Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

7689--Andrew Capture Dragon Eyes

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

"Since ancient times, the bloodline of the dragon clan has been weakening and mutating continuously. Today, there is almost no direct bloodline of the dragon clan that is more noble than the bloodline of the candle dragon. Who are you?"

The three elders roared furiously, eager to find out Jiang Tian's origin.

The Candle Dragon Killing Formation relied on the two Candle Dragon Eyes, combined with the powerful strength of the three of them, to strike together, even the real late Guiyuan Realm would surely die.

But this young man whose cultivation base was only at the early stage of Guiyuan Realm unexpectedly relied on his powerful blood power to forcibly suppress the power of Zhulong's killing array.

It's unbelievable!

"It doesn't matter who I am, but your cultivation may be of great help to me, and these two Candle Dragon Ancient Eyes, I want them too!"


"you dare……"

Roar... Boom!

The three were furious, but before they finished speaking, they were suppressed by a terrifying dragon power, and their bodies trembled.

Especially the two Supreme Elders on the left and right. At this moment, their blood and spiritual power are almost stagnant, and it is difficult to mobilize for a while.

The two were terrified, and their faces changed wildly!

Masters keep their moves, life and death are only a thin line!

Their blood and spiritual power were suppressed, not only were they unable to take action, they even lost the power to protect themselves.

However, the Candle Dragon Sect has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, and its reputation is well deserved.

Boom, boom!

At the critical moment, the two elders on the left and right bit their tongues, and dazzling golden light erupted from their bodies.

The terrifying aura of the dragon's blood rose from them, making their cultivation reach the late stage of Guiyuan Realm abruptly!


The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank slightly, not surprised but happy!

The three of them were not at the late stage of Guiyuan Realm, but with the support of the Candle Dragon Killing Formation, the middle one forcibly stepped into the late stage first.

The two people on the left and right came to the same level forcibly under the condition of stimulating the potential of the blood, which made the combat power of the three soar.

If it were someone else, at this moment, I'm afraid I can only escape for my life, and it's even a matter of whether I can escape.

But to him, this is not only not a bad thing, it is even a great good thing!

"Hahahaha, good, good!"

Jiang Tian's eyes shine brightly!

Such a scene did not frighten him, but instead plunged him into extreme ecstasy.

Because this means that the benefits he can get have been greatly improved!

"Come on, let me feel the blood of the candle dragon contained in your body, how good is it?"

"Extreme arrogance!"

"Boy, die!"

"Die to me!"

After the aura rose, the confidence of the three Supreme Elders soared, and a terrifying murderous intent erupted in their eyes!

In their eyes, the young man with the dragon blood on the opposite side is already a dying person, and he is no longer able to resist their attacks.

"Dragon Transformation Art, swallow it for me!"

Jiang Tian didn't care about the clamor of the three of them.

As soon as the tactic was pressed, the giant purple dragon evolved from the tactic of transforming the dragon opened its mouth like a deep sea, and swallowed it hard!

Roar... Boom!

The golden dragon transformed from the pure golden dragon flame was swallowed by it in one gulp.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The terrifying roar suddenly resounded!

The pure golden dragon flame was unwilling to perish, even though it had been swallowed into the body by the swallowing purple dragon, it still tried its best to resist and wanted to break out.

But how could its attempt succeed?

Bang, bang, bang... Boom!

The huge dragon body of the purple dragon circled crazily, twisted violently, and a terrifying loud noise erupted from its body.

Purple gold thunder and lightning spread on the surface of the body, exuding a frightening dragon coercion.

At this moment, the expressions of the three Supreme Elders of the Candle Dragon Sect changed in astonishment, as if what they were facing was not a purple dragon with condensed spiritual power, but a fresh and real dragon!

"Damn it!"

"Impossible, what bloodline do you have?"

"I don't accept it, I don't accept it!"

The three roared frantically, their inner fear reaching the extreme.

The pure gold dragon flame was born from the power of the candle dragon's eyes, and it also blessed their powerful cultivation base, making them almost invincible in their eyes.

But it was such an existence who thought they were invincible, but was swallowed and suppressed by Jiang Tian's Zilong in an instant, which made their fear reach the extreme.


With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, a terrifying loud noise came from the purple dragon's body, and the terrifying Longwei wrapped in countless purple gold thunderbolts and blasted inward.

Forcibly suppressed the pure golden dragon flame and crushed the golden flame dragon!

Aww... The Golden Flame Dragon let out a stern roar, and its aura completely declined until it disappeared.


The faces of the three Zhulong Zongtai elders turned extremely ugly, and the fear in their hearts also reached the extreme.

The golden flame dragon disappeared!

The pure gold dragon flame spawned by the candle dragon's eye has disappeared!

This means that they are completely at a disadvantage in the contest with their opponents.


The Supreme Elder in the middle had an extremely serious expression on his face, and decisively ordered to retreat.



The Supreme Elder on the left was shocked, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

The Supreme Elder on the right sank to the bottom of the valley.


where to retreat?

They are the only three Supreme Elders of the Candle Dragon Sect, and they are the biggest reliance of the Candle Dragon Sect.

If even they retreated, how could the Candle Dragon Sect survive?

But so what if they don't retreat, can they beat that bloody young man?

"Didn't you hear? Go back!"

The elder in the middle was furious and ordered the two of them to retreat.

The two woke up in an instant, and they didn't dare to hold on any longer, even if they wanted to pull back.

"It's late, swallow the virtual formula, swallow it for me!"

The shouting sounded!

The two lantern-like Candle Dragon Eyes suddenly disappeared into the void!



The three Supreme Elders of the Candle Dragon Sect exclaimed in astonishment, utterly horrified.

Their treasure of the sect, the most powerful hole card, the two ancient eyes of the candle dragon, were taken away by the other party!

Before they could react, Jiang Tian teleported into three figures and appeared in front of them at the same time!

"This is……"


"How can it be?"

The expressions of the three of them changed at the same time!

The three opponents were all real bodies, which made their minds shake and strong fear filled their hearts.

Before they had time to react, three streaks of purple light flew by, chopping off their heads in an instant!

Chi Chi Chi!

The heads of the three Supreme Elders of the Candle Dragon Sect flew together and fell at the same time.


Jiang Tian raised his arms together, unfolding the talent of blood devouring, devouring the blood essence of the three of them.


His aura rose accordingly, reaching 80%!

"Is it only increased by 10%?"

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, somewhat surprised.

Although these three people were not really at the late stage of the Guiyuan Realm, they were all forcibly raised to the height of the late stage of the Guiyuan Realm under the urging of the Zhulong Killing Formation.

I thought this would bring him a higher level of blood nourishment, but I didn't expect that there would be little change.


Suddenly, Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, and he noticed another benefit.

Although the bloodline essence of the three of them did not increase his bloodline spiritual power too much, it made his bloodline breath a little deeper.

For him, this is also an added benefit.

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