Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7642 Unbelievable

Accompanied by a domineering roar, the power that Fuyao poured into Jiang Tian's body burst into a halo of stars.

Get it all out of your body!

"What? You can resist my power!"

Fuyao was taken aback and couldn't believe his eyes.

This junior with only a pitiful cultivation base in the middle stage of Taixu Realm actually contained a power to resist her in his body.

Simply incredible!

"I kill you!"

Fuyao was extremely angry, but the raised palm did not fall.

"Hmph! You trash, I can't even help you, but three months will not change. If you want to survive, you have to rely on your own ability to create miracles in these three months!"


With a flash of light from the stars, Fuyao disappeared into the void together with her star throne.

Jiang Tian regained self-control, his heart was extremely shocked!

Everything just now felt like a dream.

But he knew that it was not a dream!

Empress Fuyao's strength was far more terrifying than he had imagined.

His current combat power is enough to easily kill the early stages of the Vientiane Realm, and he can also kill with any powerful means when encountering the middle stages of the Vientiane Realm.

But if you encounter the late stages of the Vientiane Realm, if you don't use those hole cards, it can be said that there is no possibility of winning.

And even if he uses his hole cards, he may not dare to say that he is safe!

After all, the warriors in that realm are far from comparable to those in the middle stage of the Vientiane realm.

With his limited realm, he may not be able to truly measure the horror of that level.

"The mid-level combat power of the Vientiane Realm is too weak!"

When he first came to the dusty palace in the Valley of Human Demons, Jiang Tian was still proud of his combat power.

Even if there are hundreds of Chifeng Realm powerhouses standing around him, he can still turn a blind eye to them.

Because he understood that even under normal circumstances, those people could not threaten him at all.

Not to mention, in this void filled with mysterious coercion.

But now, his sense of pride and superiority were completely shattered!

That's right!

With the arrival of Fuyao, his self-confidence and sense of superiority disappeared.

Compared with Fuyao, what is he?

What is it in the middle stage of the Taixu Realm?

So what if the combat power is comparable to the middle stage of the Vientiane Realm?

In front of Fuyao, he is completely like an ant!

Although he didn't know how Lian'er communicated with Fuyao, he knew that if it wasn't for Lian'er's existence, he might have been obliterated by Fuyao!

And Fuyao wanted to kill him, but he was powerless to resist.

This is a more terrifying existence than the black magic lotus back then!

Become stronger!

He wants to become stronger!

"It took three months to grow to the peak of Guiyuan Realm?"

Thinking of the scene where Fuyao forcibly poured his body and strengthened his strength for himself, Jiang Tian felt a huge wave in his heart.

He is only in the middle stage of the Taixu Realm now, and he is still more than a small realm away from the Vientiane Realm.

How easy is it to reach the peak of Guiyuan Realm within three months?

But he has no way out, whether it is for the resurrection of Lian Er, or for his own path of martial arts, he must do it!

Reached the peak of Guiyuan Realm in three months?


"Three months is too long, I want to go faster!"

Jiang Tian's eyes brightened.

Fuyao gave three months.

But he absolutely can't take such a long time, he wants to reach the peak of Guiyuan Realm in a shorter time!


After Fuyao left, Jiang Tian's breath stabilized completely, and he returned to the original state again.

Fuyao's instillation was unsuccessful. At the critical moment, a terrifying force dispelled Fuyao's infused external force.

"Brutal Blood Dragon!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself.

He understood that it was his blood and will that resisted Fuyao's persuasion!

As for why this happened, he didn't know exactly.

But he was shocked by his own blood and will, in the early stages of the Taixu Realm, he was able to dispel the forcible infusion of the unfathomable Empress Fuyao.

Obviously, from this point alone, even Empress Fuyao was at a disadvantage.

But after all, this is not the power he can directly control, but the blood will hidden deep in the blood of the brutal blood dragon.

His own strength still needs to be improved by his own efforts!

"Be stronger, I want to become stronger!"

Jiang Tian stood in the starry sky, looking at the surrounding interface, with a cold light in his eyes.

For him, the most convenient way to become stronger is to swallow blood!

At this moment, he even had an urge to come to these interfaces and devour all the warriors above the Vientiane Realm inside!

But he understood that doing so was futile!

He has devoured about one or two hundred of the strong man in the early stage of the Vientiane Realm, and the nourishing effect has dropped sharply.

Among these interfaces, there are very few powerful abilities in the middle stage of the Vientiane Realm.

His current total bloodline spiritual power is only 30%!

If one wants to reach the peak of the middle stage of the Taixu Realm, one must devour at least a few dozen or even the above mid-stage Vientiane Realm powerhouses!

Not to mention whether there are so many Vientiane Realm mid-stages in the surrounding interface, even if he can find them, the effect will not be too ideal.

Because a martial artist of that level can at most send him to the late stage of the Taixu Realm.

After that, the effect also drops off dramatically.

It is not realistic to want to advance to the Vientiane Realm by devouring the mid-term powerhouses of the Vientiane Realm!

what to do?


Jiang Tian clenched his fists tightly, making violent explosions.

I want to enter the Guiyuan Realm in advance within three months, and even reach the peak of the Guiyuan Realm.

With only these more than one hundred interfaces, it is simply impossible!

He must go to a place with a higher level of martial arts!


Time is running out!

Jiang Tian suppressed his distracting thoughts and rushed back to Qingtian Realm with all his strength!


Hum rumble!

A purple light suddenly appeared in the void, and Jiang Tian returned to the Qingtian Dao League!

Jin Tianxing, Qin Yao, Ran Di, Tang Zixuan and other powerful people in the Vientiane Realm lined up to welcome Jiang Tian.

"Jin Tianxing, Qin Yao, welcome my lord!"

"Subordinates welcome the Supreme Leader!"

Hula la!

Everyone bowed down in groups and saluted Jiang Tian deeply.

They have already felt the change in Jiang Tian's breath!

"The middle stage of Taixu Realm, congratulations to Jiang Taishang!"

"Jiang Taishang is invincible!"


There was an uproar of surprise in the Qingtian Dao League.

Everyone is proud of Jiang Tian's improvement.

When Jiang Tian first entered the Taixu Realm, they were shocked and ecstatic.

Now that it has reached the middle stage of the Void Realm, how terrifying should its combat power be?

I'm afraid it's unimaginable based on their realm!

"Take a trip and break through to the middle stage of Taixu Realm. Jiang Taishang is amazing!"

"Jiang Taishang's strength lies not only in his realm and leapfrog combat power, but I feel that his bloodline is obviously stronger than before!"

"Isn't that nonsense, Jiang Tai's combat power will naturally become stronger after he enters the advanced stage!" Someone said with a smile.

"No! You don't understand what I mean. Jiang Taishang's advanced strength will naturally become stronger, but that kind of strength also has a rough range, but haven't you noticed that Jiang Taishang's breath is a bit exaggerated!"


"Hey, that's really the case!"

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