Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7668 The prestige of Nirvana

Jiang Tian was quite surprised by this.

This power can be said to be powerful, but to this extent, it seems that it is not enough to threaten him.

Is the power of the Water Spinning Nirvana Formation just like this?


Jiang Tian immediately overturned this idea.

Obviously, this is by no means the true power of the water whirling nirvana.

This formation seems to be running crazily, but it should be brewing something.

Just as he expected.

When the power of the two water system vortices rotating in the same direction reached its peak, a terrifying scene appeared!


The old man in the Guiyuan Realm clasped his palms together and rubbed them against each other.

Strange power erupted in his palm, turning into a stream of water and shooting into the formation.

In an instant, the aura changed drastically!

The two water system vortices that rotated in the same direction suddenly began to rotate in opposite directions.

The same direction force that had been brewing to the extreme before, under the instant rebellion, suddenly more than doubled!


Jiang Tian's expression changed instantly!

This situation didn't completely exceed his expectations, but knowing it was one thing, and coping with it was another.

Even with his strong physical body, there is a terrible feeling that he will be torn apart at any time.

"Void Immortal Realm, open!"

Hum rumbling!

The fairyland swings open, supporting a thousand feet of space.

But in just an instant, it was torn apart by the force of the reversed water formation.

"Open again!"

Hum rumbling!

The fairyland swayed again, this time shrinking to a size of a hundred feet, and the intensity was even higher.

But it also crashed instantly!

"Come again!"

The ten-foot fairyland swung open, and Jiang Tian spun the power of the void at the same time, trying to use it to resist the tearing power of the water formation.

But the power of the water formation is too strong, after only one or two breaths, the void fairyland was torn apart again, exposing him directly to the power of the water formation.

"Star Sword Field, open!"


Jiang Tian activated the Xingchen sword body, opened the Xingchen sword field, and directly controlled the range of the sword field within ten feet.

In this way, the strength of the sword field can reach the extreme.

Even if it is the Guiyuan Realm expert who attacks violently in person, it should not be able to break through.

The next effect really changed.

When the power of the water formation came strangling, it and the Stars Sword Field smelt each other, and for a while, they were blocked outside the Sword Field.


Jiang Tian's eyes lit up!

For him, this is a good situation, and for Jianyu, it is also a chance to hone.


Jiang Tian madly urged the Star Sword Field, injecting countless Star Sword Fields into it, strengthening the power of the Sword Field.

Rumbling... 呲啦, 哗啦啦!

The power of the water array was devoured step by step, but it was often consumed by the power of the sword field.

The two ebb and flow with each other, and fell into a see-saw state for a while.

"Think it's far away?"

Seeing this scene, the old man in Yuanyuan Realm had a hideous look in his eyes.

Open your hands and close them inward!



The countless water columns standing as water walls suddenly moved!

They squeezed inward between the two water swirls, and strangled towards Jiang Tian.

With so many water jets and such a terrifying power, once it hits the ground, Jiang Tian will not be able to block it no matter how strong his body is and how high his defense is.

"Boy, die!"

The Shui family is a powerful force in the high-level interface, how deep is the background?

A super evildoer with a small middle-level interface is arrogant and provocative, and the ending can only be a dead end!


Countless jets of water rolled inward crazily, crushing towards Jiang Tian in the center.

at this time!

What Jiang Tian faced was no longer just the tearing force of the two water system vortices after the reversal.

What's more, the water column is crushing from the outside to the inside, and the situation is almost precarious.

But he still didn't panic!

When the water column approached within a thousand feet, he made a move!

"Mysterious Ice Forbidden Fire, town!"


The strangely cold flame suddenly exploded, sweeping across the entire water array!

The seemingly powerful water system instantly froze from the inside out.

"Mysterious Ice Forbidden Fire!"

A look of fear flashed in the old man's eyes.

Whether it is the body of real thunder or the forbidden fire of Xuanbing, it is a method worthy of fear for him.

Because both of them have a certain suppression or even restraint effect on water-type warriors.

When warriors of the same strength fight against each other, those with this kind of means can be said to have the upper hand.

"Hmph! It's useless, the old man's water whirl nirvana is not a decoration!"

A fierce look flashed in the old man's eyes, and his hands were sealed again.

Bang... Boom!

Accompanied by an ear-piercing loud noise, the water formation frozen by the Xuanbing forbidden fire burst instantly.

The next moment, the original water array turned into an ice array, condensing into countless ice knives, ice swords, ice hammers... launched a frenzied strangulation towards Jiang Tian.

"Wouldn't it be a big joke if the mere Vientiane Realm can be turned upside down in the hands of the old man?"

The returning Yuanjing old man laughed wildly, his eyes were ferocious.

The power of the Water Spinning Nirvana Formation can finally be manifested at this moment!

"What a powerful Guiyuan Realm, what a strong man with an advanced interface!"

Jiang Tian also looked solemn at the moment.

It has to be said that he was somewhat careless, and also underestimated the power of the water whirling nirvana.

After he sacrificed the Black Ice Forbidden Fire, the old man took advantage of the opportunity to attack, which was really unexpected.

But for him, the situation in front of him is even better than before!

Because there is no airtight water array covering it, what can a mere ice array do?



Jiang Tian urged the Star Sword Field to rush out.

Crushed countless ice blades and ice hammers all the way, broke through ice walls one after another, and rushed out of the range of the large formation.

"What? You managed to escape!"

The old man's expression changed drastically!

The Water Spinning Nirvana Array was already his trump card that he was proud of, and he thought he could kill the opponent steadily.

Unexpectedly, it still fell short!

"The old man is dignified and powerful in the Yuan Realm, and he will never capsize in the gutter!"


A stern look flashed in the old man's eyes, and the coercion of returning to the original state exploded crazily.

Taking a step forward, he rushed towards Jiang Tian with a world-shattering coercion.


At this moment, half of the sky distorted accordingly.

The snow field that was snowed heavily has also become stagnant!

Immediately afterwards, all the snowflakes began to fly upwards and backwards, and were all forced back by his coercion.

The old man took a step forward and came to Jiang Tian with terrifying coercion.

With a big wave of his hand, he slapped forward.


Boom, click, click!

At this moment, the old man had already used all his strength, preparing to kill his opponent with one blow.

"Really think you can kill me?"

Jiang Tian sneered, and then disappeared in a teleport.

The Guiyuanjing power of the advanced interface is indeed very strong, and it also has some unexpected means.

But for him, it has not reached an unshakable level!

Before he killed two level 20 mysterious whales in the waters, it was to verify his real combat power.

The result was as he expected, even in the face of a level 20 monster in the advanced interface, even without blood coercion, he still has the strength to fight!

"Sword Field, cut it for me!"

With a wave of Jiang Tian's big hand, the Star Sword Field came out of his body, crushing towards the old man in the Guiyuan Realm.

"Overestimating one's own strength, extreme arrogance!"

The old man grinned and scolded, as if Jiang Tian was settled.

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