Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7640 Fuyao Empress

"Maybe it's God's will?"

Jiang Tian sighed helplessly, ready to leave.

Inadvertently, I felt a touch from the blood!


Jiang Tian stopped suddenly, turned around and glanced around.

What I saw was nothing but ruins and dust.

But he did not give up hastily, but let go of his divine sense, and opened the phantom eye again to investigate and sense carefully.

After a while, the corners of his eyes shrank, and he raised his hand to grab into the depths of the ruins.


Lingli spread out his big hands, and the palms were filled with dust.

After a slight shake, he found a "rope" that was about to rot in his palm.

"What kind of treasure is this?"

It is impossible for ordinary treasures to touch his blood.

Could it be that this treasure is related to the Dragon Clan?

But it seems that this is just an inconspicuous and worn-out "rope", which seems to be of little value.

Is this thing really a rare treasure that has spanned hundreds of thousands of years?

Jiang Tian injected blood spiritual power into it, but it could not be activated.

When he wanted to give up, suddenly the corner of his eye twitched, and he used the blood power of the brutal blood dragon to enter the infusion.

"Try it!"


The "rope" suddenly reacted, and a dazzling blood burst out!

Immediately afterwards!

hold head high!

A terrifying dragon roar sounded, and this "rope" broke free from his palm and flew into the air.

"Hiss! As expected!"

Jiang Tian was taken aback!

Just as he had guessed, this turned out to be a rare treasure related to the Dragon Clan.

But what exactly is this?

Jiang Tian looked carefully, and suddenly his heart shook!

look familiar!

So familiar!

It reminded him of a trick of his own.

"Dragon Transformation Art, go!"

hold head high!

Jiang Tian used the Dragon Transformation Art to condense a giant purple dragon.

But after only one glance, he shook his head.


The purple giant dragon condensed by the Dragon Transformation Art is not the same as the "rope" that mutated after absorbing the power of the blood.


Jiang Tian's heart skipped a beat suddenly, and he remembered another existence.

Anomaly of blood!


Rumble... Rumble!

Jiang Tian opened the blood vision, and countless pieces of purple dragon scales condensed into a "giant dragon" without head and tail.

Stand side by side with that "rope" in the void!


Jiang Tian's mind was shocked, and he finally realized it at this moment, as if he had found a treasure.


He got it!

"In vain, I have been wondering about the blood vision, so it is so, so it is so!"

Jiang Tian was shocked and ecstatic.

The scene in front of him not only made him understand the possible origin of the "rope".

He was even more pleasantly surprised to discover the true face of the blood vision!

His bloodline vision is not a "headless and tailless" giant dragon, but a dragon beard!


It's the dragon beard!

Because this "rope" is also a dragon's beard!

After absorbing the blood power of the brutal blood dragon, the "rope" was suspended in the void, and phantoms of spiritual power extended from the head and tail ends.

It is exactly the shape of a dragon's beard!

And his bloodline vision, although not exactly the same, it is undeniable that it is in the shape of a dragon's beard!

Jiang Tian couldn't help smiling wryly, and was extremely excited.

For a long time, he was puzzled by his blood vision.

I even feel that this "headless and tailless" purple dragon vision is not even more domineering than the original purple scale shield formation.

Now I understand that he is too ignorant!

The vision he condensed was not a giant dragon, but just a small dragon beard, and it was not complete!

An incomplete dragon beard has such power, what if a complete dragon vision is condensed in the future?


He is still too far away from the completed dragon vision!

In his current state, he couldn't even condense a completed dragon beard.

It shows that his bloodline strength still has a lot of room for improvement!

"Don't think about the dragon, let's condense a completed dragon beard first!"

Jiang Tian decided to be realistic and take it step by step!

Can condense a completed dragon beard first, and then plan the future vision of the dragon.

This just made him understand how incredible room for improvement his bloodline has!

From the fragments of a dragon's beard to the completion of a giant dragon, the gap is so different?

It is simply dust, the distance from the vast starry sky!


Jiang Tian put away the blood vision and at the same time withdrew the "rope".

Holding it in your hand again, the meaning is already different!

This is no longer a "rope", but the dragon beard of a certain dragon family that has been left over for hundreds of thousands of years.

Although there is only a small fragment, and the aura belonging to the dragon clan is about to disappear completely.

But at least he found a clue!

"Dragon Clan, it must be not far away!"

Jiang Tian looked up at the starry sky.

His gaze seemed to pass through the collapsed Purple Feather Realm, looking at the source of the sword that destroyed the world.

He has been unable to trace and explore the great war hundreds of thousands of years ago.

What he is looking for is the dragon clan that exists in the world today!

He felt that he was getting closer to his mother who had been separated for many years.

As long as you find the Dragon Clan, you will be able to find clues to your mother!

"Mother, Tian'er will definitely find you!"

Jiang Tian roared to the sky.

There was no place he was nostalgic for in Chifeng Realm, so he decided to leave.

As for where the powerhouses of the Scarlet Phoenix Realm go, what does it have to do with him?

His goal has been achieved, and there is nothing left to miss in this world.


Hum rumbling!

The purple light suddenly appeared, and Jiang Tian, ​​who was in the middle stage of Taixu Realm, took a step forward and disappeared over the ruins of the dusty palace.

The next moment, he was already in the starry sky.

Just as he was about to enter the interface channel and head to the Sky Realm, a terrifying scene appeared!

"So it's here, you can make it easy for me to find!"


Hearing this voice from the depths of the starry sky, Jiang Tian's face changed suddenly, and he was dripping with sweat!

Although the other party hadn't shown up yet, just this voice made his hair stand on end.

He understands that he is definitely not the opponent of the opponent!

The opponent's strength is far beyond his imagination!


The next moment, a throne of stars appeared in the opposite void.

A green-robed woman leaned on the throne with her legs crossed.

His gaze was as cold as the distant starry sky, and he looked at Jiang Tian with a high gaze.

"Who are you?" Jiang Tian asked.

"It seems that you are the one she said!"

A trace of hostility flashed in the woman's eyes.

At this moment, Jiang Tian smelled the breath of death!

The next moment, a big hand with spiritual power grabbed him.

He wanted to teleport, but all means could not break free.

His life and death were instantly controlled by the other party!

"Let go of me!" Jiang Tian roared angrily.

It's been a long, long time since he felt this involuntary feeling!

"You have her aura on you, let me see... what you did to her!"

The eyes of the woman on the star throne turned cold, and star runes emerged outside Jiang Tian's body.

"Is this... formation?"

Jiang Tian was shocked.

He is proficient in the formation method, but facing these star runes, he can't see why.

It can only be seen that this is some kind of extremely strange formation.

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