The terrifying coercion rising from his body forcibly supported the falling sword field.

Chi Chi... Rumble, click!

The Star Sword Field rotated rapidly, continuously wearing away the pressure of the old man, and the speed of decline became slower and slower.

Just when the old man thought that Jiang Tian was at the end of his skills.

Several Jiang Tians suddenly appeared at the same time!

"Illusion clone? No!"

At first, the old man thought it was an illusion, but when his divine sense swept it, it turned out to be his real body.

Shocked, he quickly attacked.

But at the same time as he shot, several critical strikes from the fairy dragons had already struck wildly.

And in these punches, there is also the violent power of thunder and lightning!

The critical strike of the fairy dragon and the power of the real thunder body exploded at the same time at this moment!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

There was a terrifying loud noise, and the void where the old man was located instantly collapsed.

Purple light flashed, thunder raged, and there was a faint sound of roaring and screaming.

After a while, the vision began to fall back, but the old man's counterattack was delayed.

Jiang Tian dispelled the aftermath of spiritual power, raised his hand and grabbed it forward, and he caught a figure in embarrassment.

"Is this the strength of your return to Yuanjing?"

"You... who are you...? Are you really... a monster of the middle-level interface?"

The old man's breath was weak, and his eyes became dim.

His strongest means failed to kill his opponent.

Instead, it was the dual strength of the opponent's physical body and thunder body that severely injured him.

He was no longer able to fight, and could only accept this tragic ending.


Jiang Tian felt a little regretful.

The old man was seriously injured, and the effect of blood devouring would never be ideal.

He raised his hand and pressed it, and began to search for the soul!


"Mysterious Underworld, Shui Family! So that's the case, but..."

Jiang Tian hesitated to speak, with a strange look on his face.

He suddenly realized a problem, beheading and devouring these powerful people like this, the effect cannot be said to be bad, but there is always something wrong.

If it can be changed in a different way, it will definitely bring greater rewards.

But for these experts from the Shui Family, it was obviously too late.


After searching for the soul, Jiang Tian obliterated this person and devoured tonic.

Just as he expected, this seriously injured old man did not bring him enough nourishment.

His bloodline spiritual power has begun to hit the bottleneck, but he doesn't have much motivation to advance.

Forcibly breaking through was not an ideal choice for him.

Because that would greatly affect his subsequent breakthroughs and affect his entire goal.

But it is obviously impossible for him to stay in place for a long time, he must try his best to break through!


Jiang Tian put away a few storage rings and escaped from the snowy area.

Half a day later, he encountered two groups of warriors who were fighting fiercely in the depths of the star field battlefield.

These two groups of people are strong men from the high-level interface, wearing silver robes and black robes respectively, obviously from two different forces.

"Yinyujie Hua's family, you dare to provoke them, you really don't know how to live or die!"

"Hmph! What's so great about a mere family in the Silver Rain Realm, let alone a family, even if it is a super sect, our Black Cloud Sect in the Moyang Realm is not afraid!"

Crack... Rumble!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and the two sides fought wildly, and the scene was extremely intense.

The huge wave of spiritual power spread layer by layer, causing the surrounding void to collapse repeatedly, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

These people add up to more than 20 people, and the number and strength of the two sides are roughly equal, so the battle has been going on for a long time, and it is difficult to distinguish between them.

On each side there is a strong man in Yuanyuan Realm, and the rest are all young monsters who have returned to Yuanyuan Realm in half a step.

Obviously, these are the elders on both sides, bringing these young people to practice.

After this encounter, they fought.

"Just in time!"

Jiang Tian was overjoyed.

After observing for a while, a teleportation swept into the battle group.

His appearance surprised everyone!

"Well, who?"

"Early stage of Vientiane Realm!"

"It doesn't seem to be a warrior from the high-level interface, it should be a monster from the middle-level interface!"

"The monster of the intermediate interface, who can come to the depths of the star field battlefield, seems to have some skills, but in front of us, it is not worth mentioning at all."

"Boy, get out of here, you can't get involved here!"

"What do you say to this kind of ants, just kill them!"

The powerful members of the Hua family and Mo Yunzong were impatient, and they didn't even bother to ask a few more words.

Several of them attacked Jiang Tian brazenly.

These are a few monsters who have returned to the Yuan Realm in half a step, and there are people from the Hua family and Mo Yunzong.

After they took the shot, they didn't look any further, thinking that it would be no accident to kill the opponent with one blow.

And their main focus is naturally on the more threatening opponent.

Boom... Boom!

Amidst the violent roar, the void where Jiang Tian was located collapsed layer by layer, as if they had been crushed to death by them.

But the next moment, a terrifying scene appeared!

Dozens of Jiang Tian appeared in this void at the same time, and shot at the same time, blasting a fairy dragon crit to the warriors on both sides!

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

"not good!"

"My God!"

"How can it be?"

"Elder, save me... ah!"

There were exclamations and screams one after another, and the figures exploded quickly.

Most of them were blown up by Jiang Tian, ​​and even the magic weapon for protection was annihilated, and the remaining few were all lost.

"Hiss! So strong?"

"Boy, who are you, shouldn't you be a super evildoer from the advanced interface?"

Seeing this scene, the Guiyuan Realm powerhouses on both sides dared not neglect any longer.

Immediately stop fighting, both of them looked at Jiang Tian.

The people they brought were all super monsters of their forces.

Although young, his combat power is unambiguous.

But such a group of people were instantly killed by this young man in the early stages of the Vientiane Realm.

The speed is so fast that it is exaggerated, it is really scary!

If it were them, I'm afraid they might not be able to do it so easily.

In particular, the dozens of clones that were transformed in that instant completely made it impossible for them to tell the truth from the fake, as if they were all real!

This is too exaggerated!

"Looking for death! Give back the life of my fellow Hua family!"


The violent roar resounded through the void, and Qiang from the Yinyujie Hua clan took the lead in attacking.

A pair of silver palms slapped wildly in the air, bursting out with all their strength.

The void collapsed in an instant, and the berserk Guiyuan Realm power raged down.

I thought it would severely damage or even kill the opponent.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tian dodged easily and counterattacked with lightning speed.

"Extreme arrogance!"

The silver-robed old man was furious.

He flipped his palms and blasted out again.

At the same time, a pair of fists wrapped in purple light rushed towards him.

Crack... Rumble!

The violent roar shook the void, and the frightening force crazily swept across, even knocking back the silver-robed old man by several feet!

On the other hand, Jiang Tian has only retreated ten feet.

"Hiss! How is it possible?"

The expression of the silver-robed old man changed drastically!

The strong Mo Yunzong on the opposite side was also taken aback!

"The combat power of the juniors in the Vientiane Realm can actually stand up to the great powers of the Guiyuan Realm head-on, am I right?"

The corners of the gray robed old man's eyes twitched, his heart was extremely shocked.

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