At the same time as the star rune appeared, the giant star lotus appeared!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian's face changed again!

From the giant lotus, he actually felt a breath of Lian'er!


"Huh!" Hearing Jiang Tian's shout, the woman on the star throne turned cold.

The next moment, she raised her hand and pressed it.


The light of the star formation exploded, and all of them entered Jiang Tian's body.

The giant star lotus began to spin rapidly!

Immediately afterwards, wisps of strange blue breath spread out of Jiang Tian's body.

"This... what is this?"

Jiang Tian was shocked!

He discovered that this blue breath was not any kind of power of his own.

But it actually came out of his body, it looks ethereal and weird, extremely bizarre!

These blue breaths were quickly poured into the giant star lotus.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that shocked him appeared!

The giant star lotus turned into a giant blue lotus, and a figure suddenly condensed on the lotus platform in the center.

"Lian'er! You're not dead? You're still alive!"

Jiang Tian was shocked and ecstatic.


As soon as the voice of the woman on the throne of stars fell, Jiang Tian suddenly became speechless.

At the same time, she looked at Lian Er on the lotus platform.

The lips moved slightly, as if talking to it!

Jiang Tian was horrified to find that he couldn't hear the other party's voice!

"Sister Fuyao, don't hurt Brother Jiang Tian, ​​don't hurt him!"

"What happened to me was that I was not strong enough, so I can't blame him!"

On the star lotus platform, Lian'er anxiously explained to Fuyao, lest she embarrass Jiang Tian.

"Hmph! You heartless little guy, you're already like this, and you still want to protect him?"

"What kind of poison did you get poisoned by him?"

"Although you can't completely blame him for your death, it has a direct relationship with him!"

"No! I have to kill him, with such a bad breath!"

Empress Fuyao crossed her legs, and said with evil in her beautiful eyes.

"No, no, sister Fuyao!" Lian'er was about to cry!

But the void spirit body condensed by special means made her unable to cry, let alone tears.

"As the former Lian'er, although I have fallen,... I can still be resurrected!" Lian'er said to Fuyao as if she had made up her mind.

"Oh, can you be resurrected, and will you still be the original you?" Fuyao asked with a slight pause in his raised palm.

"Yes, I can't!" Lian'er said stubbornly.

"How to say?" Fuyao asked.

"According to my induction, in the upper plane, there are at least nine Daolians like me. Some are stronger than me, born earlier than me, and some are weaker than me... According to Daolian's law, we will eat each other, and grow stronger in the process."

"So, as long as you find another Dao Lian, you can be 'resurrected', right?" Fuyao heaved a sigh of relief, and a proud sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, but you did it for me!"

"Why?" Fuyao's face darkened.

"Because I've already... Wait, sister Fuyao, you must promise me that no matter what I say, you will not make things difficult for Brother Jiang Tian!" Lian Er's phantom said stubbornly.

"Say!" Fuyao nodded decisively.

Because on the star giant lotus, Lian'er's figure is fading away, obviously it won't last long.

"I have already integrated into Brother Jiang Tian's body. Relying on his destiny lotus heart and Zijin lotus platform to retain a trace of Taoist lotus rhyme, only he can help me 'resurrection', but there can't be too many external disturbances. In the final process, I have to figure it out myself.”

"It's so troublesome, does he know it?" Fuyao's face was cloudy and uncertain, obviously struggling to balance.

"Maybe you know, maybe you don't."

"For him, is it worth it? You are so stupid!" Fu Yao cursed angrily.

"However, the matter should not be as simple as you said, right?" Fu Yao asked again.

Lian Er has fallen into such a situation, even if she can be resurrected, it will not be so simple!

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from Sister Fuyao. When Daolian in this plane devours more than half of each other, I will lose the chance of 'resurrecting'. Even if I can find Daolian who is weaker than me in the future, I will not escape the end of perishing!"

"How long do you have?" Fuyao asked.

"Judging from the current situation, at most half a year, or even sooner!" Lian Er said.

"It's only half a year, this trash is weak, how can it help you revive within half a year?" Fu Yao was furious.

Lian'er smiled wryly: "No way, brother Jiang Tian and I are inseparable. If you kill him, I will die immediately. According to my previous calculations, Dao Lian of this plane should have one-third of his strength. I'm above, so..."

"So your hope of resurrection is getting smaller and smaller?"

"Yes... yes!" Lian Er nodded.

"Then I'll directly pour his body to make him stronger!"

"Sister Fuyao, don't..."


Lian'er wanted to stop it, but there was nothing she could do.

Fuyao directly withdrew the formation, and Lian'er's illusory figure turned into a blue light and returned to Jiang Tian's body.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Fuyao's eyes shrank slightly, and he forcibly suppressed the killing intent in his heart.

A slap on Jiang Tian's face!


How far Jiang Tian was blown away.

"Boy, you killed Lian Er, you must resurrect her for me!"

"The time is only... three months!"

"If you can't do it within three months, you will die!"

Buzz buzz!

Fuyao raised his hand and squeezed the formula, and injected a star seal into Jiang Tian's body.

"I will give you three months. During this period, I will help you find clues about Dao Lian's avatar. By then, you must resurrect Lian Er, otherwise, you will be buried with her!"

"Now, bring your strength to me!"


With a wave of Fuyao's hand, a vortex of stars appeared above Jiang Tian's head.

"what are you up to?"

Jiang Tian was shocked!

This vortex of stars gave him an extremely terrifying feeling, as if it would annihilate him at any time.

But at the next moment, a pillar of star light blasted directly into his body, directly into his sea of ​​energy.

"Remember, everything I do is for Lian'er!"

"After Lian'er is resurrected, I will take back the strength I bestowed on you!"

"You trash!"

Fuyao was full of resentment towards Jiang Tian and cursed endlessly.

But she didn't hesitate to pour body for Jiang Tian.

"Let you grow up by yourself? Hmph, if you want to grow up to the point where you can resurrect Lian'er, do you have to wait until the end of time?"

"I don't want it, I want you to become stronger now!"


The infusion of the stars and beams of light accelerated, and Jiang Tian's aura soared crazily.

In the late stage of Vientiane Realm, the peak passed by in an instant!

In the next moment, it will directly reach the Guiyuan Realm level!

Returning to Yuanjing early, middle...late stage!


The peak of Guiyuan Realm has also been broken!

Jiang Tian's cultivation is moving towards a more terrifying level.


Jiang Tian was extremely astonished and fell into an unprecedented shock.

This woman must be the Empress Fuyao mentioned by Lian Er, her cultivation is terrifying, far beyond his imagination.

But the next moment, a sudden change occurred!

"Get out!"

hold head high!


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