, he was almost forced to the top by the huge wave of blood!

After half an hour, he stepped into the middle stage of Taixu Realm.

"Thirty percent of the spiritual power of the bloodline, in the middle stage of the Taixu Realm, it's done!"

Jiang Tian screamed excitedly, and a terrifying wave of spiritual power erupted from his body.


With a big wave of his hand, more than a hundred storage rings with phoenix pattern were swept back upside down, all entering the Zixuan Realm.


Suddenly, the voice of the world spirit resounded in the Zixuan Realm.

But Jiang Tian didn't seem to hear it!

Because at the same time as this voice sounded, a terrifying coercion suddenly came from the void in front of him, which forcibly shook Jiang Tian into the air.

"Pfft... wow!"

Jiang Tian was shocked and retreated thousands of feet away, and looked up in shock!

He has just completed the advanced stage, and his cultivation has reached an unprecedented height.

He was easily blown away by this coercion!

The coercion of the Dust Sealed Palace is not static?

This situation surprised him!

Maybe it's because his progress was too loud, which stimulated the mysterious power in the dusty palace.

But this is by no means a bad thing for him!

This means that he can still devour that power and increase his spiritual strength!

"bring it on!"

Without hesitation, Jiang Tian moved forward with a teleport.

With his talent, aptitude, and combat power, he was already a super evildoer.

The bloodline spiritual power has already reached an astonishing level, and it is even more difficult to increase its strength.

And now, with such an opportunity, he certainly couldn't miss it!

"Swallow the void formula, swallow it for me!"

Jiang Tian swept nearly ten thousand feet, repeated his old trick, and swallowed the void again.


The violent coercion was swallowed by him, and the strength of his spiritual power rose rapidly.

Next, he continued to plunder against the coercion.

It wasn't until the bloodline spiritual power was fully doubled that he came before the dusty ancient palace!

"What's the secret in this ancient temple?"

Jiang Tian suppressed his excitement, ready to find out.

But when he stepped into this ancient palace, he was shocked!

The moment his feet landed on the ground, the mysterious coercion contained in the ancient temple disappeared instantly!

"how so?"

Jiang Tian was stunned and puzzled!

This situation is somewhat unreasonable!

But he opened his phantom eyes and used his divine sense to scan repeatedly, but he didn't find anything of value.

It turned out to be just a dilapidated ancient palace.

Other than that, nothing else!


In a blink of an eye, the ancient palace began to decay and pulverize!

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed.

This completely cut off his thoughts of wanting to explore.

He suddenly understood that the greatest value of the Dust Sealed Palace to him was the coercion that was intermingled and spanned hundreds of thousands of years.

"But what does this have to do with the Dragon Clan?"

Jiang Tian stood where he was, frowning in confusion.

There is no clear clue that proves that the dusty temple in Human Demon Valley is related to the Dragon Clan.

But he pursued all the way, and always felt that there seemed to be something in the dark that was pulling him.

Now, when he was about to reveal a certain secret, all clues seemed to disappear with the annihilation of the dusty ancient palace!

This really made him want to stop, extremely uncomfortable.

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