Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7644 Star Field Battlefield

From their point of view, Jiang Tian's thoughts may be a little crazy.

As for all warriors, who doesn't want to become stronger?

But who doesn't want to be faster in practice?

But is it realistic?

Of course it's not realistic!

Cultivation is like sailing against the current, what is important is perseverance and persistence.

A monstrous and strong man like Jiang Tian should understand the truth that too much is too much!

How could he be so confused about this kind of thing?

They even wanted to ask in person: Do you think this kind of thing is possible?

Just dare not do it!

Facing the dead silence of the audience, Jiang Tian paused for a moment.

Then he said in a deep voice: "Leader Jin, Deputy Leader Qin Yao, and all the elders, you have cultivated and grown in the upper plane, and you know the surrounding conditions better than me."

"Smart people don't say dark words. I know more than a hundred interfaces around me, and I can't reach that level within three months."

"So, I hope you will brainstorm and provide me with some useful clues, or directions!"

Facing Jiang Tian's inquiry, Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao realized deeply that he was really not joking!

He is looking for a practical method and path!

"This... this is really too difficult!"

"There is almost no feasibility!"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao, being the most well-informed beings among all of them, couldn't think of how to achieve this goal.

"Thinking about it again, the level of martial arts on the upper plane cannot be limited to the Vientiane Realm, right?"

Jiang Tian asked in a deep voice.

"Of course...Huh?" Qin Yao's eyes twitched, as if she had realized something.

"How?" Jiang Tian asked immediately.

"Master said this, but it reminded me of one thing. The upper plane is so big, there are hundreds of interfaces? Among these interfaces, the Vientiane Realm is certainly not the pinnacle of martial arts, and there is the terrifying Returning Yuan Realm on it! And the Returning Yuan Realm The strong ones basically only exist in the high-level interface of those upper planes!"

"Advanced interface?"

Jiang Tian's eyes lit up!

"Yes! Advanced interface!" Qin Yao nodded heavily.

"The Qingtian Realm we are in, and the more than one hundred interfaces that the master has just visited, belong to the intermediate interface in the upper plane, and those interfaces with higher martial arts standards belong to the advanced interface. There must be people in the Guiyuan realm. Almighty!"

"Which direction is the advanced plane?" Jiang Tian asked impatiently.

Qin Yao pointed to the starry sky: "Beyond the end of the intermediate plane, it is said that there is a high-level interface, but I have never been there, but the strength of the Guiyuan Realm is terrifying. Although the master's aptitude is against the sky, it is comparable to that level of existence." Bi, I'm afraid it's still impossible to resist, if you touch it rashly, you're close to death!"

"Speaking of which, I think of a place. Maybe it is more feasible than the advanced interface mentioned by Vice President Qin!" Jin Tianxing patted his head and said in a deep voice.

"Where?" Qin Yao and Jiang Tian asked at the same time.

In the upper plane, is there a more ideal place than the advanced interface?

This made Jiang Tian and Qin Yao very curious!

Jin Tianxing said in a deep voice: "Of course there is! This place is the Star Field Battlefield!"

"Star Field Battlefield?"

Jiang Tian's eyes lit up!

"So... it's that place!"

Qin Yao's face showed fear, and she looked at Jiang Tian with worry in her eyes.

Obviously, she also knew about this place, but she didn't mention it just now.

"Mr. Jin, Starfield Battlefield is indeed a place full of opportunities, but the crisis there is probably even worse than the high-level interface. Do you really want Master to go there?"

Qin Yao frowned and said, her words revealed endless worries.

"Tell me quickly, what's going on?" Jiang Tian asked impatiently.

"The Star Field Battlefield is a special place in the upper plane. It does not belong to the intermediate interface, nor is it considered an advanced interface. It is on the edge of the intermediate interface and the advanced interface. It is a place full of terrible crises!

All the superpowers of the middle plane will go there to seek further opportunities when their cultivation reaches the limit and cannot break through!

But at the same time, there will also be some high-level interfaces, go there to hunt down those powers of the intermediate planes! "

"Hunting?" Jiang Tian frowned.

"Yes! Hunt!" Jin Tianxing nodded heavily.

"Because for those who have advanced interfaces, the Star Field Battlefield is an excellent place to practice. It can release their combat power to the greatest extent, show their cultivation, and accelerate their growth!"

"As for the superpowers of the intermediate planes, it is precisely the existence of these high-level geniuses that gives them unimaginable opportunities. After a narrow escape, it is possible to find the possibility of a breakthrough!"

"So that's it, so the Star Field Battlefield is really an ideal place!"

Looking forward to the Starfield battlefield, Jiang Tian's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"At the same time, the star field battlefield is still a springboard to the high-level plane. If you can make a bloody way from there, it will be easier to gain a foothold in the high-level plane. But the problem is that the star field battlefield is too dangerous. In the middle level In the plane, people who are not driven to a dead end will not go there!"

Jin Tianxing looked at Jiang Tian with complicated eyes.

"Master, it's too dangerous there, you'd better not go there! In fact, with your current strength, you can already rule more than a hundred interfaces around you. As long as you grow steadily, further expansion of your power is definitely not a problem!"

Qin Yao tried her best to persuade Jiang Tian, ​​lest Jiang Tian would take that desperate road.

"No! I have made up my mind, and I will go to the Star Field Battlefield immediately!"

"My lord is really going?" Jin Tianxing's old face froze.

"Qin Yao is willing to go with the master!" Qin Yao immediately expressed her opinion, with a generous expression on her face.

"No! If you follow me, the Sky Realm will be in chaos. I will go there alone. After a while, I can enter the high-level plane and gain a firm foothold there, and I will lead you there! "

Jiang Tian already has a comprehensive plan.

What he wants is not just to become stronger himself, but also to bring these capable people who are born and died together to grow together.

The current him is no longer the one who just arrived in the Upper Realm.

At that time, he was alone, without any power, struggling to survive and strive to become stronger.

But now, he has this group of able-bodied generals, so naturally he can't leave them behind.

"But my lord..." Jin Tianxing wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Jiang Tian.

"I understand your worries and worries, but my plan will not change. I will leave here in three days!"


"Three days!"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao were stunned!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tian was so decisive that he only stayed for three days before leaving.

"Before I leave, I will try my best to improve your cultivation, don't waste time, start now!"


Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao didn't dare to refute, so they could only follow suit.

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