Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7643 The domineering declaration shocked the audience

The elders felt it carefully for a moment, only to realize that the breath that Jiang Tian showed unintentionally was much stronger than he should have been.

"Hiss! The power of my lord's blood is so exaggerated?"

Jin Tianxing's face was full of shock!

"Master, the strength of your bloodline spiritual power... seems to have been greatly improved? Oh my god, I feel like it has doubled!"

Qin Yao was also shocked!

Jiang Tian's combat power was already against the sky, and the strength of his bloodline spiritual power was doubled, which is really terrifying!

But to their surprise, Jiang Tian not only did not show the slightest joy in the face of these flattery and admiration, but also looked depressed.

"My spiritual strength has indeed more than doubled, but it's still far from enough!"

"Far from enough?"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao smiled wryly at each other.

It's really damn good to compare people, and toss it when you compare goods!

Jiang Tian's strength was already against the sky, but now his cultivation base has skyrocketed, making him even more terrifying.

But he was still not satisfied, and even looked depressed.

Is this deliberately provocative?

"Ahem, my lord said so, it really makes me feel ashamed!"

"Master, don't be modest. If you say that, aren't we more waste than waste?"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao smiled bitterly, extremely embarrassed.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Jiang Tian said with a frown.

"Is not it?"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao were taken aback!

This is not a joke?

If this is not strong enough, then what is strong?

"It's over, it's really over!"

"The leader of the supreme alliance is going on a trip, and he actually pretended to be!"

"Is he doing a special way to stimulate those of us who don't know how to make progress?"

"We know we are bad, but can you stop pretending, Taishang Leader?"

The elders laughed wryly at themselves, feeling ashamed for a moment.

Jiang Tian had a serious face, and he couldn't see the slightest hint of joking.

Even the eyes are extremely dignified!

"Hey, my lord really doesn't seem to be joking!" Jin Tianxing's face froze.

"Indeed! The master seems to have something on his mind?" Qin Yao also saw something was wrong.

In the past, Jiang Tian was almost never so serious.

Something must be wrong, or something happened that they don't know about!

"What's on my Lord's mind, my subordinates are willing to share the worries for my Lord!"

"Although Qin Yao's strength is limited, as long as the master needs it, Qin Yao is willing to give everything she has, including cultivation and life!"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao immediately pledged their loyalty, and the other elders followed suit, willing to work hard for Jiang Tian.

"No! You really can't help me with my affairs."

"What is so serious?" Jin Tianxing's face changed!

"Could it be... the master encountered an unimaginable enemy outside and suffered serious internal injuries?"

Qin Yao was terrified, she wished she could step forward and grab Jiang Tian, ​​and take a closer look, but because of her status, she didn't dare to mess around.

"I have indeed encountered some unprecedented difficulties, and it seems extremely difficult to solve, but I must solve it, otherwise..."

Jiang Tian hesitated to speak.

Although everyone didn't dare to ask for details, they knew that Jiang Tian must have encountered a hurdle that was difficult to get around.

Because they had never seen Jiang Tian react like this!

Even though Qingtian Realm had undergone great changes back then, even if he was swallowed by a black magic lotus last time, endangering his life, he never showed such an expression.

"What happened to my lord?"

"I don't know, maybe with our realm, it is simply unimaginable!"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao lowered their voices and quietly guessed.

"No more guessing!" Jiang Tian waved his hand, interrupting their guessing.

"It's okay to tell you, I have encountered a thing that you can't imagine, and I need to raise my cultivation level to the peak of Guiyuan Realm within three months!"

"Reach the peak of Guiyuan Realm within three months?"

"What... what?"


Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao repeated it subconsciously, and were immediately shocked on the spot!


Daomeng Square exploded in an instant, and everyone fell into extreme shock, even fear.

"What, what is the Supreme Leader talking about?"

"He...he said that he would reach...the peak of Guiyuan Realm within three months?"

"I...Did I hear my mother right?"

Whoa, whoa!

As the words spread, everyone's minds were intense, and there was a shocking wave in their hearts.

"Just kidding! The Supreme Leader must be joking!"

"Let's not talk about Taixu Realm, even in the late stage of Vientiane Realm, it's impossible to reach the peak of Guiyuan Realm within three months!"

"You're still too conservative. I dare say that even if it's the early or even middle stages of Guiyuan Realm, I dare not say that I can reach the peak of Guiyuan Realm within three months!"

"Hmph! Although I don't know how strong that realm is, I can affirm that even a powerful person in the late stage of Guiyuan realm would never dare to say that he can take that last step within three months! "

The elders and disciples of the Dao League were extremely shocked, and there were bursts of uproar in the square, which lasted for a long time.

"My...my lord, you...you are really joking!" Jin Tianxing couldn't laugh or cry, his face froze.

"Huh! Master, you're making a big joke!"

Qin Yao couldn't help letting out a sulky breath, looking at Jiang Tian's eyes, even with a bit of resentment.

Even if Jiang Tian said that she wanted to reach the peak of the Vientiane Realm within three months, or even enter the early stage of the Guiyuan Realm, she would not think it was too far-fetched.

But wanting to reach the peak of Guiyuan Realm within three months is too bizarre!


Jiang Tian must be joking with everyone!

After all, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible without even thinking about it!

"Joke? I'm not in the mood to joke with you!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly, and he repeated again.

"I must raise my cultivation to the peak of Guiyuan Realm within three months, or even shorter!"

"What... what?"

"Master, are you serious?"

Seeing Jiang Tian's extremely serious expression, Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao were completely shocked.

The plaza, which had been in an uproar, suddenly stopped!

The atmosphere is almost frozen.

Jiang Tian's words turned out to be serious!

But is it possible?

no way!


"Forgive me for speaking bluntly, as far as I know, no matter in the recorded history of martial arts, or in the rumors of martial arts that have not been recorded, no one can reach the level of Taixu Realm within three months. Yuan Realm peak!"

"Leader Jin is right. Among all the secret codes of Si Tianjian, no one has ever been able to achieve it. This is simply an impossible goal!"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao said solemnly.

"Forgive me! The Supreme Leader's strength is already against the sky. It is unrealistic to blindly pursue a high level. Please think twice, the Supreme Leader, and don't be greedy for merit!"

"The leader of the Supreme Alliance should know that the way of cultivation cannot be achieved overnight, the right way is to accumulate slowly and move forward steadily!"

Ran Di and Tang Zixuan also tried to persuade them.

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